system error examples

[ERROR_DS_WKO_CONTAINER_CANNOT_BE_SPECIAL (0x21A3)], The Directory Service cannot perform the requested operation because a domain rename operation is in progress. A cluster database transaction was attempted while a transaction was already in progress. [ERROR_CLUSTER_SYSTEM_CONFIG_CHANGED (0x13D5)], The specified resource type was not found. [ERROR_IPSEC_INTEGRITY_CHECK_FAILED (0x365B)], IPsec dropped a clear text packet. [ERROR_INVALID_NETNAME (0x4BE)], The format of the specified share name is invalid. [ERROR_TM_VOLATILE (0x1AAC)], A rollback could not be scheduled because a previously scheduled rollback has already executed or been queued for execution. [ERROR_INVALID_VARIANT (0x25C)], The specified buffer contains ill-formed data. [ERROR_LOG_ARCHIVE_IN_PROGRESS (0x19E9)], The operation requires a non-ephemeral log but the log is ephemeral. [ERROR_INVALID_PIXEL_FORMAT (0x7D0)], The specified driver is invalid. [ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT (0x645)], Feature ID not registered. [ERROR_MRM_UNSUPPORTED_DIRECTORY_TYPE (0x3B12)], Invalid PRI File. [ERROR_INSTALL_SERVICE_SAFEBOOT (0x674)], The string binding is invalid. [ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_AUTH_PAYLOAD (0x3641)], Sent DOS cookie notify to initiator. [ERROR_DS_DST_DOMAIN_NOT_NATIVE (0x2130)], The operation cannot be performed because the server does not have an infrastructure container in the domain of interest. : host said: 552 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size: 5242880 bytes These errors mean that the size of the message, including all headers, text and attachments, exceeds the domain's maximum per-message size limit - essentially, that your email is too big to be accepted. [ERROR_DS_SCHEMA_NOT_LOADED (0x20DE)], Schema allocation failed. 5. [WSAEPROVIDERFAILEDINIT (0x277A)], A system call that should never fail has failed. The text in this article is licensed under the Creative Commons-License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).. For information about network troubleshooting see Windows Help. [ERROR_DS_MACHINE_ACCOUNT_QUOTA_EXCEEDED (0x216D)], For security reasons the operation must be run on the destination DC. [ERROR_FILE_ENCRYPTED (0x1772)], There is no valid encryption recovery policy configured for this system. [ERROR_DRIVER_CANCEL_TIMEOUT (0x252)], {Reply Message Mismatch} An attempt was made to reply to an LPC message [ERROR_REPLY_MESSAGE_MISMATCH (0x253)], {Delayed Write Failed} Windows was unable to save all the data for the file %hs. [ERROR_DS_CANT_REM_MISSING_ATT_VAL (0x2085)], The specified root object cannot be a subref. [ERROR_DS_CANT_RETRIEVE_INSTANCE (0x20D7)], An internal error has occurred. [ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_STANDARD_SERVER (0x2188)], Could not access a partition of the directory service located on a remote server. [ERROR_CLUSTER_INVALID_NODE (0x13AF)], The cluster node already exists. Here is a simple example that uses System.out and System.err: try { InputStream input = new FileInputStream("c:\\data\\..."); System.out.println("File opened..."); } catch (IOException e){ System.err.println("File opening failed:"); e.printStackTrace(); } [ERROR_DESTROY_OBJECT_OF_OTHER_THREAD (0x59B)], Child windows cannot have menus. [ERROR_SUCCESS_RESTART_REQUIRED (0xBC3)], No printers were found. [ERROR_PATCH_NO_SEQUENCE (0x670)], Update removal was disallowed by policy. [ERROR_TRANSACTION_FREEZE_IN_PROGRESS (0x1AB8)], The target volume is not a snapshot volume. [WSANOTINITIALISED (0x276D)], Returned by WSARecv or WSARecvFrom to indicate the remote party has initiated a graceful shutdown sequence. [ERROR_CLASS_ALREADY_EXISTS (0x582)], Class does not exist. [DNS_ERROR_PRIMARY_REQUIRES_DATAFILE (0x25B3)], Invalid data file name for DNS zone. [ERROR_DEPLOYMENT_BLOCKED_BY_POLICY (0x3D01)], The package could not be installed because resources it modifies are currently in use. [ERROR_PARAMETER_QUOTA_EXCEEDED (0x503)], An attempt to do an operation on a debug object failed because the object is in the process of being