reasons to go to jail

A diagnosis of celiac disease in 2001 has caused me to seriously reconsider the risks of placing my prescribed gluten-free diet in the hands of jailers, while I can avoid it.). The expectation of bail can be devastating for cash-strapped groups, draining limited resources to cover bail for a few individuals; 1. The action organizers had not presented participants with the possibility of bail refusal or other jail solidarity techniques, and during the legal briefing portion of the training, the freshly appearing lawyers did not permit discussion of bail refusal or jail solidarity. Sorry family, but the new G-Unit album as fuego as it may be isn't worth even a short stay in central booking. But the jailer wanted none of that! I wish that I could get some of these records sent to me like Bol or Jay Smooth. Waging Nonviolence content falls under a, Beautiful Trouble: A Toolbox for Revolution, Beautiful Rising: Creative Resistance from the Global South, We Are Many, Reflections on Movement Strategy from Occupation to Liberation, Special Report Education & Training in Nonviolent Resistance, SNAP:An Action Guide to Synergizing Nonviolent Action and Peacebuilding. Best of luck to you all; I admire you so much! Agree wholeheartedly about the problems that come with the ritualization of civil disobedience. There is some shit that is worth going to jail for. It ended up that the judge in the case didn’t watch the video closely enough, and a prosecutor’s objection to my speaking and narrating the video’s actions meant she didn’t catch the moment when I clearly left the area during the timeframe in which a dispersal order was given. A conversation with the editors of “Remaking Radicalism” — a collection of writings from one of the most underrepresented periods of leftist organizing. There are a number of requirements to be able to get into the work release program. A former prisoner lance brown shortly after his release … Earl Simmons, take notes. But in some unusual cases, people go out of their way to get caught committing a crime, all because they want to go to jail. Fundraising for bail takes time that would be better spent on publicizing the issues themselves, building organizational capacity and working through the legal system; 2. Most Common Reason People Are In Jail Is Because They Are Poor. I was told to sit back down. Fortune goes to the bold. act like there buddy and lead them to a ally way and beat the crap out of him. Facebook Jail is a notorious topic for anyone who regularly uses the social platform to sell or promote their business. A higher ranking officer was dispatched to try to pressure me to sign; I refused. For many of us who have never been arrested or … Josh, I was one of the NWNW organizers in DC so this was an interesting story for me to read — I didn’t know about your situation. The reason why I say this is because these young kids that aren’t even teenagers are having to listen to what people tell them and have them fight for others protection and not their own. As the mass exited the facility, loudly continuing their chant, every police vehicle in the lot was given a flyer under the windshield wiper blade. My theory is that large professional direct action groups — Greenpeace and Rainforest Action Network come to mind — decided that it was in their best interest to get their employees out of jail quickly so they could get back to work. However, in a lot of cases, criminals can actually hone their craft or even learn a new one while inside prison walls. We do have a few precious friends in the bar who can adequately defend or advise a defendant whose aim is not to get off the hook but to “speak truth to power,” but not one in a thousand of those practicing law can be helpful to the nonviolent resister. 1 0 +1. Get into it youngins. 1.people cutting down trees 2. people having new buisnesses and taking up land 3.tornadoes 4. hurricanes 5. floods Top 10 business people in India? May I recommend the chapter on training in “The Power of Nonviolence” by Richard B Gregg? You know, the guy who tried to steal a condom machine from a public bathroom, or rob a toy store with a toy gun, or the guy with five wives. Over time, though, my hard line on this and perhaps every other point upon which as a young man I brooked no concession, has softened. We are also required to “resist evil” and in opposing the evils of the arms race, military intervention and economic violence by acts of nonviolent civil resistance I have been arrested well over 100 times, usually in the good company of good friends including other Catholic Workers. Reset Password; How2MPGH I have never heard a response. … The IRS doesn't pursue many tax evasion cases for people who can't pay their taxes. Kids who go to jail performed lower academically than their non-criminally active peers. It forces organizations of all sizes and capacities doing arrestable direct action to ask supporters for money to get people out of jail. As for bail refusal stories, here are two: At one action, some 40+ arrested had agreed prior to not cooperate with the arrest process beyond the minimum required by law(name and address; no SS#, work info, job info, fam info, etc). If … At the university, one learns to see the world from the top, looking down. Facebook Jail is a term that is widely used when the site blocks your ability to post or comment on the content already posted. At this point, thePolice just wanted us to go away. There are a lot of things that happen in this world that make me say "WTF", be it a news story or something that I witnessed. The jail authority reports that a growing number of criminals report to serve time at Sant’Angelo’s jail, as opposed to other detention facilities. AlterNet / By April M. Short. He earned his Doctorate in Educational Leadership from the University of Florida in 2014. 