girl describes getting a train

Not affiliated with Harvard College. Better. She waits for Cathy leave to the house, laying in bed with painful thoughts of her past life with Tom and his current life with Anna.

The differences between Rachel’s narration in these altered states call attention to the possibility that she is not seeing everything correctly, perhaps even when sober, and cloud the truth as to what happened on the Saturday night of Megan’s disappearance from both Rachel and the reader. However, in Rachel seeing Megan kiss another man in her backyard and immediately jumping to thoughts of Tom with Megan, equating these betrayals, Megan and Tom are also paralleled in a way that foreshadows their later entanglement. In addition, Rachel sees Megan kiss another man and then later reads about her disappearance, which forces the reader to wait in anticipation for Hawkins to reveal these events through Megan’s eyes. In lieu of getting to see their activities, she imagines what they might do when out of her view: practice medicine overseas, work in the fashion industry, paint, laugh. As the book is set in 2012 and 2013, it is realistic that characters communicate by digital means such as email and text messaging.

Rachel's thoughts are fast and scattered due to the drink - she sees a ginger-haired man looking at her on the train but cannot tell if he is smiling or sneering at her, and then there is no more information until Sunday morning. On Sunday morning, Rachel wakes full of confusion and dread. They do not cover too much of Megan's life in the meeting, talking mostly about her insomnia, and Megan seems to flirt with the therapist, mentioning her "vices" (24) coyly and asking where he's from. A 16-year-old girl was dragged off a train in India and gang raped by four young men who threatened to kill her brother if she complained. Back to Rachel in July, Rachel is given an official note of eviction by Cathy and then goes off again to ride the train, crying on her way and trying to think of the moment her life began to decline. An avetard gets extremely horny all the time and always thinking of this activity with any female he sees. When she protested, they dragged her off the train at Garhani railway station. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

She describes her sights and thoughts on a train ride. In the evening, Megan is already feeling jittery when Scott calls to say he has to work late; Megan goes for another walk and catches the eye of some man (presumably Tom) on her way back home. Hawkins shines as an author in her writing about Rachel’s different mental states, creating an interesting situation of unreliable narration. Reeling, she is sent back to the painful memories of finding out Tom was cheating on her by going through his emails. Listening to this, Rachel peels off her bandage and pushes on her finger, making the cut ooze blood. She worries about what is wrong with Jess all day, and on the evening train she gets a call from Tom telling her to stop calling and to go to AA. In the evening, Megan reports that Kamal encouraged her to start keeping a diary, but she laughs this suggestion off since Scott keeps such a watch over what she does, even checking through her internet history often. In the next entry, August 16, Megan quits the babysitting job out of the blue.

Watch fullscreen. After getting a divorce from Tom, she moved into a flat with Cathy for what was meant to be no more than six months but has turned into two years.

The narration skips to July 8, after the weekend Rachel dreaded for all the empty time it provided. Megan’s contemplation of herself as “runaway, lover, wife... a few more in between” (20) reveals just how little Rachel or the reader knows of Megan’s life and true nature. Despite various measures, India's rape epidemic has shown no sign of dying down. She said she kept quiet because three of the accused rapists were from her village and had threatened to kill her only brother if she reported the rape. But on Saturday, she lodged a complaint.

She now has a job as a nanny for a family down the street - Anna and Tom, Rachel's ex-husband. By using three different narrators and skipping around in time, Hawkins creates suspense and opportunities for different perspectives on an event. I could rewrite my CV” (36), but while drunk she narrates, “The light is bright, but I can’t see all that well. Megan goes for a walk early in the morning but fears running into Anna or Tom, though when she doesn't run into either "the part of [her] that can't resist a bit of drama is actually quite disappointed" (26). Two of the suspects boarded the same train as her and began to tease her, she said. She sees Jess outside number fifteen again and keeps her eyes fixed on her as the train moves on so as not to see another house - specifically, number twenty-three Blenheim Road, where she used to live, and where she only says that a woman named Anna, who was at one point pregnant, lives. However, with a shock she realizes that this man is not "Jason" but another man, and while she is trying to come up with ideas about his identity she sees them kiss. Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media Group, Hoarse and exhausted Trump claims he'll 'top' 306 electoral college votes he won in 2016 - but says 'there's no need for games' and won't claim victory 'until there IS a victory' in Fox & Friends call, Your hour-by-hour guide to key states and what to watch for as America heads to polls, Biden secures first Election Day victory and takes all five votes in Dixville Notch: Trump follows with win in Millsfield after the two New Hampshire towns with combined population of 26 announced results at midnight, Pollster who predicted the President's victory in 2016 says 'there are more shy Trump voters than last time', Trump closes on Biden: Joe clings to slim leads in six swing states in final poll heading into Election Day, Florida cops repeatedly punch and elbow Biden supporter, 59, who was arrested for 'taunting Trump voters', Moment Trump gets emotional with 'his sweetheart' Ivanka by his side as he closes out marathon campaign in Michigan to chants of 'we love you' - and she pays tribute to his achievements, Fortune cookies for Trump! She does not specify who she called but leads the reader to believe it is Kamal Abdic by segueing into thoughts of moving up her next therapy appointment. However, while attempting to clean up her soiled clothes and after finding her phone in the pocket of her pants along with blood-stained tissues, Rachel throws up on the stairs and then drags herself to bed again because she fears passing out. She traces her life with more detail than before - her father's death followed by being "saved" (51) from her grief by Tom, five years of marital bliss and successful employment while living in house number twenty-three, and her thoughts turning to having a child. Rachel has given the inhabitants of this house names in her head - Jess and Jason - and has constructed a romantic narrative about their life together. (Vision doubling. The teenage girl said she was raped in an isolated pace near a hotel in Hasan Bazaar in Bhojpur District in the eastern Indian state of Bihar on Thursday night, the Times of India reports. Rachel ruminates on this look communicating how undesirable she has become; she has become puffy from drinking, gained weight, not been sleeping well, and recently overheard Cathy's boyfriend Damien saying he didn't know anyone desperate enough to go out with her. She recognizes that she has created these lives down to their fake names, but she can't help imagining their happiness; as she narrates, "They're what I lost, they're everything I want to be" (10). Search. Then, hungover and grappling with whether she blacked out the night before, Rachel thinks, “Something happened, something bad? The urgency to establish a sex offenders register gained momentum following nationwide outcry over the rape and murder of a Muslim girl in a Hindu-dominated area of Jammu and Kashmir state earlier this year.

