how can we stop such bad customs in our society

Why we can’t stop fighting about cancel culture. Political Activities Between 2007 B.S. At the same time, there are many bad customs practiced in our society in the name of tradition. This custom is called the Ghumto Pratha. At its core, cancel culture is nothing more than a breeding ground for toxicity that hides behind a façade of moral righteousness. They are the self-accepted rules of social life. Some have likened it to an unsuccessful game of whack-a-mole that isn’t really achieving any results. Generally speaking, here are some examples of mitigation strategies we can use to slow or stop the human-caused global warming : Where possible, we can switch to renewable sources of energy (such as solar and wind energy) to power our homes and buildings, thus emitting far less heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere. Such bad Filipino habits earn us negative reputation and paint the country in a bad light. Such violence may arise from a sense of entitlement , superiority , misogyny or similar attitudes in the perpetrator or his violent nature, especially against women. The theory suggests that people make illogical, simple decisions in complex situations. Besides these, there are many other bad customs in various communities of our society. Of course, not all Filipinos share these bad qualities but if you feel offended reading any of the items below, maybe you fall into this segment of the society who need improvement in attitudes and outlook in life. Individuals can hardly escape their grip. All rights reserved. There is a tradition of offering a girl child to the bad at a temple in the hill region of the far western development region. There can be more than one community in a society. to 2046 B.S. Customs can persist for generations, as new members of a society learn about existing customs through a process of socialization. There are ambiguities. ... while platforms like YouTube and Netflix help to diversify and expand the types of media and pop culture we consume. Ahh religion, the mother of all sources of misinformation, often created from ignorance and expanded through fear and intolerance. Many married couples are splitting due to not fulfilling the demand of husband and their family. ‘If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.’ ~Albert Einstein Editor’s note: For simplicity reasons, the term religion is used here to refer only to the dominant, especially Western, dogmatic, organized religions, and doesn’t imply the esoteric religious traditions that do have a positive impact on the world. We, Filipinos, can sometimes be too self-righteous. It divides the members of the society and conflict takes place. All such bad customs should be abolished. i) Mass awareness programs should be organized throughout the country to aware the people, especially in rural areas.ii) The laws regarding untouchability should be implemented effectively.iii) Reservation in civil service, police, army and other sectors should be made to schedule castes.iv) Skill training or employment opportunities should be given to them to uplift their economic condition. Unfortunately, the cancel culture we are experiencing today isn’t like that. If there was ever any doubt that cancel culture is a problem, former President Barack Obama put that to rest in late October. It’s time to end cancel culture and start canceling the culture of toxicity that we live in today. I'm Cody. and 2017 B.S. Such discrimination hinders social development and nation building. Sometimes, the husband, mother-in-law and other family members try to kill the woman. In a speech in Chicago he said, “This idea of purity, and you’re never compromised, and you’re politically woke, and all that stuff—you should get over that quickly… The world is messy. Anyone that’s ventured onto Twitter within the last few months has probably seen at least one instance of someone, or something, being “canceled” in their trending section. The main causes of social evils are illiteracy and poverty. Conducting awareness programmes can be the best way to reduce the social evils in our society. Such violence is often seen as a mechanism for the subjugation of women, whether in society in general or in an interpersonal relationship. Discriminating people on the basis of their caste is called untouchability. Those instances should warrant a badge of shame. Does that person deserve to be put to shame for the actions of their past when there is nothing that can be done about it? Like Deuki Pratha, she also cannot exercise any of her rights. This bad custom is widely practiced in the terai region and is slowly spreading to other parts of our country as well. Such girls have to spend her whole life in cleaning and taking care of her Gumba. What about a restaurant chain that closes one day a week because of its religious views? They remain unmarried throughout their life. It’s important that the paperwork that ships with the consignment contains everything Customs departments need to know about the goods in order to avoid customs clearance issues. There are still bad customs due to the lack of education, unemployment, lack of opportunity to girls, continuity of old tradition and practice etc. There is no logical or reasonable way to deny that we live in a society that perpetuates rape and rape culture. This shows how we can be irresponsible for our actions. Physical and mental torture is given by the husband and his parents to a woman for not bringing sufficient dowry. Somehow, an exceedingly loud yet very fluid subset of the population has taken it upon themselves to call out every wrong committed by everyone from politicians to musicians and comedians to restaurant chains. No matter how small the change is, if everyone does their part, there won’t be a need for social media cancellations. Shouting about someone’s since-buried past on Twitter while attempting to fire them from a new role isn’t accomplishing anything. Yet, it expects everyone to act as if they are. Sometimes, people revolt against such inequality. The Burn-In is an interactive hub for tech enthusiasts featuring the latest news, product updates, and upcoming announcements from within the tech industry. Ultimately, this leads to a mob mentality of shouting activists that somehow seem to lose a rational voice for their arguments. These factors are closely linked with Ban on Political Parties & Socio-Economic Achievements from 2007-2017 B.S. I am not writing this to make it look like Africa is so bad a continent or her countries so bad a place to live. They cannot get an education and remain illiterate. It is creating lots of conflicts and