1 0 . Tour a jail in any county in the nation and chances are six of every 10 inmates … Resistance is an art, not a science… however– to respond to some specific comments in your post– this blog was written to stimulate a re-thinking of the idea of accepting that jail time could be a legitimate and potentially (more) effective option in many cases of nonviolent direct action or civil disobedience than immediately paying out, using Post and Forfeit, or Infraction fines as preferred resolution. These groups could afford to pay for this on a large scale, and so many people, particularly in the environmental movement, got used to it. The response by the police was trumped up felony charges, sky high bail amounts, segregation, sleep deprivation, waking at all hours to be re-interviewed and have prints and photos taken again and again, and widespread lying to individual activists who were separated from each other (barring the few who’d learned to spell via sign language and had line-of-sight to another). I was jailed several times, too, for refusing to cooperate with the courts’ terms of probation or for contempt of court after refusing to pay fines. My first time in the klink was a complete surprise and the punishment certainly did not fit the crime. I … The result was a very troubled county jail. As federal Internet law wends its way through the bureaucratic appeals process, a growing number of states are passing … And … Instead of raising money to get out of jail, let’s raise money that will cover the lost wages of someone in jail so their family doesn’t suffer. I continued to refuse. Iman Saleh of the Yemeni Liberation Movement discusses her recent 24-day hunger strike to end U.S. support for the Saudi fuel blockade on Yemen. If someone is in probation in one county and goes to jail for a case that he was out on bail for in another county (in texas) how can he request to go before the judge to face the probation violation charges. It is just stupid! I am amazed by the mystery, the story, the experience itself and the nonsense of this person. Embezzlement - What the fuck is embezzlement? What else would you do with convicted criminals? For the first 10 years or so that I participated in nonviolent direct action — mostly against nuclear weapons — the affinity groups I was part of never even considered paying into the system with fines and bail; we recognized that the system was the problem, so we refused to pay into it. in the caption. reply report. His sentence is due end of December.). If you do this shit to help the entire globe download and distribute files then... Bank robber . Think of yourself as an anthropologist, learning the rules of a new society. They have a history of poor school attendance and get left back more often. A jail is used to temporarily detain those who are suspected or convicted of a crime. All information released was heavily … During the argument, he wrote a note, which he would later use for a classic “note job” robbery, while telling her he would “rather be in jail than at home.” There is no way to state this so that it makes … Gandhi and his followers not only considered jail time a badge of honor in India’s campaign for independence but used it intentionally as a way to tie up the Raj’s resources. What are the consequences of this state of affairs? © 2018 Waging Nonviolence. To SNCC workers, being bailed out of jail was what we called “insufficiently Gandhian.”. Narcotics distributionMugging someoneHopping the trainPissing in publicKicking your girlfriend's ass, Lil Reese Shot in Parking Garage Shootout, 6ix9ine Responds to Lil Reese Getting Shot, Joe Rogan Says 'Woke' Culture Will Be the End of Straight White M…, Danny Masterson Claims Leah Remini Threatened Prosecutors, LAPD, Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop Sued Over Allegedly Exploding 'Vagina&apos…, Barack Obama Jokes Sasha & Malia Have 'PTSD' from Secret Service, Icebox Not Impressed with Soulja Boy's 'First' Tweet, Demand…, Dog in Out-of-Control Boat Rescued in Spain, MLB's Kevin Pillar Drilled In Face By 94-MPH Fastball, Rushed To Hospi…, 'NYPD Blue' Star Bonnie Somerville Busted For DUI in Los Angeles, Lil Yachty Tells Guys Why His New Unisex Nail Paint Brand is for Them, Nick Jonas Says He Cracked Rib in Bicycle Incident. I want to start by talking openly about taking … A few others, on the other hand, might be relieved by such a break in the tedium of their day; some rejoice to hear for the first time in years on the bench the constitutional questions that they studied in law school! (function($) {window.fnames = new Array(); window.ftypes = new Array();fnames[0]='EMAIL';ftypes[0]='email';}(jQuery));var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true); Waging Nonviolence is a nonprofit organization and all donations are tax deductible. the article pasted below is, I understand, going to be in the December issue of the CW. That’s why it’s so important to keep a clean slate in your … which is an entirely different discussion. Vehicular manslaughter - Killing people is bad, but killing people with your automobile is hardbody. And if you think it only happens to criminals and troublemakers, think again. They said that they could act as a liaison between her and the court, and they could ask to reset her court date so she could avoid jail time. If in Jail, a player's turn is suspended until either the player rolls a double or pays to get out. I’ve had very positive experiences practicing bail refusal and jail solidarity. The best trial scenes happen when defendants go to trial with a community of support. Last updated at 22:35 24 August 2006. The … Spot on Nadine. Thanks Brian for this great addition to the blog. Stay calm, keep a cool head, and tell yourself that this is most likely just one night. There were some long posts that I did not choose to read in full, but I wonder about some of the statements and conclusions, which did not seem tied specifically to bail. The police trucked us to a warehouse setting where folding chairs were set up in rows waiting for us. This was more like abduction or transporting people against their will across county lines! But the next time I looked there was light in the room. Steps. Eventually I was transferred to the jail, where I had the great experience of observing how ex-military police members verbally abused a fellow inmate who was a vocal IVAW member and supporter(he’d violated parole or something in the process of being arrested, and so hadn’t had the immediate release option). I have never known a Black to get knocked for embezzlement. At some point in the week ( and many of us were arrested every day for a week or more, and refused to give our names or anything else to the arresting Wakenhut security officers or the Sherrifs/cops, so we were loaded onto buses and driven miles away and dumped out on the side of the road! 0 0 +0. whats up *****s? Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma received a Nobel Peace Prize while under house arrest. Sign up for our weekly newsletter to get the latest in people-powered news and analysis. I found video of the action and my arrest online, posted by activists. On one day, I think maybe the final day of actions, when we had about 1,200 people “arrested”, they put us on buses and took us to the Police station in Beatty to process us. I would add that the it is symptomatic of a larger issue, which is the unwillingness of most of us who care about causes to incur personal suffering (of almost any kind) to advance those causes. Brian Terrell will be headed to federal prison on November 30, 2012, to serve six months for a trespassing arrest while protesting drone warfare. If you're itching to get arrested, there are a lot of things you can do to make that happen. We often operated with solidarity agreements in our affinity groups that empowered those who absolutely needed to be bailed out if arrested to do so, but we encouraged all who could stay in to do just that with the hope of overcrowding the cells or wreaking havoc on business as usual until we were released for time served. It was the work of hospitality to the homeless that impelled me to drop out of college to join the Catholic Worker community in New York 35 years ago. I have had a positive experience as a lone bail resister amongst other activists, who all chose to immediately bail out or sign no contest bonds. This was another opportunity to demonstrate and testify to the power structure of the state. Once you’ve accepted that you’ll live through a night in jail, you can then think rationally about what you need to do to better cope with such a scary proposition. It’s humbling to be reminded that most of us today would not pass muster with Gandhi on many fronts — which is usually okay, especially if it means that more people will participate in direct actions without exhaustive preparation or adherence to strict codes of conduct. Karl Meyer remembers Dorothy Day’s terse instruction before his first arrest, protesting New York’s annual civil defense drills in 1957: “We plead guilty, and we don’t take bail.” Attempts at finding the incontrovertible set of pure Catholic Worker beliefs and practices (whether in religious orthodoxy or courtroom decorum) from which we must not deviate are however, futile exercises bound for frustration. In my times in court I am continually amazed to find how little knowledge or expertise is to be found among most judges and prosecutors, how little acquaintance with the law is needed for them to exercise their power. However even though being in … A warrant had not yet been issued for her arrest, and investigators offered to help her. The Top 5 Reasons You’re In Facebook Jail . Most refused to eat. That is unless poverty can be considered an automatic-lockup offense. Why Criminals Go Back to Jail Again and Again — 10 Comments Plowing Through Life (Martha) on August 26, 2013 at 11:40 am said: You are very lucky you had people to help you get back on your feet. The most common reason someone is held in jail pretrial is money—the inability to pay their monetary bail bond, according to PJI. Often enough these concepts are completely absent from the typical NVDA trainings given to activists prior to an action. Spread the love . Reasons To Go To Residential Rehab Mark Miclette Substance Abuse The obvious reason to check into a substance abuse rehabilitation center is to get intensive, around the clock assistance with giving up drugs. Getting out of the clink quickly can often seem bourgeois and imply that the arrestees are just professional activists unwilling to do the time; 4. We have much to learn. According to FBI estimates cited by the Wall Street Journal, authorities have made more than a quarter of a billion arrests in the past 20 years -- a period that was marked by a surge in federal funding for local police … Enough with the phone calls, emails and Facebook entreaties for money to pay bail to get someone out of jail for their part in a civil resistance action. But to your question: Every state says prison is too expensive. It resulted in my testifying before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, personally pissing off Senator (for life) Orrin Hatch, and being audited two years in a row (2003, 2004) by the IRS. It meant the person would leave custody the same day with no future court appearance. Eventually I was handcuffed and taken to another facility and cuffed to a wall in a cold cell by myself. I have two small caveats. One of my favorite mass arrest memories was in the late 1980s at the Nevada Test Site with the American Peace Test week of actions. Are you advocating that those arrested participating in civil disobedience be left to defend themselves without support, in order to maximize their jail time or avoid legitimizing an unjust system? At each and every step of the way in both examples, there were opportunities to resist and exercise personal power. Most of these have occasioned at least brief court appearances for which it is my habit to represent myself, appearing pro se, to use the language of the court, without the mediation of a lawyer. If you are a parent who has a child you think is going down the wrong path now is