In her next entry, since she says she hasn't been getting out much. Play it now. An activity usually involving multiple males and one female. The males usually take turns fucking the female and just then switch off after they get their nut in. As she had only drunk one bottle of wine, she stayed up when they went to bed, drinking the wine, watching TV, and finally deciding to call Tom - four times. In beginning to read The Girl on the Train, the reader should note the parallel scenes that are shown and set up for later. The Girl on the Train study guide contains a biography of Paula Hawkins, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. In the evening, she drinks a gin and tonic on the train, mentioning a man named Tom (2) and "the old days" (3) without giving specifics. In the evening, she is knocked down by a taxi while sober and a junior doctor gives her stitches in her eyebrow while asking questions without judgement about her situation. GradeSaver, 27 July 2016 Web. Log in. However, she loses all of her annoyance when she meets soothing-voiced Dr. Kamal Abdic.

A 16-year-old girl was dragged off a train at Garhani railway station (above) in India and gang raped by four young men. Girl opens legs wide and photographed on train trip from Nowra to Kiama. Hawkins begins to draw a web of parallels as each of the few characters in the novel introduce bits and pieces of their pasts and develop their relationships with one another. She is naked, though in her own bed, her legs and arms have bruises on them, and her lip is split. Voices were raised. This causes an even stronger disjuncture when Megan's narration is introduced, which jumps back a year in time and then progresses in fits and spurts, skipping months. The accused, all Hindus, are currently on trial. She woke up much later to Cathy and Damien asking her to clean up the mess of meat and blood she left in the kitchen. Seeing Cathy's bed empty and made, Rachel believes that Cathy missed all of this by staying the night at Damien's. Indian demonstrators hold placards during a protest in April in support of rape victims following high profile cases in Jammu and Kashmir and Uttar Pradesh states. She is sitting outside in the cold with her teeth chattering after a stressful day. Since Cathy doesn't go out, Rachel stays in her room most of the day, finally going out in the late afternoon, drinking over five drinks, and getting on the train to try to have a look at Megan and Scott's house. Rachel was Tom's mistress. "The Girl on the Train Pages 1 - 54 Summary and Analysis". Rachel looks at her phone to see another message, again from Tom, this time checking on her kindly; she cries for a while before composing a text apology.

A 16-year-old girl was dragged off a train in India and gang raped by four young men who threatened to kill her brother if she complained. Sign up. Joeldiggory. The comments below have been moderated in advance. Megan narrates a scene very much like the ones Rachel watches from her window; Rachel loves to sit outside and listen to the trains pass by. The Question and Answer section for The Girl on the Train is a great Rachel starts to polish off bottles of gin and tonic, thinking about how Anna moved directly into the house she vacated. Summary. We are no longer accepting comments on this article.

She describes her sights and thoughts on a train ride. This morning, as she listens to the train, she pretends that the people on the train are going to exciting places, that she is going to exciting places, but the spell is broken when Scott (Rachel's "Jason") calls her from inside. On Tuesday morning, she looks at the pile of clothing beside the tracks again, thinking about the annual number of deaths by train and searching for a blood stain on the clothing. She is too young & pretty for all that.

The case prompted the government to approve the death penalty for the rape of girls under 12, and also increase the prison term for the rape of older girls and women.

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