hacker news protein folding

0.410 The Russia Left Behind comments. There are proteins known to be involved in disorders where a structure has been impossible to determine by experimental methods (membrane proteins are a known example). pal_ankit 71 days ago [–] It is one of the biggest problems in modern biology. For 50 years, the "protein folding problem" has been a major mystery. > because you couldn't rely on them to do their jobs. A mirror of Hacker News' best submissions. Like if we 3d map all the 170 million sequences (using alphafold or whatever),we are done right ? A 3B or 4 will do nicely. The Hacker News - Cybersecurity News and Analysis: Search results for malicious Cynet's Free Incident Response Tool — Stop Active Attacks With Greater Visibility May 07, 2019 The Hacker News As a researcher I'm more interested in the methods of how they've achieved this performance and this was what I wanted to share. tends to get a result of "Nope. The cell obviously has no idea that's what it is, but it can read the topology that stretch of DNA would make. 50.7k members in the hackernews community. Perkel JM Nifty tech, but not something I care a whole lot about. Protein folding, while interesting, should be thought of as a co-translational folding process or chaperone/translocon mediated process, and using the simplification of co-translational folding will dramatically decrease computational complexity i.e. There can be multiple valid folds, the most famous ones are prions which are a different fold of an protein than the native one. June 15, 2015 - Protein folding, simulation vs. experiment. Specific triplets of bases along the chain correspond to specific amino acids, so a DNA strand ultimately results in production of a specific protein molecule. I wrote the article to make the methods more transparent and understandable, sorry if it's not worked for you. The ELI5 version is basically that proteins will have a basic shape, and they can wiggle around that shape, but can't really radically change because it would take too much energy. That's a solution, if you take the open problem to be "can this be done at all?" Even though it's a circle, it is directional because the molecules connect in a specific way (5' OH-3'OH but that's just details). Search … If a protein is essentially a self-assembling nanomachine, then the main purpose of the amino acid sequence is to produce the unique shape, charge distribution, etc. So it took getting rid of purifying selection to make it happen. Looks like there are probably more as well. Maybe I can explain this in computer terms. But one major factor is evolution, proteins that fold reliably are selected over proteins that can fold into unproductive or harmful conformations. The r00tf0lds Folding@home team (#258829) will teach what protein folding is, how it helps science fight disease, team history, and the past hacker events and causes that inspired their motivational methods and helped push their success. Why have we evolved to be unconscious of this battle? A brief explanation, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMtWvDbfHLo, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfYf_rPWUdY, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9ArIJWYZHI, https://www.pnas.org/content/116/39/19274, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levinthal's_paradox). June 29, 2015 - Animal language vs. human language. Close • Crossposted by 5 minutes ago. There's also some space between genes. and that's cool, but it's sort of outside of the scope of the question posed in the title. Slightly tangential, but does anyone have recommendations for pop sci books on modern genetics / epigenetics? So one copy of the mutation and you are more likely to survive in an area where malaria is prevalent and two copies and you are jacked up, but maybe less jacked up than with malaria. Algorithmic protein folding was a research field trying to answer whether it was even possible to climb from 40 to 90 on the CASP competition, or whether physical experiments were inherently superior. 0.373 The 10 most important questions in science comments. It seems to miss the fact that my point is that I am not dismissing the importance of this to disease. But misfolding is really problematic for the cell, and there are various mechanisms to manage it. If you know that an enzyme is key in a disease you might want to design a drug molecule that can fit into its active site, for that we need to know how the protein is folded. It's going to take quite some time until this gets accepted at the same level of experimental data, if ever. You seem to have some internal dialogue where there is a field called "protein folding", where there is an unambiguous threshold for … Want to protect it? Hacked News About Akash kumar About Akash kumar Hi! Thanks for this this was as creepy as amazing. This Protein 50S ribosomal subunit inhibitors- Pipeline Insight, 2021 report provides comprehensive insights about 3+ companies and 3+ pipeline drugs in Protein 50S ribosomal subunit inhibitors pipeline landscape. Depending on the organism, there are a few ways to do this. Andso the way they fold 1 at a time is different from simulating how the whole thing end-to-end will fold. In particular, they find a 2D lattice fold of a 6-amino acid sequence (PSVKMA). Folding uses around 500MB of RAM so you'll be good with either a 1GB or 2GB model. Bowman suggests protein folding is akin to disassembling all the parts of a car, laying them out on a road, and having them suddenly spring together on their own to form a functioning automobile. The spring will contract until it is completely relaxed so there is the minimum amount of "springy" potential energy remaining. Is there a version with a commentary or some richer description? Created with Sketch. The complex computing models of the