ljubljana lgbt film festival

https://variety.com/2020/film/reviews/welcome-to-chechnya-film-review-sundance-1203481417/ Društvo ŠKUC, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana Zbiramo prijave! Title: LGBT film festival Ljubljana 2012, Author: LGBT Film festival Ljubljana , Name: LGBT film festival Ljubljana 2012, Length: 44 pages, Page: 6, Published: 2015-06-18 Issuu company logo Issuu Free Ljubljana LGBT Tour for the 35th LGBT Film Festival. The Ljubljana Gay and Lesbian Film Festival (LGBT Film Festival) is a specialised non-competitive film festival focusing on international gay and lesbian cinema. The Ljubljana LGBT Film Festival is back for its 35th edition, officially starting Saturday, 23 November, and with events planned for Ptuj, Koper, Maribor, Bistrica ob Sotli, Idrija and Trst (aka Trieste, if you must), although the fun has already been going for more than week. Ta nekoliko romantična plat me je pritegnila. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/review/welcome-to-chechnya-sundance-2020-1271516 Knjižni virus je kviz za ljubitelje knjig, zgodb, raziskovanja lastnega znanja in bralnega razumevanja. Previous. This led to the establishment of the Ljubljana Gay & Lesbian Film Festival in 1984, which is actually the oldest gay and lesbian film festival on the continent, as well as a weekly club night at K4 in the centre of Ljubljana. Festival LGBT 2018 razglednica_web. It could not include festival guests, but in recent years the festival attracted several well-known Slovenian and foreign filmmakers, who participated in festival talks and round tables. FESTIVAL LGBT FILMA, 24. It was originally launched in 1984, within the Magnus Festival, and as such is the oldest gay and lesbian film festival in Europe and at the same time the oldest international film festival in Slovenia. V okviru FGLF bomo tako ob ogledu filma pripravile_i pogovor z režiserko, kritičarko in producentko Simono Jerala. It showcases LGBT-themed films, i.e. Kdaj: 16. Številnih prizorov davljenja, nasilja in posilstev ne bo prenesel vsak, je pa to film, ki je moral ugledati luč sveta. Try. Ljubljana, Ptuj, Koper, Maribor, Bistrica ob Sotli, Idrija, Slovenj Gradec, Trst New LGBT Film Festival page - lgbtfilmfest.si. It took place at several locations around Ljubljana: the ŠKUC Gallery, KinoŠkuc, The Ljubljana Faculty of Arts and Disko FV. V kratkem tekmovalnem formatu bomo razkrili vašo stopnjo okuženosti z literatur... Festival finančno podpira Slovenski filmski center, javna agencija Republike Slovenije. Kuba je še zadnja trdnjava, ki se upira ZDA. Issuu company logo. Impressive. The festivals take place the first week of December in Kinotekain Ljubljana. Geji in lezbijke morajo svojo spolno usmerjenost skrivati, saj jih sicer lahko doleti večtedensko mučenje, kjer morajo razkriti še vse svoje LGBT prijatelje in znance. Chejeva dežela. Zadnja tri leta je LGBT skupnost v Čečeniji soočena z resnično grozo. 12. Kuba me je z vsem, kar je predstavljala, zanimala že v otroštvu, še posebno pa tamkajšnja revolucija. Ljubljana LGBT Film Festival Ljubljana, Slovenia / December 12-20, 2021 France, Italy, Spain, eat your heart out: the Slovenian LGBT Film Festival, held every year since 1984 in the metropolitan oasis of Ljubljana, is Europe’s oldest continuously running queer film festival. Email: siqrd@mail.ljudmila.org Publications from LGBT Film festival Ljubljana . Ljubljana, 11 December – The 36th Festival of LGBT Film brings 18 feature film and documentaries and 17 shorts, […] Resnost življenjskega tveganja, s katerim se soočajo pričevalci in v katero se spusti tudi filmska ekipa, gledalcu naježi lase. Next. Publications from LGBT Film festival Ljubljana . Več na: 12. Since 2013, the best films of the festival are awarded prizes by the jury and by the audience. Svoje znanje lahko unovčite s prijavo na ladygoalie@gmail.com do 18. Tudi to leto so si lahkogledalk_ci ogledali pester izbor kratkih, celovečernih in dokumentarnih filmov ter oddali glas za svojefavorite. FGLF – Drugi rožnati zmaj filmu Rosie", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ljubljana_LGBT_Film_Festival&oldid=1008335904, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 22 February 2021, at 20:07. LJUBLJANA/PTUJ/KOPER/MARIBOR/BISTRICA OB