the imitation of christ summary

Kempis was a German medieval Christian monk who was born in the late 14th century. The Imitation of Christ Thomas à Kempis, whose family name was Haemmerlein, received the name of Kempis from Kempen, in Holland, the place of his birth. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. For other uses, see, harvnb error: no target: CITEREFCreasy1998 (,, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Wikipedia articles with multiple identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 12 April 2021, at 23:36. [32] Kempis writes that in this Sacrament spiritual grace is conferred, the soul's strength is replenished, and the recipient's mind is fortified and strength is given to the body debilitated by sin (Chap. With All Her Heart the Devout Soul Should Desire Union with Christ in the Sacrament 14. Hey Joe, In this easy-to-read, prayer book size, readers will experience the peace and wisdom that have comforted Catholics from around the world. certain that this book was the best summary of a disciplined Christian life that he translated it for his followers.5 The popularity of The Imitation of Christ has remained throughout the centuries. 15). 10). The Imitation of Christ consists of four books with short chapters in each book. TheImitationofChrist. His work “The Imitation of Christ” is one of the most widely read Christian spiritual books ever written and 2nd only to the Bible. [3], The Imitation is perhaps the most widely read Christian devotional work next to the Bible,[2][4] and is regarded as a devotional and religious classic. As editor and translator he was not without faults, but thanks to him the . Summary of The Imitation of Christ Book. Instead of practical advice, these books offer an exchange of intimate words between Jesus and an unnamed disciple. Summary. Without the Way, there is no going; without the Truth, there is no knowing; without Life, there is no living. Personally I used the edition that went along with the audible edition. Books one and two are full of practical and straightforward advice for spiritual growth. [47][48] Jesus says that the "man who trusts in Me I never send away empty. The books' emphasis is on the interior life and withdrawal from the world, as opposed to an active imitation of Christ by friars. It encourages us to live a life devoid of worldly vanities and, in the words of St. Paul, to “put on Christ”—that is, to imitate Christ, in order to find peace and fulfillment. [65], The theologian Shailer Mathews wrote that the Imitation presents an accurate description of the Christ of the Gospels, and gives an unbiased reading of the words of Jesus. It is definitely a good read. The Atonement of God: Building Your Theology on a Crucivision of God in Review, The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis Notes & Summary. [24], By 1471, the manuscripts of the book were so frequently hand-copied and passed across monasteries, that there are around 750 extant manuscripts of the Imitation. [50][51], Joseph Tylenda summarizes the central theme of the third book with the teaching in Chapter 56, "My son, to the degree that you can leave yourself behind, to that degree will you be able to enter into Me. In this segment Dr. Fred Long discusses movement in a Christian's life toward the likeness of Christ in Ephesians. One recent edition even considers it, “the best-loved book of Christianity, after the Bible.”6 That patience includes putting up with others’ faults — a practice equally appropriate in a medieval monastery or a modern business office. The Imitation Of Christ Thomas A Kempis Summary 916 Words 4 Pages The Imitation of Christ – This piece is authored by Augustinian monk, Thomas a Kempis, which appears to be a devotional work that is directed to young monks. 1379 or 1380-1471. It fits into the time period of the transition between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, and is one of the best selling devotional texts of all time, and while the pious aspect of the text is at the top of it’s class, the underlying theology is abit … Kempis was a German medieval Christian monk who was born in the late 14th century. but pay attention to what is said" (Book 1, Ch. These quotes and more are what you will find in this well crafted christian devotional. To meditate on the life of Jesus should therefore be our chief study. 24). In it we are called to imitate the way of Christ, to learn from his life and virtues so that we in turn might reflect them to others. [37][38], Book Two of the Imitation is "Directives for the Interior Life". ( Log Out /  [27], The book received an enthusiastic response from the very early days, as characterized by the statement of George Pirkhamer, the prior of Nuremberg, regarding the 1494 edition: "Nothing more holy, nothing more honorable, nothing more religious, nothing in fine more profitable for the Christian commonwealth can you ever do than to make known these works of Thomas à Kempis. [56], To receive the Sacrament, Jesus says "make clean the mansions of your heart. Manuscripts of the Latin version survive in considerable numbers all over Western Europe, and they, with the vast Thank you! [5][31], Book One of the Imitation is titled "Helpful Counsels of the Spiritual Life". [55] Jesus continues, "Nothing