the world according to monsanto

Trailer for documentary about global agricultural biotech warfare chemical corporation, Monsanto, and how they are systematically poisoning the world under the guise of “feeding it”. Regulators are bought. The World According to Monsanto is a 2008 film directed by Marie-Monique Robin.Originally released in French as Le monde selon Monsanto, the film is based on Robin's three-year-long investigation into the corporate practices around the world of the United States multinational corporation, Monsanto. Republicans, Democrats, Tea Party - this is not a political issue as much as it is a moral issue. Monsanto is one of the sketchiest companies ever. p261 [Monsanto's] RR soybeans spread from the pampas like wildfire, steadily heading north into the provinces of Chaco, Santiago del Estero, Salta, and Formosa. Like Marie Monique Robin, I do not want to live in the world according to Monsanto. Contrary to Monsanto promises that GM seeds and Roundup would reduce production cost, farmers now have to pay skyrocketing prices for herbicides, pesticides and fertilizer.[6]. It follows the revolving door of company executives and their path from Monsanto to the regu. The World According to Monsanto is also… It is also important to note that poisoning the fields with Roundup is very bad for the environment and for our health. Topics include PCBs (which the company discovered), Agent Orange (which the company was a major manufacturer), DDT, bovine growth hormones, Roundup, and transgenic crops (Roundup Ready soy, corn, cotton etc.). It is about Monsanto seeking to recreate the world in its own image, for its own benefit. And, as an old farmer pointed out, even the trees have stopped bearing fruit because heavy use of pesticides has killed the pollinators, the bees and butterflies. The result of a remarkable three-year investigation that took award-winning journalist and documentary filmmaker Marie-Monique Robin across four continents (North and South America, Europe, and Asia). Opponents are buried. Be the first to ask a question about The World According to Monsanto. She covered these topics well and gave me much new evidence to use to explain why I eat organic. UPDATE 9/30/15. But I am definitely more foc. I was wary of reading a one-sided expose on Monsanto but this book was not the mass hysteria book that I'm sure people could write on the company. Marie-Monique Robin’s scathing expose of giant food corp Monsanto. The Richest Country’s Empty Plates. India. My take-away from this book is: Troubling accounts of our food systems and global economics. Punjab because of an epidemic of farmers' suicides. The book is the result of investigative journalism of the megacorporation, Monsanto. They've brought us: For a long time I've heard "Monsanto-is-evil" type comments and didn't really know much about the company or the fuss. India has been widely documented by Dr Vandana Shiva. This book makes me scared to go into a grocery store and in so doing, poison myself. The dangers of GMO cultivation to the environment come in many forms: On top of all these dangers to biodiversity and biological farming comes the fact that Monsanto has patented its products and farmers are legally bound not to save seeds for replanting for the following year. Once they have established the norm: that seed can … GMOs are creating serious damage all over the world and artificial BGH injection in cows. Both these factors are rooted in the policies of trade liberalization and corporate globalisation. If left to its own devices it will most certainly destroy the livelihood of millions of farmers, a process begun a decade ago in India and certainly in many other countries as well[5]. everyone should read this, it's important, it's relevant, it's massively depressing so no one will read it and instead they will read twilight and i will be sad. The only problem is you won't be able to trust your food anymore, and believe me that's a nightmare so big, you actually just end up ignoring it. Based on a painstaking investigation, The World According to Monsanto puts together the pieces of the company’s history, calling on hitherto unpublished documents and numerous first-hand accounts. ×. I knew Monsanto was bad, I just didn't know how bad and for how long they have manipulated the system. The endless list of genetically modified seeds sold and controlled by Monsanto are putting at enormous risk age-old agricultural patterns under the presumptuous slogan of aiming at solving the huge problem of hunger in the world. They intend to replace (and patent) the entire food supply. In parts, it reads like a list of names, dates, figures, and other pieces of data that are not stru. It is atrocious. But age-old biological farming has had to give room to industrial monocultures that enrich the few and cause poverty and despair for millions of small farmers. Filmmaker Marie-Monique Robin exposes the agri-giant's practices and apparent aim to dominate the world's food supply with its genetically modified seeds and other products. Poverty is rising fast, but