deleted. [RPC_S_INVALID_STRING_UUID (0x6A9)], The endpoint format is invalid. [ERROR_DIR_NOT_EMPTY (0x91)], The path specified is being used in a substitute. [ERROR_CLUSTER_NETWORK_ALREADY_ONLINE (0x13C7)], The cluster network is already offline. [ERROR_CANT_WAIT (0x22A)], Indicates that a thread attempted to terminate itself by default (called NtTerminateThread with NULL) and it was the last thread in the current process. [ERROR_NOT_SAME_DEVICE (0x11)], The media is write protected. The event log may have more information. [ERROR_SXS_DUPLICATE_TLBID (0x36C9)], Two or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest have the same COM ProgIDs. Please fix the policy on the peer machine. [FRS_ERR_PARENT_AUTHENTICATION (0x1F4A)], The file replication service cannot communicate with the file replication service on the domain controller. It may not be formatted. [ERROR_LOG_BLOCK_VERSION (0x19D0)], Log service encountered an invalid log block. [ERROR_IPSEC_DOSP_MAX_ENTRIES (0x3669)], IPsec DoS Protection received an IPsec negotiation packet for a keying module which is not allowed by policy. The file to be replaced has retained its original name. To change the owner node for the group move the group. Please try again later. [ERROR_EVT_PUBLISHER_METADATA_NOT_FOUND (0x3A9A)], The template for an event definition cannot be found in the resource (error = %1). The file has been replaced with the signed file. [ERROR_IPSEC_TUNNEL_FILTER_NOT_FOUND (0x32D9)], The Main Mode filter is pending deletion. The TransactionManager must be brought fully Online by calling RecoverTransactionManager to recover to the end of its LogFile before objects in its Transaction or ResourceManager namespaces can be opened. Use precise geolocation data. [ERROR_INVALID_RUNLEVEL_SETTING (0x3C29)], The requested run level switch cannot be completed successfully since one or more services will not stop or restart within the specified timeout. [ERROR_COMPRESSION_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_TRANSACTION (0x1AC2)], The operation could not be completed because the volume is dirty. [ERROR_SXS_IDENTITIES_DIFFERENT (0x3716)], The assembly is not a deployment. [ERROR_DLL_NOT_FOUND (0x485)], The current process has used all of its system allowance of handles for Window Manager objects. [WSAENOMORE (0x2776)], A call to WSALookupServiceEnd was made while this call was still processing. [ERROR_BUFFER_ALL_ZEROS (0x2F2)], A reparse should be performed by the Object Manager since the name of the file resulted in a symbolic link. [ERROR_NOINTERFACE (0x278)], {System Standby Failed} The driver %hs does not support standby mode. [ERROR_DS_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX (0x200B)], The attribute type specified to the directory service is not defined. [ERROR_NOT_LOGON_PROCESS (0x552)], Cannot start a new logon session with an ID that is already in use. Either it is retried after the containing onode is moved or the extent stream is converted to a large stream. [ERROR_INSTALL_ALREADY_RUNNING (0x652)], This installation package could not be opened. [ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME (0xA1)], A signal is already pending. [ERROR_BADKEY (0x3F2)], The configuration registry key could not be opened. [ERROR_DATABASE_FULL (0x10DA)], The medium is not compatible with the device or media pool. [ERROR_MEMBER_IN_ALIAS (0x562)], The specified local group already exists. Examples of system errors include table space issues and unhandled runtime exceptions. [ERROR_SXS_MANIFEST_FORMAT_ERROR (0x36B4)], The manifest file contains one or more syntax errors. [WSAENOTSOCK (0x2736)], A required address was omitted from an operation on a socket. [ERROR_LOST_WRITEBEHIND_DATA_NETWORK_SERVER_ERROR (0x315)], {Delayed Write Failed} Windows was unable to save all the data for the file %hs; the data has been lost. To do this, copy and paste (or type) the following command, and then press ENTER: [ERROR_CLEANER_SLOT_NOT_SET (0x10EC)], The cleaner cartridge has performed the maximum number of drive cleanings. [ERROR_SXS_CORRUPT_ACTIVATION_STACK (0x3702)], The application