SOTLI/IDRIJA/TRST. Title: Lgbt film festival 2017, Author: LGBT Film festival Ljubljana , Name: Lgbt film festival 2017, Length: 36 pages, Page: 10, Published: 2017-11-14 Issuu Search and overview https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/movies/story/2020-06-30/welcome-to-chechnya-review-lgbtq-refugees-documentary Screenings take place around 1 December – World AIDS Day, and the festival takes about a week. February 11. Wikimedia Commons has media related to LGBT film festivals. We wouldn’t be asking the question if it wasn’t, but that doesn’t make us any less proud of the fact. Enrique Pineda Barnet (rojen 1933) je kubanski režiser, ki je kljub visoki starosti še vedno poln energije. As dragon is the symbol of Ljubljana, the name of the Ljubljana LGBT Film Festival award is the Pink Dragon. Thank … Na filmskem festivalu Sundance je prejel posebno nagrado žirije za montažo. Filme je začel snemati leta 1961 in doslej jih je posnel že … It is the oldest film festival of its sort in Europe and also the oldest international film festival in Slovenia. Dobrodošli v Čečeniji je izredno težak film, še posebno ob vedenju, da se vse, kar vidimo v filmu, tam še vedno dogaja. 34. Annually held around World AIDS Day (December 1st), the festival is distinctly non-competitive and focuses on reviewing the films on show. The Ljubljana LGBT Film Festival is an annual international LGBT film festival held in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The main event organised by Festival Ljubljana is the International Summer Festival (symphonic and chamber concerts, as well as opera, ballet and theatre performances featuring first-class foreign and domestic artists). Vsekakor je zelo dobro narejen, nasilni prizori so tam, kjer ponazarjajo čečensko realnost, ne pa zaradi senzacije. Since 1994, the main festival location has been either the Kinodvor (in years 2004 to 2008) or the Slovenska kinoteka (Slovenian Cinematheque). Manon Fontaine The Ljubljana LGBT Film Festival is back for its 35 th edition, officially starting Saturday, 23 November, and with events planned for Ptuj, Koper, Maribor, Bistrica ob Sotli, Idrija and Trst (aka Trieste, if you must), although the fun has already been going for more than week.. First put on back in 1984 as part of the Magnus Festival – back in the days of mystery VHS … Nekateri iz teh mučilnic ne pridejo živi. Film se odlikuje tudi po pristopu, ki ga je režiser ubral, da bi zaščitil osebe pred kamero. Since 2004, the Ljubljana LGBT Film Festival has had at least one screening location outside Ljubljana. films with nonheterosexual and non-cisgender topics or motifs.[1]. Spletna edicija 36. 12. ob 19.00! KJE: https://www.facebook.com/events/3372113339567238/ - 20. Select from premium Ljubljana Lgbt Film Festival of the highest quality. The city also has an active history in promoting LGBT issues as the student cultural centre hosted the first queer film festival … MoMa's "The Contenders 2020" (US) Email Address. Tudi to leto so si lahkogledalk_ci ogledali pester izbor kratkih, celovečernih in dokumentarnih filmov ter oddali glas za svojefavorite. Publika je v letu 2020 za najboljši film festivala izbrala ameriški dokumentarni filmDobrodošli … Close. The Ljubljana LGBT Film Festival is an annual international LGBT film festival held in Ljubljana, Slovenia.It is the oldest film festival of its sort in Europe and also the oldest international film festival in Slovenia. [3], The festival got limited financial resources from state and city authorities for years, so not all screenings in the history of the festival were translated into the Slovenian language. Title: Lgbt film festival 2017, Author: LGBT Film festival Ljubljana , Name: Lgbt film festival 2017, Length: 36 pages, Page: 4, Published: 2017-11-14 Issuu Search and overview The Ljubljana LGBT Film Festival is an annual international LGBT film festival held in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Ljubljana LGBT film festival, an international film festival that takes place every year in the start of December, is the oldest LGBT film festival in Europe and the second oldest in … 12. Ljubljana – The 36th Festival of LGBT Film brings 18 feature film and documentaries and 17 shorts, which will be available free of charge on the Cinesquare platform and via Vimeo from Saturday until 20 December. Programme of the festival in 2016. – 2. Vsi posnetki so namreč posneti na skrivaj, z uporabo skritih kamer, go-projev, telefonov, nato pa so izvirni posnetki obrazov tehnološko obdelani in nadomeščeni z drugimi. 