the time to step in and help them straighten up. Because I want to feel the hand-cuffs. … Top 10 reasons Hillary should GO TO JAIL… September 4, 2016 by Matt Palumbo. So before you go to jail, you’ll want to learn as much about the institution as possible, in addition to the imprisoned population. start laughing histerically and walk away. He once allowed the American Civil Liberties Union to “use” him as an “example to provide freedom for those who always moved on when told to do so” in a case that prevailed in the New York State Supreme Court involving Ammon’s arrest for selling the CW newspaper in the streets of New York City. And I always like to include these stories of jail solidarity, etc in my trainings– and, when I do training of trainers, emphasize that it is not appropriate for people to train others in risk arrest situations who have not experienced that themselves– however, if they partner with someone who has been arrested for a CD action, they could be part of that team. Over the past two decades, it has become an ever more common strategy to reduce jail time whenever possible. It’s not always appropriate to do so, of course. But collective and individual flexing of rights can be a great force multiplier to any given action! because it sucks. Well meaning but politically and spiritually unaware lawyers can be generous in their offers of help, but they can easily obscure or even destroy their defendants’ message. You can republish images only if they are clearly cited as creative commons (Wikimedia, Flickr, etc.) The police told individuals that everybody else had bailed out already, that everyone else cooperated, that so-and-so is saying you did such-and-such; all sorts of efforts to compel people to talk were made. And that’s just what I did; I sent a letter stating as much, along with a receipt for donations to appropriate charities, to the DC court clerk, in lieu of a check of money order in the amount required. Minors who do go to jail … I’ve had it. That bond could be for $100, or $50,000, and regardless of their alleged crime, if the person can’t pay, they will remain in jail. I am thinking here of the case of Somyot Pruksakasemsuk in Thailand. Loitering. Walter Unbehaun. My increased engagement with the judicial system is perhaps mostly due to the fact that I find myself more comfortable in the courtroom In some cases, as an individual or as part of a discerning community, I will choose keep the time and effort given to the legalities to a minimum, other times the decision is made to go all out with a most elaborate defense- this decision is sometimes tactical, sometimes intuitive. Thanks Nadine for your needed essay and thanks Brian and all the other respondents. You land in Jail if: Your piece lands on space marked "GO TO JAIL". A jail holds inmates from … You have to credit us. Courtrooms are deliberately designed and decorated to awe and intimidate, but it is all, in the end, smoke and mirrors. There is much to be found in the canon of the Catholic Worker, not to mention the example of Jesus’ refusal to justify himself before Pilate, to support my earlier practice of declining to participate in the machinations of the courts. Brooke Lorren posted 10 years ago in reply to this. Most programs require your employer to fill out some paperwork. The recently released, together with supporters, sat down on the floor of the facility and began to chant in unison. I'm not saying that being arrested should ever be something you aspire to, but is certain instances if you were arrested I would totally understand. If you do not find the exact resolution you are looking for, then go for a native or higher resolution. While thinking about this issue, I contacted my fellow Waging Nonviolence columnist Mary King, a former Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) organizer. Many Americans will see the inside of a jail cell at some point in their lives. Enough with the phone calls, emails and Facebook entreaties for money to pay bail to get someone out of jail for their part in a civil resistance action. Embezzlers are muggers who use accounting books as their guns and knives. If a player is 'Just Visiting', the Jail space is considered a 'safe' space, where nothing happens. We had ample time to interact with the legitimate inmates, which provided a wonderful education beyond anything one can learn any other way. Obviously, some people may need to be bailed out quickly because of health conditions or other issues. As activists were leaving the jail, some were re-arrested for graffiti in the waiting room bathrooms. Although this likely makes strategic and financial sense for big groups on most occasions, many other activists taking arrests have started thinking that this is the way it should be. If you are a parent who has a child you think is going down the wrong path now is the time to step in and help them straighten up. I was ready to leave, I was already walkin’ Shoplifters should never go to jail, say sentence watchdogs. I remember sometimes in jail overhearing cell mates on the phone begging their loved ones to bail them out no matter how and then they would overhear my phone calls where I was turning down repeated offers of bail. What Reason Will You Go To Jail For? As a former Greenpeace employee myself, I know firsthand how ecstatic I felt walking out of a holding cell after a minimal stay because my bail was posted. he was in compliance prior to Work release is when you are released from jail during the day so that you can go to work. Your article is timely and a fruitful basis for discussion. After some hours a new officer appeared, transferred my cuffs to a pole on the wall of his office, and began pressuring me to sign a paper. This Community section offers just a sample of their latest stories. Forum. However, some people find benefits in life behind bars and commit crimes only to end up in prison. Rows waiting for us? ” to visit Brian Terrell in jail if your... 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