coronavirus created by Folding@Home will contribute to efforts to find a cure. We know how certain residues affect tertiary structure, and we know the measurements of secondary structures with a surprising degree of accuracy, but for a protein with potentially hundreds of residues, there are simply too many degrees of freedom to simply tack on amino acids and come up with a structure (although this is essentially the approach that markov chain, monte carlo solutions use). March 20, 2018 - Consensus cookery. Like all data driven science, this will be great for forming hypotheses. So it would be quite naive to assume that from now on you can just throw a sequence into the black box and the right structure comes out. Recognizing the biological and medical significance of the folding question, researchers have a longstanding project to compare different algorithms. If you’ve ever touched ferromagnetic fluid under the influence of a magnetic field, that’s how I’m imagining it. And there are still plenty of barely characterized proteins where a structural model might shed light on their function. I genuinely thought it was helpful, too! Alphafold won't tell you anything about protein dynamics, side-chain positions, water interactions, charges, binding pockets or induced conformational changes. chaperones), or is determined by the complex to which the protein belongs, i.e. Consisting of long chains of smaller organic compounds called amino acids, the different functions of various proteins are determined by the way they fold up in… On the other hand, AlphaFold2 predicts coordinates of the C-alpha atoms in the continuous space, so the predicted structure would actually be an potential direct substitute for experimental structure (similar to, i.e. Maybe it's 20% as effective as it originally was. save. that determines the protein’s function. Now - the RNA can go to the ribosome to be "translated" into the protein. My recollection is that snails can reproduce either sexually or asexually and they preferentially reproduce sexually in stressful environments and asexually in environments that make staying the same more advantageous. Proteins naturally fold into a shape where they have the lowest "potential energy". Traditionally, the stopped flow is … One bizarre function of proteins is that they can form themselves through a process called folding. It is the final machine code that is executed by ribosomes to build proteins. (I always think of some old cartoon where two kids are playing with "gender neutral spiffy spiffy high minded description" toy from Switzerland -- think LEGOS only blocks you string together and bend as you see fit -- and their two mothers are talking and then one of the kids folds the bendable blocks into the shape of a gun and says "Bang" and one of the moms is all "Never mind."). Proteins aren't really "executable programs", they are either passive building blocks or simple tools that do the same thing over and over again. However, the spatial relationship between these elements is much more dynamic depending on what the protein is doing. I wish these articles that don't really try to contribute wouldn't be upvoted :(. DNA (source compiled) Thank you! Thanks for mentioning this, it's always difficult determining which levels of information to include, and which to leave out. The implications for drug discovery are enormous. It’s also worth pointing that conventional computers could already solve these particular protein folding problems.". I think of it like system memory. a structure obtained using homology modelling). What if it instead started at UG C, essentially "slipping" by one base? April 29, 2018 - Painters & Hackers. Not really sure how I should approach it. A ball on a hill will roll down hill until it settles into the lowest valley it can — the place where its potential energy is lowest. Very well written overview of the problem and the solution approach for a non-biologist. The following three videos describe the process of DNA Transcription (copying a single gene's worth of RNA from the DNA strand), Translation (subject of TFA, creation of the protein from that RNA), and Replication (the process of making a complete copy of DNA for purposes of cell division. This was owing, in part, to the limitations of the machine itself, and in part to thermal noise that disrupted the computation. Obviously entering that field implied that you thought it was possible, but it wasn't known. True TLDR; Yes as far as we can tell. Fitness guru Ashy Bines has revealed she is still ‘obsessed’ with the viral wrap hack of 2021 which has been described as ‘game-changing’ by foodies all over the world. Surprisingly little. to call a function, the cells look for the following DNA sequences (they all vary a little depending on what organism): The BRE: CCCTCC. 2018; 559(7715):643-645 (ISSN: 1476-4687). When you cook an egg, the egg white turns white and solidifies due to proteins being denatured. Until all of a sudden, it mutates into something that can digest lactose. For a 100kg person that's one part in a billion. (2) There is a certain amount of computing needed for each new protein---quite significant, I think, but not prohibitively expensive. The article is more about how AlphaFold works, not about how useful it is in practice, which the article should focus on with this title. There's still improvement to do in the solution. Researchers report having observed the RNA folding structures of the SARS-CoV2 genome with which the virus controls the infection process. Don't underestimate the role of structure prediction in human disease. Daily Hacker News for 2020-12-05. That's called the "start" codon. It can mutate but as long as you have the first copy, you're ok. And eventually it mutates away from being good at digesting glucose. There are also other types of RNA that do other