it’s part of a decades-long project which the lockdowns of 2020 will only accelerate, Most of world’s chocolate comes from labor of 1.5 MILLION children, some as young as FIVE. By Siv O'Neall. This book examines its ultra-sketchy past (Agent Orange and rBGH being 2 of their more notorious product) and the increasing amount of control they are obtaining over the world's food supply through the use of Genetically-Modified seeds (and highly potent herbicides & insecticides). If you value your life, Monsanto must be stopped. Monsanto is the spawn of Satan. The World According to Monsanto tells the little-known yet shocking story of this agribusiness giant--the world's leading producer of GMOs (genetically modified organisms)--a. They now race to genetically engineer (and patent) the world's food supply, which profoundly threatens our health, environment, and economy. Biological farming is adapted to existing ecosystems. He is now head of the The World According to Monsanto pieces together the true, unsettling story of how the clean, green image conveyed by the company's advertising serves as a smoke screen for Monsanto's quest for market supremacy - to the detriment of global food security, public health and environmental stability. They Were Ordered to Lie About it on Fox-TV. It's not a Ryszard Kapuściński book, to make it clear. Monsanto corporation seems to be stopping at nothing: Controlling corn, wheat, soy beans, canola, mustard, okra, bringe oil, rice, cauliflower... Once they have established the norm, they aim to claim all these seeds as their intellectual property, royalties will be collected and enforced by patent law. They intend to replace (and patent) the entire food supply. 0 Comment Report abuse Goddess Shadow. Also by Marie-Monique Robin Voleurs d’organes: Enquête sur un trafic Les Cent Photos du siècle Le Sixième Sens: … Even if half of what this books claims is true we have a very powerful and very scary organization controlling our food system. The dangers of GMO cultivation to the environment come in many forms: Switching from age-old biodiverse crops that can tolerate low-level amounts of water to industrial monocultures of crops such as GM soya, cotton, sugarcane, etc. It's not a Ryszard Kapuściński book, to make it clear. This book tells an important story about Monsanto's control of the world's food, and it's a story that could be fascinating. Like Marie Monique Robin, I do not want to live in the world according to Monsanto. Thus the yield of Bt cotton has been far inferior to that of biological cotton and the costs of production significantly higher. I thought it was just a US problem but it is destroying other nations agriculture faster than our. A world where ethics are subjugated to the pursuit of profit at any cost. Summary of 'The World According To Monsanto' Akshay Pandey. This book was simply amazing. Each of the films I choose, is one that I regard as must see and must know abouts. We urge you to hold house parties and sponsor free public showings of the film. In India as well as in China it has been proven that the unscrupulous promises of Monsanto that Bt cotton (genetically engineered cotton) would produce a far higher yield and prove less costly in terms of herbicide and fertilizer required has been the exact opposite of what was promised. The World According To Monsanto . by James Hall, Guest writer. It was well-researched, thorough and provided a broad basis for why one could really come to the conclusion that Monsanto is really something that a reasonable person could conclude is "evil" (note the book doesn't actually say this). The last several chapters follow the effects of the transgenic crops around the world and the effects of those in third world countries that Monsanto claims to try to help and that their crops will eliminate hunger and poverty. Michael Taylor, is a typical example of technocrats employed via 'the revolving door policy'. I know only a little about GM crops, and therefore I wouldn't say I was particularly well informed, but the cover-ups, lies, corruption and bullying tactics undertaken by Monsanto would put me off anything the company does even if the GM issue wasn't involved. Thus the yield of Bt cotton has been far inferior to that of biological cotton and the costs of production significantly higher. Nowadays there exist a substantial inequality among the states in terms of economic development and access to natural resources. The World According To Monsanto tells the shocking story of how the new green face of the world's leading producer of GMOs (genetically modified organisms) is no less malign than its PCB - and Agent Orange - soaked past. Bt cotton increases irrigation and water requirements where biological cotton would thrive without added irrigation. Warangal, Andhra Pradesh, where farmers have also been committing suicide. We depend solely upon you, I expected to read in this book about the risks of genetic engineering and the increase in use of Round Up as a result of the introduction of Monsanto's RoundUp Ready canola and soy. The World According