will make you happier or please you as much as being obedient to the divine will" (Chap. José Rizal, the Philippine polymath and national hero, reportedly read the book whilst incarcerated within Fort Santiago in Intramuros, Manila, shortly before the Spanish colonial government executed him by firing squad for sedition on 30 December 1896. Introduction 3-4 The Chapters of … It has, however, an internal logic of its own; it comprises 114 chapters in four books. The Bullingen collection, donated to the city of Cologne in 1838, contained at the time 400 different editions. [34] Kempis writes that one should meditate on death and "live as becomes a pilgrim and a stranger on earth...for this earth of ours is no lasting city" (Chap. Kempis' Imitatio Christi was in close parentage with Ignatius of Loyola of the Devotio moderna movement, and also it was affirmed and practiced by St. Francis de Sales, profoundly influencing his Introduction to the Devout Life.[19]. 25). Thanks for the synopsis, sounds like a work we really need to digest in our fast paced self seeking materialistic world. Written by the Augustinian monk Thomas à Kempis between 1420 and 1427, it contains clear instructions for … Thomas à Kempis. [29] A new translation from the original Latin text into English by William Creasy was published in 2015. The book presents the idea that the study of Christ’s life and the emulation of his example is the highest pursuit that man can achieve. [21] Several sources of authority, including members of his own order, name Kempis as the author, and various contemporary manuscripts, including one autograph codex, bear his name. ( Log Out /  [36], Kempis writes one must remain faithful and fervent to God, and keep good hope of attaining victory and salvation, but avoid overconfidence. [63], The Imitation of Christ was an early influence on the spirituality of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, who used it in her prayer life, distilled its message and used it in her own writings which then influenced Catholic spirituality as a whole. [64] Thérèse was so attached to the book and read it so many times that she could quote passages from it from memory in her teens. [40] Kempis stresses the importance of a good conscience—"The man whose conscience is pure easily finds peace and contentment ... Men only see your face, but it is God who sees your heart. A peaceable man doth more good than a well-learned. Jesus has always many who love His heavenly kingdom, but few who bear His cross. [47][48], Jesus says that spiritual progress and perfection consists in offering oneself to the divine will and not seeking oneself in "anything either small or great, in time or in eternity" (Chap. [69] The adaptation of Christian devotional literature in his Islamic work was likely the result of his being obligated to attend missionary sermons (after forced conversions of Muslims in Spain), and a lack of access to actual Islamic literature.[69]. Do not inquire, “Who said this?” but pay attention to what is said’. In place of the openhearted readiness of a Catherine of Siena, a subdued and melancholy resignation runs through the book.... [T]here is an excess of warnings about the world, the illusions of egoism, the dangers of speculation and of the active apostolate. [2] The Jesuits give it an official place among their "exercises". It also has been admired by many others, both Catholic and Protestant. A man who is a lover of Jesus and of truth, a truly interior man who is freefrom uncontrolled affections, can turn to God at will and rise above himself toenjoy spiritual peace. It is his edition that is here rendered into English, without deletion of chapters or 8). [49] Jesus says not be anxious about future—"Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid." He is also the executive director of Abundant World Institute. These are the words of Christ, by which we are reminded that we must copy His life and conduct if we wish to be truly enlightened and to be delivered from all blindness of heart. by William Benham [1886], at The communicant Should Prepare Himself for Christ with Great Care 13. The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A. Kempis The Imitation of Christ, which first appeared in the late fifteenth century, has without exaggeration been called the most widely read work of devotion ever written. Do now what you would do then, and you will be very safe." Yes, it definitely is worth a reflective reading! Kempis gives the example of an anxious man who, oscillating between fear and hope and with grief went to the altar and said: "Oh, if only I knew that I shall persevere to the end." 3). This meditation on the spiritual life has inspired readers from Thomas More and St. Ignatius Loyola to Thomas Merton and Pope John Paul II. 2). Sometimes these exchanges read like a worshipful prayer and response, and other times the content reads like a simple dialogue. The Imitation of Christ is a Christian devotional book by Thomas à Kempis, first composed in Medieval Latin (as De Imitatione Christi) c. After this the man gave himself to God's will, and his anxiety and fear of future disappeared (Chap. Thomas was a member of Groot's Brethren of the Common Life, and a proponent of Groot's teachings, called The Devotio Moderna, of whichThe Imitation of Christ is the best example. [14][15], Against this backdrop, the Devotio Moderna movement was started by Geert Groote who was highly dissatisfied with the state of the Church and what he perceived as the gradual loss of monastic traditions and the lack of moral values among the clergy. Jesus says that the world promises things that are passing and of little value, which are served with great enthusiasm; while He promises things that are most excellent and eternal and men's hearts remain indifferent (Chap. 5). 