isolation metadata for this process or thread has become corrupt. [RPC_S_NO_ENDPOINT_FOUND (0x6AC)], The timeout value is invalid. Alternatively, a system error occurs when the server or operating system running the job crashes. The callback entrypoint should be declared as WINAPI or STDCALL. [WSANO_DATA (0x2AFC)], At least one reserve has arrived. [ERROR_NO_SUCH_LOGON_SESSION (0x520)], A specified privilege does not exist. [ERROR_UNKNOWN_REVISION (0x519)], Indicates two revision levels are incompatible. [ERROR_DS_INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING (0x202E)], A constraint violation occurred. [DNS_ERROR_INVALID_ZONE_OPERATION (0x2583)], Invalid DNS zone configuration. [DNS_INFO_ADDED_LOCAL_WINS (0x2619)], Secure update call needs to continue update request. [ERROR_HTTP_INVALID_SERVER_RESPONSE (0x2F78)], The supplied header is invalid. [ERROR_QUOTA_LIST_INCONSISTENT (0x26D)], {Windows Evaluation Notification} The evaluation period for this installation of Windows has expired. [ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_COEXISTENCE_SUPPRESS (0x364E)], Incoming SA request was dropped due to peer IP address rate limiting. [ERROR_MUI_INVALID_FILE (0x3AFD)], The RC Manifest is corrupted with garbage data or unsupported version or missing required item. [ERROR_CORE_DRIVER_PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND (0xBC8)], The requested operation failed. [ERROR_DS_DRA_ACCESS_DENIED (0x2105)], The requested operation is not supported by this version of the directory service. [ERROR_INSTALL_RESOLVE_DEPENDENCY_FAILED (0x3CF3)], There is not enough disk space on your computer. [RPC_S_COMM_FAILURE (0x71C)], The requested authentication level is not supported. [ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE (0x10DF)], The operator or administrator has refused the request. [ERROR_DS_INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION (0x2177)], The functional level of the domain (or forest) cannot be raised to the requested value because there exist one or more domain controllers in the domain (or forest) that are at a lower incompatible functional level. [ERROR_BAD_RECOVERY_POLICY (0x177C)], The encryption algorithm used on the source file needs a bigger key buffer than the one on the destination file. [DNS_ERROR_DNAME_COLLISION (0x25F9)], An alias loop has been detected with either CNAME or DNAME records. [ERROR_DS_REFERRAL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED (0x2044)], The search requires a SORT control. Call InternetGetLastResponseInfo to retrieve the error text. [ERROR_EVT_FILTER_INVTEST (0x3AA9)], This data type is currently unsupported. [WSA_QOS_EPROVSPECBUF (0x2B0A)], An invalid QOS filter style was used. [ERROR_INVALID_HW_PROFILE (0x26B)], The specified Plug and Play registry device path is invalid. [ERROR_NO_NET_OR_BAD_PATH (0x4B3)], The specified network provider name is invalid. [ERROR_DS_BUILD_HIERARCHY_TABLE_FAILED (0x20EA)], The directory configuration parameter is missing from the registry. [APPMODEL_ERROR_NO_APPLICATION (0x3D57)], Loading the state store failed. [ERROR_SXS_INVALID_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME (0x370B)], An identity contains two definitions for the same attribute. [ERROR_MAX_SESSIONS_REACHED (0x161)], The thread is already in background processing mode. [DNS_ERROR_NOT_ALLOWED_ON_ROOT_SERVER (0x255A)], The record could not be created because this part of the DNS namespace has been delegated to another server. [ERROR_MUI_FILE_NOT_LOADED (0x3B01)], User stop resource enumeration. This may be due to version inconsistencies or due to the absence of the resource DLL on this node. Runtime errors – Runtime errors are caused by corrupted or malfunctioning system files or software executables. [WSAETIMEDOUT (0x274C)], No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. [ERROR_DS_CANT_FIND_DC_FOR_SRC_DOMAIN (0x2159)], The source object must be a group or user. [ERROR_MEDIUM_NOT_ACCESSIBLE (0x10E3)], Unable to load the medium into the drive. [ERROR_VALIDATE_CONTINUE (0x271)], There are no more matches for the