in a station of the metro argument

we can write an original essay just for you. Sorry, we could not paraphrase this essay. We will occasionally send you account related emails. BACK; NEXT ; Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer. The other thing worth highlighting about Pound’s use of images is the relation he draws between them: here there is no straightforward simile (the faces aren’t described as like the petals on the bough), nor is there metaphor (e.g. The poem attempts to describe Pound's experience upon visiting an underground metro station in Paris in 1912, and Pound suggested that the faces of the individuals in the metro were best put into a poem not with a description but with an "equation". What's more, Hugh Kenner argues that the poem records a descent "underground," and recalls Odysseus' encounter with the souls of the dead in Hades. We provide you with original essay samples, perfect formatting and styling. Faces are being compared to petals. Home — Essay Samples — Literature — Poem — The Analysis of the Poem “In a Station of the Metro” by Ezra Pound. The Jaipur Metro has a double-storey elevated road and metro-track which has been used for the first time in the country. Beginning at the turn of the 20th century, modernism broke away from traditional styles, structures, and themes in literature. In formal terms, this couplet doesn’t snap shut like one of Alexander Pope’s: Words are like Leaves; and where they most abound, What we could understand that when the doors open the faces appears then the doors shut the faces are gone. Like Eliot, he was fascinated by the poetry of Dante. I'm going to start by suggesting that the two scenes have a much closer relationship than is often posited. Ezra Pound’s “In a Station of the Metro,” which he described as a “hokku,” is one of the most famous English-language poems of the twentieth century. It seems that the analysis has added a simile, since there is no real suggestion the two things are connected – the faces and the petals. Earl Miner has spoken of it in terms of discordia concors(in J. P. Sullivan's Ezra Pound 235), others of an inter-relationship of subjective/objective imagery, and many have struggled for conclusive characterizations of its metaphorical nature. Abstract. This essay is not unique. Pingback: A Short Analysis of Ezra Pound’s ‘In a Station of the Metro’ — Interesting Literature | JCU // Creative Writing Workshop, Thank you for this – a lovely, layered analysis that manages to be learned and intelligent without any pretention:). He is the author of, among others, The Secret Library: A Book-Lovers’ Journey Through Curiosities of History and The Great War, The Waste Land and the Modernist Long Poem. The "faces in the crowd," like the "EIKONES" of memory, are "apparitions": … "In a Station of the Metro" The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough. We can see how he followed these three commandments (of sorts) in his two-line masterpiece, ‘In a Station of the Metro’. Born in Idaho in 1885, he was an American who ‘found himself’ artistically only when he emigrated to England. Ezra Pound’s words portray a moment frozen in time. 9/9. The central image of the faces as petals is clear and simple, and can instantly be visualized. One dichotomy that has … This is admittedly a complex poem. The modern urban setting of the couplet is lost if the title is not granted its rightful place as originating line of a poem for which the altogether more rural image of the ‘wet, black bough’ acts as a terminus. But as with T. E. Hulme’s ground-breaking modernist poems, there are assonantal echoes which help to give the poem a kind of loose unity: ‘apparition’ picks up the ‘Station’ from the title, while the ‘ow’ sounds of ‘crowd’ and ‘bough’ move towards each other without fully rhyming. Short, and bittersweet. Your time is important. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. In a Station of the Metro (1914 / 1916) The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough. In just 20 words (including the title! Obviously this is impossible in poetry where we move from one line to the next in a linear fashion; but Pound’s clever use of punctuation and typography helps to convey the immediacy of the analogy, as it would strike the observer who thought it up. Let us just do not forget that the two lines of the poem match the topic. It was published in 1913 in Poetry , [1] which puts it in the public domain in the United States. As with Hulme’s most famous poems, such as ‘The Embankment’, a chain of sound-associations forms a link between the images of the poem, and the urban and the rural find themselves juxtaposed. ‘Imagisme’ (the final ‘e’ was Pound’s attempt to give the word a French sound, after Symbolisme; it was quickly, and quietly, dropped) began in the British Museum tea-room in 1912, when Ezra Pound declared to his ex-girlfriend Hilda Doolittle and her new boyfriend Richard Aldington that they were both ‘Imagist poets’, and the co-founders of a new poetic movement. Pound claims that it is crowd which means a lot of people are on the station which leads us to recognize that the station is obviously very busy. Image: Ezra Pound photographed in Kensington, London, October 22, 1913. Surely "In a Station of the Metro" wakens Pound's mastery of this talent and suggests that Eliot was not without justification in calling him il miglior fabbro. | Certified Educator Despite being a very short poem, Ezra Pound 's " In a Station of the Metro " explores a number of major themes. The author has insisted to create kind of scary image because he used the word “apparition” he could use “shows” or “display”, but in fact he decided to “apparition” because it means an unexpected sight. In short, ‘In a Station of the Metro’ briefly encapsulates the main driving idea behind the Imagist movement. First, here’s a short introduction to the poet who wrote ‘In a Station of the Metro’. With only fourteen words used throughout ‘In a Station of the Metro’, it stands to reason that each one was chosen specifically for one particular conveyed image. Are you interested in getting a customized paper? Poems, readings, poetry news and the entire 100-year archive of POETRY magazine. Talk:In a Station of the Metro. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. In a Station of the Metro. A fine example of, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” although perhaps this should be read as ear. GradesFixer. The short poem “In a Station of the Metro” is an example of Pound’s artistic theory of Imagism, which he advocated for a brief while in his career … Reblogged this on Recommended book and blog news, poetry and tarot inspiration and commented: It has both elevated and underground metro stations which enhance the connectivity of its capital of the country. Using the following poem, explain the Formalist concept of defamiliarization. In a Station of the Metro Questions. Poems, readings, poetry news and the entire 100-year archive of POETRY magazine. If you fit this description, you can use our free essay samples to generate ideas, get inspired, and figure out a title or outline for your paper. Setting. For example, the author described seeing faces on the station, and he did not describe his point neither as a passenger nor as driver. The poem has an unmistakably somber tone, even though we may not, at a first pass, be able to say precisely why. I grew suspicious from the use of this last questionable argument. "In a Station of the Metro" takes place in an underground setting that might feel a bit like Hades, the underworld of Greek mythology, which classical poets described as being crowded with souls. All I can do is try to offer a compelling interpretation, not necessarily the only interpretation. I found it useful in getting out of the impasse in which I had been left by my metro emotion. (If you’re in the Metro or Underground and think that the faces of your fellow commuters look like petals, this is instant, and not something that conventional poetic language can reflect with complete accuracy.). Pound made an image on the reader’s mind while the readers reading they can imagine the station, the train, and the faces. ‘In a Station of the Metro’, written by Ezra Pound in 1913, is the Imagist poem par excellence. Students who find writing to be a difficult task. Interesting Literature is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by linking to (One of T. E. Hulme’s fragments read simply: ‘Old houses were scaffolding once / and workmen whistling’.). This two-liner poem is a clear example of how poetry becomes effective through the images it paints. All rights reserved Gradesfixer ™, “The Analysis of the Poem “In a Station of the Metro” by Ezra Pound.”, The Analysis of the Poem “In a Station of the Metro” by Ezra Pound [Internet]. For example, the author described seeing faces on the station, and he did not describe his point neither as a passenger nor as driver. The speaker, in a station at the Paris Metro underground system, observes that the faces of the crowds of people are like the petals hanging on the ‘wet, black bough’ of a tree. "In a Station of the Metro" is an Imagist poem by Ezra Pound. This poem is extremely short, but carries a deep meaning with it. Ezra pound or what I would call him the influencer. My question, is is this really an argument, and who is the audience? This poem is very short, and he made it somehow mysterious. This kind of treatment of the words creates a visual effect which is known as the quintessential Imagist text. Available from:, Receive a 100% plagiarism-free essay on your email just for $4.99, *Public papers are open and may contain not unique content. Pound describes his experience in a metro station in Paris in this poem. The setting is Paris, France, and as he describes these faces as a "crowd," meaning the station is quite busy. Why doesn’t Pound include the phrase "looks like" at the beginning of the second line? Enter your email address to subscribe to this site and receive notifications of new posts by email. When he taught at Wabash College in Indiana, he did so with his feet on the desk, and became known for his flouting of college rules (he smoked in public even though smoking was banned; he made a show of mixing rum with his tea). … But what does the poem mean, precisely? I wrote a thirty-line poem, and destroyed it because it was what we call work "of second intensity." and opened up the source cited: it avoids discussion of authorial intent almost completely (as a work of serious criticism, not surprising), and makes no mention of Vorticism whatsoever. Therefore, it would be difficult to argue his poem has themes in the traditional sense. Photograph by Alvin Langdon Coburn, first published in Coburn’s More Men of Mark (New York: Knopf, 1922); Wikimedia Commons; public domain. In terms of poetry, Poems, readings, poetry news and the entire 100-year archive of POETRY magazine. The author of this article, Dr Oliver Tearle, is a literary critic and lecturer in English at Loughborough University. Refer to the Eichenbaum article to support your argument. First Impressions. Want us to write one just for you? Pound was influenced here by the Japanese haiku form, which utilises images from nature to connect the momentary with the timeless, the miniature with the transcendent. But the poem stays in the memory partly because of the frailty of the image which is being suggested: petals on a bough will not be there forever, just as the faces in the Metro a hundred years from now will not belong to the same people. Only there is something Eastern beneath the Western veneer. But what is this poem about? Pound claims that it is crowd which means a lot of people are on the station which leads us to recognize that the station is … He liked to play