10). The core message of the work is humility, and for Christians to shut out the world and deny himself. "[66], The Spanish crypto-Muslim writer known as the Young Man of Arévalo included adaptations of many passages from the Imitation in his Islamic devotional work Summary of the Account and Spiritual Exercise. John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement, listed The Imitation among the works that influenced him at his conversion. Kempis writes that if we consider the dignity of the giver, no gift will seem unimportant or small (Chap. Though my book addiction may need an intervention soon! [43] Kempis writes that false sense of freedom and overconfidence are obstacles for spiritual life. Change ). imitating christ and despising all vanities on earth HE WHO follows Me, walks not in darkness," says the Lord. (See Featured Image for audio edition used). There are four sections of the book. The Imitation Of Christ is a beautiful edition of the original, deeply spiritual book by Thomas à Kempis. The first edition of the novel was published in 1418, and was written by Thomas a Kempis. As editor and translator he was not without faults, but thanks to him the Imitation became and has remained, after the Bible, the most widely read book in the world. 1418–1427. Thanks again for another good review. Jesus advises the disciple that all is not lost when the result is not as planned, when one thinks he is farthest from Jesus, it is then that Jesus is nearest, when one thinks that all is lost, it is then that victory is close at hand. The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis. Thanks for the reminder! It also discusses the importance of the Sacrament of Eucharist. Immediately he heard the divine answer, "What if you knew this? The individual is unaware that his love of God can only be fulfilled if it expands into love of neighbor and into the apostolate. [54], Jesus says that the sooner one resigns wholeheartedly to God, and no longer seeks anything according to one's own will or pleasure, but totally places all in God's hands, the sooner will one be united with God and be at peace. Full of “aha” moments. [44] In the last chapter, "The Royal Road of the Cross", Kempis writes that if we carry the cross willingly, it will lead us to our desired goal, but on the other hand if we carry our cross grudgingly, then we turn it into a heavy burden and if we should throw off one cross, we will surely find another, which is perhaps heavier. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The Body of Christ and Sacred Scripture Are Most Necessary to a Faithful Soul 12. [23] Regarding the anonymity of the work, William C. Creasy also notes that the author of the Imitation wrote, "Do not let the writer's authority or learning influence you, be it little or great, but let the love of pure truth attract you to read. Read this work For five hundred years, this gentle book, filled with the spirit of the love of God, has brought understanding and comfort to millions of readers in over fifty languages, and provided them with a source of heart-felt personal prayer. became and has remained, after the Bible, the most widely read book in the world. As Kemsis himself once wrote; ‘Do not be influenced by the importance of the writer, and whether his learning be great or small; but let love of pure truth draw you to read. Sometimes called the Devotio Moderno, the adepts of the movement stressed the inner life of the individual, an emphasis which the Church has not always encouraged. I will check out “The Imitation of Christ” as I am always up for a challenge that requires contemplation and just plain quiet meditation. [67][68] He replaced specific Christian contexts and features with Islamic ones, while keeping the spiritual and moral meaning intact. [8][9] References to this concept and its practice are found in the earliest Christian documents, such as the Pauline Epistles. Books three and four take a new tone. For context here are a few quotes that stood out to me: Sounds like a great Book.Excellent book review! [7], The text is divided into four books, which provide detailed spiritual instructions: "Helpful Counsels of the Spiritual Life", "Directives for the Interior Life", "On Interior Consolation" and "On the Blessed Sacrament". Christ falls into the category of what one might call ‘ classic devotional... Gerard Groot 44 ], Kempis writes that if we consider the dignity of the giver, no has. 1 ], at to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email ” but pay to... Best known for his Highest “ August 8, 2015 by Saint Augustine ( Bishop Hippo! Are commenting using your Google account but not in darkness, '' says the Lord with. 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