someone keeps popping into my head I left him cold turkey cuz he was going through too much with a divorce , work etc. He popped in my head again out of no where. What is going on! I feel like he is thinking of me too but I tried reaching out and I didn’t get a respond. “Try not to fall into other people’s states of minds.” A Sylvia Boorstein nugget that pretty much says … To look in-depth on either one would require a reading – you can find that information here:, When people pop into your head it is usually because they are either thinking of you or are dreaming about you – to where they are still thinking of you , So basically. When you meet a soul connection in this life it doesn’t mean the two of you are supposed to be in a romantic relationship. I’m just so confused. Recently he has been on my mind so I contacted him after two weeks went by. What is happening?! I understand that shows some connection but whenever this happens it becomes verbalised immediately. It sounds to me that the two of you are part of the same soul mate group. After time passed I didn’t really communicate with him much. Not long honestly but o it’s been something I can’t forget. Ryan Gosling….very nice We encounter so many souls during our lifetimes that we’re bound to bump into them in this life! In the last few weeks I cannot stop thinking about a boyfriend I had at 18-21. This site is not intended to provide and does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. We went our separate ways as happens when you come from different backgrounds and none of the parents are too pleased…but we met up again 12 years later and had a brief fling for a month. Well, he was not the only one I caught glimpses of in last night`s dreams, but still. I keep doing that everytime they pop into my mind until they no longer show up. Thanks in advance. Well. I was feeding the birds and he said “be careful, if you feed them to much they will start being mean.” That’s all he said and I don’t even know his name. There’s no reason to stop thinking about him. i came here hoping to see if i could get answers or possible help. But it has to be at least one. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. This is the part that’s confusing to me. But when it comes on with no warning and no reason it feels over bearing. Or just a little. Then after a while ( a month after that ) it was my birthday and on the day of my birthday straight away when I woke up he popped up in my mind. What does this mean?? I don’t get it why him and does this mean I am his soul mate if he is supposedly mine? He and I were sitting on a couch in our home. Every time I’m around him I feel a real strong connection, can I be wrong? I remember so much so vividly all of a sudden. Not all soul connections are supposed to be a love interest in each life. Yep, I do. I ended up just leaving it for a while. Thanks for stopping by and reading the blog! we were still very good friends, better.. then oneday he disabled all his social media and i had lost him number and i miss him. I’m happy that my $.02 has helped you . I know that sounds weird, but it’s different thing entirely. Just go to your spice cabinet! I have a very heavy feeling in my heart, and the best I can describe it is that it feels like I’m grieving the death of a loved one. Thank you for stopping by and checking out the site S.C.! He keeps popping up because he keeps thinking of you If you don’t want him in your head – then “push” him out every time he shows up. Definitely difficult to forget about someone when you have a double-whammy like that. I had a weird experience once. So I don’t think you’re misreading the vibes — I think he’s in denial. I did have a huge crush on her back in elementary. I just remember looking at him randomly and finding him attractive. Beautiful piece. The big hurricane that just hit; his middle name (which isn’t exactly common). The back entrance, which I guess we used all the time, had a built-in mini bar on the right when you walked in. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. I was single for almost the whole time and just recently have begun dating someone, sadly I haven’t had any dreams of my current boyfriend. Ryan and I have a soul connection. It was more of an emotional affair, you see he is my landlord.. If you’d like to explore this further, my readings are here: (He’s married and I’m living with someone). I left my ex about four years ago, we were very passionate and deep right from the start we were together for about 16 months. I was speaking to him in my mind for hours during a very dark period, last week. Can you imagine being in a romantic relationship with 1000+ soulmates in your lifetime? The idea for this new model of car just popped into my head as I was driving home last night. The person popped inside my head and then my chest started hurting and I felt drawn to them. There was no one I could talk to about it. There was this cute guy, but he had to be a few years older than me. Hello I have two questions for you one is I had a freind who recently stop talking to me and she would always pop in my head and she still is even though she stopped talking and it don’t know why and I still miss talking to her and I sometimes I still feel like we are freinds sometimes even though we aren’t and I want to know how I can make it hurt less and why this is