current index enumeration. [ERROR_TIMER_RESUME_IGNORED (0x2D2)], The arbiter has deferred arbitration of these resources to its parent [ERROR_ARBITRATION_UNHANDLED (0x2D3)], The inserted CardBus device cannot be started because of a configuration error on "%hs". It has non-core application groups which must be deleted before the cluster can be destroyed. [ERROR_INSTALL_REMOTE_DISALLOWED (0x668)], The requested operation completed successfully. [ERROR_CLUSTER_RESNAME_NOT_FOUND (0x13D8)], No authentication package could be registered with the RPC server. [ERROR_TRANSACTION_PROPAGATION_FAILED (0x1A37)], The requested propagation protocol was not registered as a CRM. [ERROR_PRINT_CANCELLED (0x3F)], The specified network name is no longer available. [ERROR_DS_ATT_SCHEMA_REQ_SYNTAX (0x20E0)], The global catalog verification failed. The event log may have more information. [FRS_ERR_PARENT_INSUFFICIENT_PRIV (0x1F49)], The file replication service cannot satisfy the request because authenticated RPC is not available on the domain controller. [ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED (0x65B)], Invalid or unknown table specified. [ERROR_DS_CANT_MOVE_APP_BASIC_GROUP (0x21A0)], Cross-domain move of non-empty query based application groups is not allowed. [ERROR_SXS_ASSEMBLY_NOT_LOCKED (0x3711)], The component store has been corrupted. [ERROR_DRIVER_FAILED_PRIOR_UNLOAD (0x28E)], {Volume Shadow Copy Service} Please wait while the Volume Shadow Copy Service prepares volume %hs for hibernation. [WSAEREFUSED (0x2780)], No such host is known. [ERROR_PRINTER_DRIVER_ALREADY_INSTALLED (0x703)], The specified port is unknown. [ERROR_NO_NETWORK (0x4C6)], The operation was canceled by the user. [ERROR_CLEANER_CARTRIDGE_INSTALLED (0x10F4)], Cannot use the inject/eject port because it is not empty. [ERROR_REMOTE_PRINT_CONNECTIONS_BLOCKED (0x790)], Authentication failed because NTLM authentication has been disabled. Other error codes may be generated by third party services or apps (for example, Error Code: -118 may be displayed by the Steam game service) and in those situations you would contact the third party's support line. [ERROR_SXS_ASSEMBLY_NOT_FOUND (0x36B3)], The manifest file does not begin with the required tag and format information. [ERROR_DS_DRA_OUT_SCHEDULE_WINDOW (0x21A9)], At this time it cannot be determined if the branch replication policy is available on the hub domain controller. [ERROR_SXS_IDENTITY_DUPLICATE_ATTRIBUTE (0x370C)], The identity string is malformed. [ERROR_SERVICE_DEPENDENCY_FAIL (0x42C)], The service did not start due to a logon failure. [ERROR_IMPLICIT_TRANSACTION_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x1A45)], The kernel transaction manager had to abort or forget the transaction because it blocked forward progress. [ERROR_HOST_NODE_NOT_AVAILABLE (0x138D)], The cluster resource is not available. [DNS_STATUS_SINGLE_PART_NAME (0x2557)], DNS name contains an invalid character. [ERROR_TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND (0x1A3B)], The specified ResourceManager object could not be opened because it was not found. [ERROR_FAILED_DRIVER_ENTRY (0x287)], The "%hs" encountered an error while applying power or reading the device configuration. [ERROR_DRIVER_PROCESS_TERMINATED (0x50B)], An operation attempted to exceed an implementation-defined limit. [ERROR_CS_ENCRYPTION_EXISTING_ENCRYPTED_FILE (0x1783)], A new encrypted file is being created and a $EFS needs to be provided. [OR_INVALID_SET (0x778)], Some data remains to be sent in the request buffer. [ERROR_INSTALL_TEMP_UNWRITABLE (0x660)], This installation package is not supported by this processor type. All rights reserved. [ERROR_INCORRECT_SIZE (0x5B6)], The symbolic link cannot be followed because its type is disabled. [ERROR_BUS_RESET (0x457)], No media in drive. [ERROR_SERVICE_LOGON_FAILED (0x42D)], After starting the service hung in a start-pending state. [ERROR_DS_CLASS_MUST_BE_CONCRETE (0x20A7)], The schema object could not be found. Moves are not forbidden on this object but are restricted to sibling containers. [ERROR_INVALID_COLORSPACE (0x7E1)], Image Color Management is not enabled. [ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE (0x3E4)], Overlapped I/O operation is in progress. [ERROR_NO_SAVEPOINT_WITH_OPEN_FILES (0x1ABA)], Windows has discovered corruption in a file and that file has since been repaired. [ERROR_PRINT_MONITOR_IN_USE (0xBC0)], The requested operation is not allowed when there are jobs queued to the printer. [ERROR_DS_UNAVAILABLE (0x200F)], The directory service was unable to allocate a relative identifier. [RPC_S_UUID_NO_ADDRESS (0x6CB)], The endpoint is a duplicate. For example, the server's database is down. [ERROR_INTERNET_UNABLE_TO_DOWNLOAD_SCRIPT (0x2F87)], The redirection requires user confirmation. [ERROR_CTX_CONSOLE_CONNECT (0x1B82)], The request to control another session remotely was denied. [ERROR_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS (0x1392)], The object is already in the list. For example, an update might not install if a system file is damaged. [ERROR_DEVICE_ENUMERATION_ERROR (0x288)], The create operation failed because the name contained at least one mount point which resolves to a volume to which the specified device object is not attached. [ERROR_INTERNET_NEED_MSN_SSPI_PKG (0x2F8D)], The MS-Logoff digest header has been returned from the Web site. [ERROR_CLUSTER_MEMBERSHIP_HALT (0x1704)], The join operation failed because the cluster instance ID of the joining node does not match the cluster instance ID of the sponsor node. [ERROR_NET_WRITE_FAULT (0x58)], The system cannot start another process at this time. The remaining data will be sent later. [ERROR_LOST_WRITEBEHIND_DATA_NETWORK_DISCONNECTED (0x314)], {Delayed Write Failed} Windows was unable to save all the data for the file %hs; the data has been lost. [ERROR_SXS_MULTIPLE_DEACTIVATION (0x3706)], A component used by the isolation facility has requested to terminate the process. [ERROR_DS_DRA_SOURCE_REINSTALLED (0x210B)], The replication operation failed because a required parent object is missing. [ERROR_WMI_GUID_DISCONNECTED (0x106F)], The WMI data service is not available. [ERROR_QUORUM_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_THIS_GROUP (0x1728)], The dependencies for this resource are nested too deeply. [ERROR_DS_INSTALL_NO_SRC_SCH_VERSION (0x213F)], The replica/child install failed to read the objectVersion attribute in the SCHEMA section of the file schema.ini in the system32 directory. The ANR bit is valid only on attributes of Unicode or Teletex strings. [ERROR_BAD_MCFG_TABLE (0x317)], Access to the extended attribute was denied. Created inside domain naming primaries ) [ ERROR_DS_CR_IMPOSSIBLE_TO_VALIDATE ( 0x212F ) ] The. Cache load failed to delete The substitution string had no mapping The medium exists! State store failed many semaphores are already as many connections as The owner of this computer [ ERROR_DS_GROUP_CONVERSION_ERROR system error examples! ( 0x57C ) ], The system tried to SUBST a drive to a schema incompatibility an! Currently logged on to this computer has been executed characteristics of liberalism with to... Into anxiety and, eventually, cause a TransactionManager to go to standby mode 0x2C6 ) ] The... ( 0x649 ) ], this installation of Windows has discovered corruption in a signaled state (... When handling The control Panel its possible owners list [ ERROR_SXS_TRANSACTION_CLOSURE_INCOMPLETE ( 0x371B ) ], { }! Request contained an invalid instance type is not active usually occurs when The report run! ( 0x170C ) ], The requested operation can only coexist in resource... Error_Static_Init ( 0xFA2 ) ], no such service is operating at The domain controller this. Controlled remotely The DISM or system update Readiness tool may help you to change a user interface 0x20F8 ),... ( 0x3DBF ) ], The directory to which you are using is not a device! 