to Monsanto – GMO Documentary (FULL LENGTH) There’s nothing they are leaving untouched: the mustard, the okra, the bringe oil, the rice, the cauliflower. Top international reviews Scientific independence is subverted. (Economic, health & environmental impacts of Roundup-type chemical and Roundup Ready soybeans). The picture is bleak. Scary stuff, but something we should all be aware of. Punjab used to be the most prosperous agricultural region in Michael Taylor, former legal advisor to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)'s Bureau of Medical Devices and Bureau of Foods, later executive assistant to the Commissioner of the FDA - still later a partner at the law firm of King & Spaulding where he supervised a nine-lawyer group whose clients included Monsanto Agricultural Company - still later Deputy Commissioner for Policy at the United States. The book, companion to the equally harrowing film, will make you question everything that you have ever heard from Monsanto about both their intentions and the safety of their products, whether chemical or genetically engineered. A high representative for Monsanto has openly admitted that "We want to control the world's food supply.". The World According to Monsanto, a 2008 French documentary directed by Marie-Monique Robin, tells us the story of the world’s largest transnational biochemical concern Monsanto and its audacious practices to strengthen its universal power. The proofs that GM huge industrial monocultures and Roundup herbicide are destroying the earth's environment and human health are completely censured and ignored, due to intense lobbying and pressure from sold-out individuals at the United States Department of Agriculture and the Federal Drug Administration. Our farm does not use any chemicals or external inputs. She can be reached at. Dandelion Salad Note: replaced video Oct. 6, 2012 "[This] is a 2008 film directed by Marie-Monique Robin. Everything I had come to understand as a scientist had been violated by Monsanto. As an agricultural company that “helps farmers around the world be successful, produce healthier foods, better animal feeds and more fiber, when also reducing agricultures impact on our environment.” (The World According to Monsanto, 2008) 2. Since the early 20th Century Monsanto has been lying, manipulating, covering, coercing and bullying their way into control of the global food market. The World According to Monsanto Directions: All questions must be answered fully. As you can tell he is a serious Republican and sees things like that as lies. This book was quite scary. Biological farming is adapted to existing ecosystems. [3] Michael Taylor, former legal advisor to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)'s Bureau of Medical Devices and Bureau of Foods, later executive assistant to the Commissioner of the FDA - still later a partner at the law firm of King & Spaulding where he supervised a nine-lawyer group whose clients included Monsanto Agricultural Company - still later Deputy Commissioner for Policy at the United States Food and Drug Administration - and later with the law firm of King & Spaulding - now head of the Washington, D.C. office of Monsanto Corporation. In parts, it reads like a list of names, dates, figures, and other pieces of data that are not strung together into a compelling story. The World According to Monsanto is a 2008 film directed by Marie-Monique Robin. p261 [Monsanto's] RR soybeans spread from the pampas like wildfire, steadily heading north into the provinces of Chaco, Santiago del Estero, Salta, and Formosa. 20 New Books on Women’s History. The World According to Monsanto. It is terrifying what they have gotten away with and how much power they yield. Milk Supply Riddled with Artificial Hormone Linked to Cancer. Last year I was in Daily Kos would like it because it fits their anti- American anti- capitalist agenda." Published to stellar praise worldwide, The World According to Monsanto charts award-winning journalist and documentary filmmaker Marie-Monique Robin’s three-year journey across four continents to uncover the disturbing practices of multinational agribusiness corporation Monsanto. I tried to recommend it to them but my responce from my Dad was "Not at all interested. However, this book managed to make a very interesting story into an un-interesting one simply by using an extremely dry writing style. It’s more powerful than bombs; it’s more powerful than guns. Helpful. Our farm does not use any chemicals or external inputs. Punjab is not alone in experiencing this ecological and social disaster. "As farmers know there is a cancer epidemic in Everything Monsanto does is exclusively with the intent of increasing its own profit -- everything else be damned. I'm still looking for a good book on GM foods that's written by someone with a science background and th. Sure, it's not the best stylistic read in the whole world, cause let's be honest, this is mostly about learning facts, stories and statistics. Uploaded by The1Truther on Feb 3, 2012. The World According to Monsanto. D.C. office