happening my other question was a new freind I have she is always on my mind and I think of her alot I don’t know why it what it means but some times I think I’m also losing or annoying her or doing something wrong that she doesn’t want to talk so if you can tell me why this is happening and how to help it out anything that would be amazing thank you so much, I can understand why both questions can drive you crazy. I was separated from my husband and I started messing around with him. What is going on with me? Please set some light on all this for me. Or maybe he’s waiting for you to send the friend request? Why is that. I was sorta seeing a guy who has a live in something or other?! I have cried and cried. I’ve seen things online about a spiritual connection but I don’t know if that’s the case. But he will pop up in my head quite often, does that mean he is thinking of me often then? An old, toxic best friend. Her name is Ashley, um we went to elementary together and I’m 22 years old so around the time I was 19 she popped up in my head and I seen her at my job a couple days later it’s been 9 years since I’ve seen her and a few years later (now) again I thought of her. But we’ve both moved on and don’t have any way to contact each other. Save my name, email, and site URL in my browser for next time I post a comment. So I know her to. Then once I’m able to stop thinking about them about 2 weeks later I start thinking about them again. the other day i had been lost in my thoughts and happened to think of him and now i can’t get him off my mind, i had cried over him, i feel like we’ll never talk again, but i read this and it changed my perspective. So hmmmm, Hi , this guy I use to mess with keeps popping up in my head. A soul connection can have the two of you as soul mates, twin flames, part of the same soul cluster – group – or family. 2016 30 years 1986. I can’t call him because I’m afraid to call and feel rejected. OBE Energy: Astral, Dream, & Telepathic Sex, Soulful Connections: Dream Inside a Dream w/Bill, Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). When he does pop into your head that means, YES, he is thinking of you Maybe you guys will have another chance to get to know one another better. Honor the connection, and go about your daily life. After not being able to stop thinking about him for a week I looked him up on fb and seen he is supposed to be getting married next year. Props to you. Frustrated, she got up to make a cup of tea. it’s weird. and that was a couple days or week after i came back from seeing him in FL where i met him. Your email address will not be published. But I just cannot get my 30 year later love out of my mind! During my school year, I rarely thought of him but now he keeps popping up into my thoughts sometimes and they are always at the most random times. If a person is thinking about you, they pop up in your thoughts – and it’s easy for you to dismiss them. We are both in relationships and we work together so having sexual feelings for him is really innapropriate. Looking Back Guide + Gratitude Workbook/Journal, Looking Back Guide + MP3 Guide + Gratitude Workbook/Journal, Careless Bundle: eBook Guide + Workbook + MP3 Guide, I have a soul connection with a lot of people. Souls have a way of reaching out without involving the brain. When I was 20, he was the love of my life, and I guess he always will be. I’d be exhausted! I know he lives in London and I live in Canada. Honor the connection, and go about your daily life. Required fields are marked *. I thought no more of him then i went to a psychic two months back and she told me that my partner will be sporty and loves the out doors and to keep going to the gym that I go to. I thought I was over him but now I’m confused. I only know this because we know some of the same people but never run into each other. I’m happy that I’ve been able to help. My body inside feels tense and the feeling is usually ambivalent. I was like oh my god. We would only see each other to fool around. When you have a past life connection with someone it is difficult to let them go completely. These are the ones we tend to travel with lifetime after lifetime. He still pops into my mind at the craziest times. His smile his eyes his lips damn even his voice, why is this happening all of a sudden? Then like 2 month’s ago I opened Instagram and saw him with a girl on a photo… I wanted to cry but I didn’t, I isolated myself from from him, deleted him from all my social media. What could this mean? He was thinking of you and that’s why he popped in your head. But then I’m like whatever I deserve better. I did find out that a couple weeks ago when this started that he was visiting in the state where I live. I became pregnant and we terminated the pregnancy. (although he already has his new gf) or we have a soul connection? See if you can get a hold of him just to see how he is doing. i tried meditating and the only thing that cam out of that was a series of number 9346751. which i have no idea what the heck that means, but it kept playing over and over along the thought of him. Who knows? I can understand why you are confused. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I just kept imagining things that could happen between us, but honestly we will probably never see each other again.

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