tennis, even though his friend Ford Madox Ford describes him playing like ‘an inebriated kangaroo’. The most important thing pound made this poem very short which is only two lines. The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough. Unlike Eliot, he was possessed of a swaggering confidence from an early age: he was apparently bad at playing the piano (and had little musical talent in general) but would do so nevertheless, a sign of his overwhelming self-belief. The brevity of life, the brevity of the Imagist poem. Weird. For example, the word “apparition” in the first line suggests the nature of traveling in a crowd — it is a fleeting action, so much so that people seem like ghosts to the observer. Ezra Pound once defined an image as ‘an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time’, and this is exactly what this poem offers. These three tenets or commandments can be boiled down to: 1) direct treatment of the ‘thing’, whether subjective or objective; 2) use no word that does not contribute to the presentation; and 3) in terms of rhythm, don’t write in regular metre (which is like the beating of a metronome) but in irregular rhythms (as in music). For some, it is clear as much as crystal for others it is very confusing because of sentence fragments. The poem appears to be set in some kind of wooded subway in the springtime where there might be ghosts. But unlike Eliot, he dressed ostentatiously – almost a caricature of a poet, not the normal man in a suit that Eliot appeared. This poem is very short, and he made it somehow mysterious. Ezra Pound’s “In a Station of the Metro,” which he described as a “hokku,” is one of the most famous English-language poems of the twentieth century. Having trouble finding the perfect essay? In fact, using only fourteen words make us understand that Pound has chosen these words very carefully for a specific image. Three years ago in Paris I got out of a “metro” train at La Concorde, and saw suddenly a beautiful face, and then another and another, and then a beautiful child’s face, and then another beautiful woman, and I tried all that day to find words for what this had meant to me, and I could not find any words that seemed to me worthy, or as lovely as that sudden emotion. T. E. Hulme’s ground-breaking modernist poems, analysis of Wallace Stevens’s ‘The Emperor of Ice-Cream’, piece on a neglected WWI poem by Ford Madox Ford, discussion of Williams’s ‘The Red Wheelbarrow’, The Secret Library: A Book-Lovers’ Journey Through Curiosities of History, The Great War, The Waste Land and the Modernist Long Poem, Ezra Pound photographed in Kensington, London, October 22, 1913, 10 Very Short Modernist Poems Everyone Should Read | Interesting Literature, Recommended book and blog news, poetry and tarot inspiration, A Short Analysis of Ezra Pound’s ‘In a Station of the Metro’ — Interesting Literature | JCU // Creative Writing Workshop. 2019 Nov 26 [cited 2021 May 18]. Bengaluru Metro also known as Namma Metro is the transit rail system in the Bengaluru city. Below, we offer a few words of analysis on this striking poem, which is one of Ezra Pound’s most famous pieces of writing. 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In this quick poem, Pound describes watching faces appear in a metro station. First and foremost, this poem is remarkable because it creates a lot of images that help the readers to experience deep emotions and feelings. I noticed that although the poem is extremely short, there are resemblances to the form of a sonnet. Our professional writers can rewrite it and get you a unique paper. In writing "In a Station of the Metro," Pound's explicit goal was to present an experience without interpreting or developing it. Ezra Pound's In the Station of the Metro, poetry is associated to subtlety and strength of the image. The title locates the poem within the metro station, underground. By clicking “Send”, you agree to our Terms of service and Privacy statement. Like Hulme’s poems, and like much imagist verse, the poem is a memento mori, a reminder of the inevitability of death: its brevity is closely linked with its theme, which is partly the brevity of life. Speaking about poems one of his greatest work ever “In a Station of the Metro”. The concise two line poem also is an example of Pound at work fulfilling his own dictum for what the ideal Imagist poem … This article only goes to show that you can read anything into this lame excuse for a poem. In one moment, there is a face, as clear as can be, and in … He had an eye for the very small, for concrete details rather than abstract ideas, and yet had a kind of universal view that was on a large scale, politically as well as artistically. "In a Station of the Metro" is a poem by American writer Ezra Pound, originally published in 1913. Still, he left openings for readers to do the work of interpretation. If you’d like this or any other sample, we’ll happily email it to you. It's interesting that through two simple lines, Pound is able to contrast the fast-paced dynamism of the urban to the serenity of the rural. “Mike Meyer says that “images give us the physical world to experience in our imaginations. In just two lines, Pound distils the entire manifesto for Imagism into a vivid piece of poetry, what T. E. Hulme had earlier called ‘dry, hard, classical verse’. You can read ‘In a Station of the Metro’ here. Ezra Pound's "In a Station of the Metro" is a poem that capitalizes on the tension between similarity and polarity as extremely as ever a couplet has. Pssst… Meaning relies heavily on imagery. Pound's two-line poem is a famous example of "imagism," a poetic form spear-headed by Pound that focuses above all on relating clear images through precise, accessible language. And receive notifications of new posts by email who returned to Earth for half of every year, bringing with... 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