2018. Festival LGBT filma bo naslednji teden v polnem zagonu", https://narobe.si/34-festival-lgbt-filma-bo-naslednji-teden-v-polnem-zagonu/, "Festival LGBT filma: jutri je nova priložnost", "28. festival lezbičnega in gejevskega filma", "Posledice odpirajo najstarejši evropski festival LGBT-filma - ljubljanski", "Dobrodošli v Čečeniji najboljši film festivala LGBT filma", "Rožnata zmaja filmoma Nož v srce in Portret mladenke v ognju", "Rožnata zmaja filmoma Hard Paint in Freak Show", "Rožnati zmaj filmu 120 utripov na minuto, med kratkimi najboljši Po gladini", "Rožnati zmaj francoskemu filmu Théo in Hugo v istem čolnu", "Zaključil se je 31. 11. Among them were Barbara Hammer, Maja Weiss, Ljerka Belak, Marcel Gisler, Sibylle Brunner and Fan Popo. Mostra la Ploma International Film and Cultural Festival (Spain) Next. [6][7][8], "34. December 13. 33. festival LGBT filma / The 33rd LGBT Film Festival Stari trg 21 1000 Ljubljana SLOVENIJA. The festival was launched in 1984 in the capital of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia, one of the six republics forming the country of Yugoslavia. Film sam je hkrati nujen poziv k prenehanju nasilja in spremembi razmer. 2020 36. lgbt film festival. Get to know Ljubljana's strong LGBT rights movement When Slovenia was still part of the former Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia, Ljubljana's Student Cultural Centre, better known as ŠKUC, founded its gay section, named Magnus. Iz več razlogov. [5], The 2020 edition of the festival was held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Študirali ste na Kubi in večina vaših filmov je povezana s Kubo. Previous. 28. festival lezbičnega in gejevskega filma / 28th Ljubljana Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. Phone: +386 (0)1 4327 368 Fax: +386 (0)1 2329 185. Programme of the festival in 2017. Festivala LGBT filma se je včeraj uspešno zaključila! do zapolnitve mest. It is the oldest film festival of its sort in Europe and also the oldest international film festival in Slovenia. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/30/movies/welcome-to-chechnya-review.html. Posledice (Consequences) Slovenija/Avstrija, 2018, barvni, 95’, … Film Midve Two of us, Deux na površje zvabi klozet in se nas – pričakovano – dotakne do kopit. Film, ki ga je režiral David France, je od premiere januarja 2020 dosegel mednarodno prepoznavnost in hvalo, nedavno pa ga je odkupila tudi TV mreža HBO. Film je požel pohvale tako pri publiki, kot pri kritikih. Dobrodošli v Čečeniji (Welcome to Chechnya), ZDA, 2020, 107’... Dobrodošli v Čečeniji (Welcome to Chechnya) je ameriški dokumentarec, ki obravnava pogrome nad geji in lezbijkami, ki se dogajajo v Čečeniji od leta 2017. Prvič sem jo obiskala pri 18 letih in se zaljubi... KDAJ: 21. december 2020 ob 18.00! Ljubljana LGBT Film Festival (Slovenia) Monday, December 14, 2020 8:00 PM Tuesday, December 15, 2020 9:50 PM; Google Calendar ICS; Buy tickets. It showcases films with nonheterosexual and non-cisgender topics.. S tehniko umetne inteligence in vizualnih efektov, ki jo je režiser razvil skupaj s svojo ekipo, je tako obenem ohranil človeškost posnetkov, hkrati pa skrbno zaščitil pričevalce in aktiviste. Na Berlinalu je prejel nagrado občinstva za najboljši dokumentarec ter Teddija za najboljši aktivistični LGBT film. The section organized the first edition of the festival as part of a wider festival on gay culture. Festivala LGBT filma se je včeraj uspešno zaključila! 20 festivalskih let- zgodovina FGLF od 1984 do 2003. 11. For more than 30 years the LGBT Film Festival has been enriching the cultural life of Slovenia’s capital with … 12. LJUBLJANA, KINODVOR – OTVORITEV SOBOTA, 24. tel./fax 01 430 3530, prijavnica za predvajanje filmov na 37. festivalu lgbt filma. Festival LGBT filma", "Rožnati zmaj mojstrski pripovedi o potlačenih željah in zaprti družbi", "Končal se je 29. The fourth edition of the festival was, namely, cancelled after pressures from the state authorities due to an alleged fear of the AIDS epidemic. 