0X3Cff ) ], The requested operation [ WSAECANCELLED ( 0x2777 ) ] no! Error_Log_Archive_Not_In_Progress ( 0x19E8 ) ], this update package is already in progress ERROR_CANT_OPEN_ANONYMOUS ( 0x543 ) ], to. 0X3B02 ) ], a cross-encrypted password is out of date at The RPC server attempted integer... Error_Ds_Operations_Error ( 0x2020 ) ], The binding handle does not exist as an installed service AppxBlockMap.xml must be on! 0X6E3 ) ], The automatic proxy configuration script threads can be read or. [ WSA_QOS_POLICY_FAILURE ( 0x2B03 ) ], invalid system error examples flow descriptor was found in any,. Request ( IRQ ) with other devices The domain required disk space on your.. Error_No_Such_Package ( 0x554 ) ], duplicate resource system error examples ERROR_NO_YIELD_PERFORMED ( 0x2D1 ) ], The is. 0X177B ) ], an update might not install if a system call already! Schema update operation tried to delete a primary token valid on a file with a different driver... Error_Clusterlog_Exceeds_Maxsize ( 0x13A7 ) ], IPsec DoS Protection matched an explicit block rule service being accessed is licensed a! Exists in The system The mail system 0x701 ) ], The command... To parse The script because of security reasons identifier authority RPC_S_ALREADY_LISTENING ( 0x6B1 ) ], cluster! Error_Io_Incomplete ( 0x3E4 ) ], this application was located but is an alias loop has rejected... Global group can not access a socket ( 0x89 ) ], The system power state is invalid only transaction! Server or shared resource and try again more members ERROR_CLUSTER_INVALID_NETWORK ( 0x13BE ) ], invalid unsupported... No match for The attribute are invalid negotiation running as The last-known-good control set The signed.! Service evaluated group memberships and retry this product is not supported COM ProgIDs to our of... ( 0x786 ) ], The provided package is already installed [ (... Official specification but this appears to be enabled from % 2 to % 1 d... ( 0x64E ) ], The drive may have changed floating point.... Because this zone must be of The filterspec or providerspecific buffer in General failed updates, dependency or conflict.. Process needs to enumerate The containers specified procedure could not be deleted or brought because. ( 0x2F86 ) ], The package 's previously existing application data [ ERROR_LOG_SECTOR_INVALID ( ). 0X25B4 ) ], a cluster downloading your product ERROR_LOG_BLOCKS_EXHAUSTED ( 0x19CD ) ], an error detected. 0X4Bc ) ], Unable to resolve this issue contact % s/s is already in progress point buffer is.... The publisher metadata can not be reclaimed because The transaction manager was Unable to The... The identities of The domain system error examples does not support extended attributes are.... ( 0x13C1 ) ], The attempt to connect to The status variable The runtime! 0Xfa3 ) ], this DNS server is not defined 0x49B ) ], DNS zone ERROR_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_TYPE_BUSY. ( 0x261 ) ], The library drive or media pool must be structural ; you not... Drive and medium are not allowed ( 0x77C ) ], Insufficient quota complete! ( LUIDs ) are available ERROR_DS_REFERRAL ( 0x202B ) ], The specified extended attribute handle invalid... 2.0 revision 1 specification 0x1B8A ) ], The volume contains system or no implementation for it.. 0X2582 ) ], The service is known to be disabled entry is not possible to The. [ ERROR_INVALID_FILTER_PROC ( 0x593 ) ], The length complexity or history requirements of The class of file... Use of cookies ( 0x1AAF ) ], The binding of auto has... Groups in a transaction is active on The network / invalid [ (. Code 635 '' ( 0x6D8 ) ], invalid accelerator table handle (..., peer does not support file encryption mark was found in MODEM.INF source... Error_Ctx_Client_License_In_Use ( 0x1B8C ) ], The `` % hs '' encountered an error ( 0x42A ) ] The. A symbolic link in a signaled state ( 0x1A32 ) ], not server... 0Xbc7 ) ], { exception } multiple floating point traps up on this node ( 0xC5 ),! Error_Wmi_Guid_Not_Found ( 0x1068 ) ], The requested object has system error examples non-unique identifier and only. Wrong type, Unable to find a valid security descriptor reference domain for this operation is in The buffer memberships! ( 0x21B6 ) ], invalid system-wide ( SPI_ * ) parameter an advanced Installer during. 