of Monsanto Corporation. The World According to Monsanto – GMO Documentary (FULL LENGTH) There’s nothing they are leaving untouched: the mustard, the okra, the bringe oil, the rice, the cauliflower. The World According to Monsanto pieces together the story of the St. Louis, Missouri, corporation, calling on hitherto unpublished documents and first-hand accounts by scientists, civil society representatives, victims of the company’s toxic activities, I expected to read in this book about the risks of genetic engineering and the increase in use of Round Up as a result of the introduction of Monsanto's RoundUp Ready canola and soy. Deforestation to make more land available for the culture of the GM seeds Monsanto sells at high prices to poor farmers. I give it 5 stars for research but only 3 for readability. This indicates that genetic engineering is much more unpredictable and risky than traditional breeding."[10]. Reprints must cite the author and Axis of Logic as the original source including a "live link" to the article. I would recommend this book for people who are concerned about the environment, corporate corruption, lobbyist activity and it's effects on legislation, and quality of the food supply. Inside America’s homeless epidemic, The homelessness crisis deepens across North America, The Best Way to Eradicate Poverty: Welfare, not jobs, Israel is deliberately obliterating media buildings in Gaza to cover up the war crimes that will follow, Revealed: Big Pharma's Plot to Derail US Covid-19 Vaccine Waiver, FDA attempts to stop OTC sales of N-acetyle cysteine, an adjunctive treatment for Covid-19, Still no law to recognize Royalty or UK government as sentient beings, See? Very difficult to read, but very worthwhile. It is a self-regenerative system which preserves biodiversity while meeting human needs and needs of farm animals. Monsanto is the largest global company that produces agricultural products: pesticides, hormones in raising animals, and genetically modified soybean seeds, corn and other crops. Everyone should read this book or see the film at, I give it 5 stars for research but only 3 for readability. Genetically Modified Food - The World According to Monsanto Monsanto has made some of the toxins that are responsible for many diseases, cancer, dementia and the rules are and say Napalm was used in the Vietnam War or PCB oils of which turned out to be a carcinogen as a … Read more. This book was an eye opener as to how as a person my rights are being eroded for profit, bad science, and little or no foresight as to GMO's effects on the environment and humanity. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published New movie damns Monsanto's deadly sins See also: The World According to Monsanto [2] [Michael Taylor] Attorney for Monsanto who rewrote the "regulations" for Genetically Modified foods. The World According to Monsanto - A documentary that Americans won't ever see Print This . These corrupt  people seem to be totally unaware of the health hazards and the drive to despair and ruin of small farmers caused by GMO products. Han. This book tells an important story about Monsanto's control of the world's food, and it's a story that could be fascinating. Or worse yet, they don't care. His brilliant addition is the "substantial equivalence" measure which says if the nutrition measures are the same for the GMO as the natural food it is nobody's business what the chemical companies add. Highly relevant investigative journalism into a company that many probably have no idea who they are (Roundup is their most common product, if you are wondering). What exactly are “ready soy beans”? The World According to Monsanto is also the title of a book written by Robin. The destructive effects of genetically engineered crops are worldwide, but the extensive damage done in, "I am writing this statement from beautiful Doon Valley in the Himalaya where the monsoons have arrived, and our Navdanya (Nine Seeds�Our National Movement on Conservation of Biodiversity) team is busy with transplanting of over 300 rice varieties which we are conserving along with the rich diversity of other agricultural crops. ", uncovers chilling patent plans. "[12] It is also very clear that they have no concern for health hazards or human disasters caused by the callous decisions of world leaders to give up on biological farming and opt for genetically engineered food production and monoculture industrial farming. We needed a book that told us the story in detail, with courage—The World According to Monsanto does just that.” —VANDANA SHIVA, author of Earth Democracy and Stolen Harvest Recently The World According to Monsanto: Pollution, Corruption, and the Control of Our Food Supply was translated into English, and it is a compelling account of the company's nearly all … Bt cotton increases irrigation and water requirements where biological cotton would thrive without added irrigation. Sure, it's not the best stylistic read in the whole world, cause let's be honest, this is mostly about learning facts, stories and statistics. Everything (or at least, a clear small side of the story) about Monsanto is in here, but what I really liked about it was that inside so many. Summary of 'The World According To Monsanto' Download. This book efficiently and compellingly lays out the record of atrocities perpetrated by Monsanto and their ilk, from the role they played in the development and promotion of Agent Orange, to the insidious and ongoing power grab on the global food supply. by The New Press. Monsanto is the multinational producer of Agent Orange, dioxin, bovine growth hormone, Round Up and 90% of the world production of GMOs. ] by Marie-Monique Robin & translated by George Holoch ‧ RELEASE DATE: May 4, 2010. Monsanto is an American multinational chemical and biotechnology company responsible for some of the most toxic and environmentally damaging products ever sold. If these aren't in your area of interest, you probably won't enjoy reading this book. I'm not sure that I would recommend it unless someone has a deep interest in Monsanto and GM foods. Putting an end to biological farming and poisoning non GM cultures through pollenization from GM crops and accidental exposure to Roundup herbicide. I told him I was going to read the book anyway and he was not too happy. Seeing as everybody eats food, give it a whirl. Once they have established the norm: that seed can be owned as their property, royalties can be collected. The World According to Monsanto is a 2008 film directed by Marie-Monique Robin.Originally released in French as Le monde selon Monsanto, the film is based on Robin's three-year-long investigation into the corporate practices around the world of the United States multinational corporation, Monsanto. The author makes a solid case based on events all over the. Monsanto is not held back by any considerations of ethics and it hides the reality of its sordid machinations behind a wall of secrecy. The company has been using us as guinea pigs - like most companies but far worse. It's profit at any price. It can be more devastating than bombs, it can be more powerful than guns. The World According to Monsanto Directed by Marie-Monique Robin Film review by Jeffrey M. Smith Distributed by Yes! Summary of 'The World According To Monsanto' Download. If anyone is interested about learning how this world works, and how it has worked ever since governments work along corporations, they should read this book. And the neocon puppets are playing the game with great gusto. He is now head of the, The actual truth is rather the opposite. The actual truth is rather the opposite. Monsanto is a world leader in industrial agriculture, providing the seeds for 90 percent of the world’s genetically modified crops. 26,371 Views. 9 people found this helpful. This book makes me scared to go into a grocery store and in so doing, poison myself. GMOs are creating serious damage all over the world and artificial BGH injection in cows[4] cause numerous health problems, and even death. I must say that I had no idea how Monsanto is impacting food world-wide. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. I'm looking forward to watching the documentary. The breathtaking new film, The World According to Monsanto, features a company that sets the To speak about the writing in this book, I found this book to be well written, in an engaging style, despite the mostly technical nature of the material. The "World According to Monsanto" may not be a "fun read," but it should be required for anyone interested in the future of humans on this planet. A world where ethics are subjugated to the pursuit of profit at any cost. I'm not sure that I would recommend it unless someone has a deep interest in Monsanto and GM foods. Monsanto’s controversial past combines some of the most toxic products ever sold with misleading reports, pressure tactics, collusion, and attempted corruption. I had to force myself to finish it. Our 2 bullocks are the alternative to chemical fertilisers which pollute soil and water as well as to tractors and fossil fuels which pollute the atmosphere and destabilise the climate."[7]. Monsanto executives infiltrated into the EPA and EPA retir. (having bought up 50 smaller companies during the last decade) does their business with such complete secrecy that there are still sold-out individuals out there who praise the complete revolution of agriculture achieved by the culture of GMO crops. Ever since reading Silent Spring by Rachel Carson I have steered clear of pesticides, herbicides and GM foods for health and environmental reasons. Back by any considerations of ethics and it hides the reality of its sordid machinations a... Culture of the week and poisoning Non GM cultures through pollenization from GM and! On numbers and conclusions to be as concise as I can be more than! Opinion on world affairs way to control the populations of the world According to Monsanto those concerned w/ GMOs corporate. On its Board of Canada to biological farming and poisoning Non GM cultures through pollenization from GM and. 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