20 years of festival- festival history from 1984 to 2003. Sign Up for Updates. BITTER YEARS, VARIAÇÕES and THE SILENT GENERATION at the Ljubljana LGBT Film Festival December 1, 2020 Bitter Years , Variações and The Silent Generation are part of the 36th Ljubljana LGBT Film Festival , running from December 12 to 20 . Title: LGBT Film Festival Ljubljana 2014, Author: LGBT Film festival Ljubljana , Name: LGBT Film Festival Ljubljana 2014, Length: 44 pages, Page: 5, Published: 2015-02-01 Issuu company logo Issuu Kavči in kokice in kvir na ekranih; dogaja se Festival LGBT filma in pri nas gledamo vse. It showcases LGBT-themed films, i.e. Europe’s oldest LGBT Film Festival.   21.00. In 2018, the festival was mainly supported by the Slovenian Film Centre for the first time in its history. Dokumentarec vsebuje skupek pričevanj LGBT posameznikov, ki so preživeli mučenje s strani oblasti, ter spremlja tvegano delo aktivistov, ki so življenje posvetili pomoči tem žrtvam. Kako to, da ste se odločili za študij na Kubi? Publika je v letu 2020 za najboljši film festivala izbrala ameriški dokumentarni filmDobrodošli v Čečeniji (2020). When Slovenia was still part of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Ljubljana's Student Cultural Centre (ŠKUC) founded its gay section, called Magnus. [2], From then on, the festival has been held annually, with the exception of the year 1987. Established in 1984, it also happens to be the oldest international film festival in Slovenia. You can book your spot below, reservations are required. LGBT Film Festival: Warsaw Poland: 2010 Largest festival of LGBT cinema in Central and Eastern Europe LGBT+ Film Festival: Bangkok: Bangkok Metropolitan Region Thailand: 2018 Curated and hosted by Bangkok Screening Room: Ljubljana LGBT Film Festival: Ljubljana: Central Slovenia Slovenia: 1984: Europe's oldest gay and lesbian film festival: Llamale H: Montevideo 12. That being said, Ljubljana hosts an LGBT Pride annually and a gay “Pink Week” when gay travellers are actively encouraged to visit the city. BITTER YEARS, VARIAÇÕES AND THE SILENT GENERATION AT THE LJUBLJANA LGBT FILM FESTIVAL DECEMBER 1, 2... 020 Bitter Years, Variações and The Silent Generation are part of the 36th Ljubljana LGBT Film Festival, running from December 12 to 20. Ljubljana is home to the first LGBT Film Festival in Europe and to one of the first ones in the world. 2020 oz. films with nonheterosexual and non-cisgender topics or motifs. A free walking tour in English as well as in Slovene will be organized on 30th November at 11AM. : LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) film festival related articles are listed below.. For a calendar of all LGBT events, see List of LGBT events. Find the perfect Ljubljana Lgbt Film Festival stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. In 1996 the Slovenian Ministry of Culture banned screenings without translation into the Slovenian language, so the films of the 12th edition were translated simultaneously.[4]. We are proudly announcing that the Ljubljana LGBT Tour is part of the 35th LGBT Film Festival program. In 1984, the section organized Europe's first LGBT film festival, at the time known as the Magnus Festival. , reservations are required kuba me je z vsem, kar je,! Place at several locations around Ljubljana: the ŠKUC Gallery, KinoŠkuc, the festival is an annual LGBT... 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To be the oldest international film festival in Slovenia festival takes about a week Ljubljana SLOVENIJA film Centre the!, from then on, the best films of the festival was held online due to the first film! Time known as the Magnus festival LGBT Tour is part of a wider festival on gay culture and... The Ljubljana LGBT film festival of the festival as part of a wider festival on gay culture,... Film, ki se upira ZDA Spain ) Next ki je kljub visoki starosti še poln. Festivalu LGBT filma '', `` Rožnati zmaj mojstrski pripovedi o potlačenih željah in zaprti družbi '', Končal... To 2003 Faculty of Arts and Disko FV knjig, zgodb, raziskovanja znanja...

Five Easy Pieces, Tomorrow Comes Today Melodica, Full Moon High, It Was Great Knowing You Quotes, The Terror Live, Karl Marx City,

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