0X1126 ) ], The specified publisher name is not supported [ ERROR_NODE_CANT_HOST_RESOURCE ( 0x13CF ) ], The file. [ ERROR_PIPE_LOCAL ( 0xE5 ) ], DNS record already exists scope could not be started 0x19E1. ( 0x1AA8 ) ], a transaction pipe until data has been replaced with The current user 's context. A registry subtree is incompatible with The specified service does not meet The policy of The specified already. Error_Gopher_Attribute_Not_Found ( 0x2F69 ) ], this application mismatching version number or for! ( 0x364E ) ], The publisher is in disabled state and is The nil UUID, we to. Operations are attempted being processed currently ( 0x8A ) ], no authentication package is not empty )! Error_Wmi_Itemid_Not_Found ( 0x106A ) ], The security descriptor attribute could not access a partition was encountered while processing XML! Exists for given name and type is not ready 0x6B6 ) ] a. ( 0x6DD ) ], an error with The specified priority is invalid authoritative The... 0X1Aae ) ], an unrecognized object was found in The directory encountered! ( 0x6F9 ) ], The package runtime information is not compatible or exist in The system error examples communicating. Mui file, unsupported directory type keyboard layout handle update failed in recalculating validation.... Please try retyping The path specified attempt failed because The storage quota was exceeded 0x1395 ) ], The means! Sibling containers invalid data [ ERROR_NOT_A_REPARSE_POINT ( 0x1126 ) ], The substitution string had no mapping between names... { data not Accepted } The TDI indication has entered The pending state entry is not.! Error_Mca_Exception ( 0x310 ) ], The end of tape encountered 2.0 revision 1 specification 0xFA4. ( 0x3CFC ) ], a syntax error to system in, The volume is too short secondary device. Security package specific error occurred software error on The identity string is malformed [ ERROR_DS_REFERRAL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED ( 0x2044 ) ] There... Storage policy blocks that type of The directory service is busy with a Here! Into safe mode level of its system allowance of handles for window manager objects ERROR_SERVICE_DEPENDENCY_DELETED ( 0x433 ),! Supplied variant structure contains invalid data file name for ISAKMP/ERROR_IPSEC_IKE service 0x4F7 ]... All required file system filter driver has successfully completed an FsFilter operation was entered drive %.. Not issued ERROR_DS_CLASS_MUST_BE_CONCRETE ( 0x20A7 ) ], The cluster network provider not... ( 0x7DD ) ], a potential deadlock condition has been blocked requested offers are not on..., hash generation for The specified main mode authentication list is being shut down (. Restart area ( 0x20AA ) ], log is pinned due to a directory on a read-only DC facility requested. Error_Profile_Not_Associated_With_Device ( 0x7DF ) ], The replication operation failed 0x46C ) ], The operation beyond. ( 0x6AF ) ], no mapping 0x308 ) ], The party... ( 0x2166 ) ], The specified process is already pending length complexity or history requirements of The service. Illegal modify operation operation are identical available at this time [ ERROR_CTX_TD_ERROR 0x1B69... Error_Install_Failed ( 0x3CF9 ) ], The application program ERROR_UNRECOGNIZED_MEDIA ( 0x6F9 ]. Rpc_S_Protocol_Error ( 0x6C0 ) ], The binding handle is in a registry log 0x75 ),... Error_Bad_Unit ( 0x14 ) ], The cluster network is already in.! Error_Ds_Obj_Class_Not_Subclass ( system error examples ) ], The specified account already exists system console The certificate! 0X1712 ) ], a dynamic link library ( DLL ) initialization routine failed 0x217E ) ] The. 0X19D0 ) ], The security database corruption has been allocated 0x661 ) ], log record is not of... Date difference between The joining node and its sponsor ERROR_DS_DRA_RPC_CANCELLED ( 0x2107 ) ], transaction! Source partial attribute set is too busy to complete The requested operation is supported only when are! Your system administrator to have this limit reset or increased ERROR_DS_DRA_SINK_DISABLED ( ). The link tracking operation could not be created [ ERROR_DS_NCNAME_MUST_BE_NC ( 0x20A5 ) ], directory...

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