things. So RNA doesn't create amino acids - they already need to exist (and there's a lot of metabolism that explains where they come from). Log In Sign Up. This is last year's entry from Deep Mind: I don't actually know. Stanford's Folding@home project has simulated Src … When proteins are misfolded, they have a different shape from the shape that all of the other machinery expects. (1) Simplistic because it isn't binary, solved vs. not solved. The Human Genome Project was a one time push to establish the capabilities of human genome sequencing, but the field has seen a lot of refinement since then, to apply it both to individuals and to construct a better human reference genome. Christian Anfinsen speculated in his Nobel Prize acceptance speech in that year that the three-dimensional structure of a given protein should be … MLB Bets for Friday, May 14: Astros Cover at Home vs. Rangers Sports Illustrated. What defines the dominant part of the molecular structure? ": You raise very good points about the role of protein folding and quality control in disease. If the rolling ball gets stuck on a rock or the spring gets snagged and can't completely relax, both objects would be stuck with a higher potential energy than they would if the ball reached the bottom of the hill or if the spring were allowed to fully relax. This has become more sophisticated over the last few years but only accounts for a small percentage of solved structures on the protein databank [0], https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Gene:_An_Intimate_History. The protein folding "problem" arose when Perutz and Kendrew were unable to make sense of how the folded structure of the protein molecule was related to its sequence of bead types. But ones that don't, wouldn't be nearly as useful biologically, because you couldn't rely on them to do their jobs. Quick question on Alphafold - is it a one time effort ? More News & opinions Deep Learning Aces Protein Folding Don Monroe Commissioned by CACM Staff The Non-Psychopath's Guide to Managing an Open Source Project George V. Neville-Neil The World's Most Magnificent Historical Calculating Machines Herbert Bruderer 0.272 Crowdsourced game solves decade-old protein folding puzzle in just 10 … (this is simplified but you get the idea). 50.8k members in the hackernews community. It can do it a little bit, but it's not great. Stanford's Folding@home Simulates Activation of Key Cancer Protein, Could Lead to Novel Drug Design . The article also fails to mention that the structure of many proteins doesn't correspond to their "natural folding" but is modified by other proteins (e.g. https://cdn.rcsb.org/pdb101/goodsell/png-800/mycoplasma-myco... My go-to mind-blowing visualization is this incredible video: https://vimeo.com/260291601/505c3bfec8. Maybe the flagging system is too slow, or we need downvoting, there should be a better way to make sure that HN front page articles are informational. And, since "correctly" folded proteins always have the same shape, "machines" can be built with them. Users of μTorrent are fuming after it came to notice that the newest version of the popular file sharing app (version 3.4.2) is coming … Previous versions of the wrap have included chocolate, marshmallows, hot chips and deep-fried chicken. Maybe things like binding pockets and broad classes of movement (hinges, etc.) I think I read somewhere that the water molecules are thought form semi crystalline structures from protein surface charges that contribute to their function; you could imagine these forming channels or some other mechanism to orchestrate the liquid around the protein to aid it's function (so it's not all random molecules bumping into the spots it needs to go). In more complex organisms like multicellulars, this is more complicated. By Stanford Report (CA) March 11, 2014 Comments. Then, our protein would be totally different, and would look like this: So organisms also transcribe, at the beginning of the gene, a "ribosome binding site", or "Shine Dalgarna/Kozak" sequence. True, you didn't explain how the new algorithm achieves its shockingly impressive result, but that's probably not something that anyone could provide in a 500-word article that's easy to approach for non-experts. that determines the protein’s function. So your question is a little like asking "Why can't the cell just spit out random tools that randomly do different things?" Ooh that’s wild, like a slippery elastic coating to guide interactions. You can do something like execute it, which would be analogous to translating it to proteins. The RNA is only a recipe for how to string amino acids together, they already float around in the cell (they are small, simple molecules, like bricks for a house to confusingly change the metaphor). ", What is protein folding? And then one day, your cell messed up when replicating and accidentally made an extra copy of that gene. Figuring out what shapes proteins fold into is known as the “protein folding problem”, and has stood as a grand challenge in biology for the past 50 years. 0. https://foldingcoin.net/ Is there a simple python example, with protein Data and an Algorithm to fold it. So they would not be selected for. Which means if you want to access that data in the DNA, you need to go through an intermediate, which, when it leaves the restricted area, is ok if it gets destroyed, because that original copy is still intact. DeepMind has now answered that question: yes, computational folding can work as well as experiments. And since it isn't subject to purifying selection, every round of replication it keeps mutating. Under the right conditions even proteins in coagulated egg white can be renatured. Definitely not like an `` abstract syntax tree '' or `` intermediate representation '' where letter! 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