tension in the family. If we want to fight prejudice, then let’s shape the conversation around our better angels. Those instances should warrant a badge of shame. For example, the New York Times columnist Charles Blow, tweets: “Once more THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS CANCEL CULTURE. "Our consumer self is so overdeveloped that we spend most of our time there. Impacts of untouchability: The schedule castes are dominated in the society which creates inequality in the society. Can We Restore America? This custom is called the Ghumto Pratha. According to Global Workplace Analytics, a business consultancy, 56% of American workers hold jobs that are at least partially compatible with remote work. Alcohol can manipulate the way we think. Some aim to reduce dating violence and sexual abuse among teenagers and young adults There is simply no excuse for racial, homophobic, sexist, or discriminatory talk and actions. The next time someone is being canceled for something they’ve done, look not at the person but at the problem in society that drove them to act in such a way. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that 44 perfectly summed up the heart of the issue. The ONLY way to stop such destruction is to use Napalm and Phosphorous bombs on identified Daesh/IS forces occupying the vicinity of these World Heritage sites. PC Culture . There is a tradition of offering a girl child to the temple in the hill region of the far western development region. There are other factors too that cause many serious problems in our society. Not all cultures have or use toilet paper, and tend to use their left hand in lieu of it. and Delhi Agreement. A tricky question is how do we identify bad customs and traditions which should be ended? In early childhood, research on the biology of stress shows how major adversity, such as extreme poverty, abuse, or neglect can weaken developing brain architecture and permanently set the body’s stress response system on high alert. The property or money brought by a bride to her husband home on her marriage is called dowry. This habit is also popular among our public officials. Considering that many “cancel” events are driven by racism, it is interesting to hear that Obama himself wants the trend to die out. iv) Mass awareness programs should be organized to sensitize the people. Perhaps that’s why the problem of #canceling someone has gotten out of hand so quickly. What happens when a decade-old racist tweet is uncovered from someone that has turned their life around and not made the same mistake since? So this custom should be abolished. Solutions to prevent bad customs are education should be provided, the strict law should be made to give an opportunity to girls, awareness program should be held, etc. it is practiced in the terai region. It celebrates the goodness of creation and of human culture. You can find us in almost every social media platforms. We should end bad customs and traditions because they are BAD. There is a custom of covering the face by married woman so that men cannot see her face. Our society has been historically set up in a way that makes rape, sexual violence, or romantic manipulation not only possible, but rather a normal, expected occurrence for many people. Political Activities from 2046 B.S. People will continue to shout even louder. Consequences and Effects of First World War, Consequences and Effects of Second World War, Co-operatives and their Economic Importance, Problems in Foreign Employment and Their solutions, Challenges and Opportunities of Foreign Employment in Nepal, International Relation. There’s only one way to stop cancel culture—and it’s going to take all of us. The Origins of Customs . Here in America, we, as a society, have a tendency to jump to quick and very vocal judgments in the name of propriety. Copied I recently revived my Instagram account in an attempt to kill time during the COVID-19 lockdown. At its root, that is the problem with cancel culture. It is the symbol of gender inequality. Mind you I … It is the remainder of the feudal culture of our society. Unfortunately, Alcohol impairs our ability to identify dangerous situations. 6) “Non-Judgmentalism”: We’ve heard so many liberals talk about how important it is to be non-judgmental that it has seeped into the culture at … In most countries, so called "honor stoning" is illegal, but in other countries such as Iran, Mauritania, Pakistan, Sudan, Syria, Yemen and a few other countries it is a legal form of capital punishment or an act for which the legal system shows leniency and forgiveness.According to the 2013 Human Rights Commission report on Pakistan, 869 women … Now, it’s time to put a stop to it. Generally, as a member of society, most people adhere to customs without any real understanding of why they exist or how they got started. Global Workplace Analytics … This custom is known as Deuki pratha. When mistakes happen, we do not want to take the blame, so instead we point at others. A … Traditionally behaving or doing something that is specific to society is known as custom. Admittedly, there are plenty of reasons that a celebrity or influential individual needs to be looked down on. The schedule castes are dominated in the society which creates inequality in the society. Let us discuss some of the bad customs presence in our society. She cannot marry as well. Napalm and phosphorous are terrible weapons, designed to kill victims by burning deep into the skin, but it is justifiable against such greed-driven extremists such as Daesh. The impact of Deuki Pratha: Such girls cannot exercise any of their rights. For business inquiries feel free to get in touch at: The problem with ‘cancel’ culture and why it needs to stop, Justice Department charges two former Twitter employees with spying for Saudi Arabia, T-Mobile to launch 2GB $15 Connect plan if Sprint merger goes through, Big Tech firms are preparing to start bringing employees back to their offices, Why semiconductor manufacturers should reimagine the fab-lite business model, Here’s everything you need to know before launching your AI journey. All such bad customs should be abolished. Occupation, Business & Technology Education, Infrastructures for Development: Skilled Manpower and Employment, Development Proposal Formulated in the Local Level, Recognizing Social Problems and Skill to Solve Social Problem, Roles played by International Organizations in Solving Social Problems, Women and Indigenous Population Related Rights, Human Rights and National and International Agencies, North America: Social and Economic Activities, South America: Social and Economic Activities, North and South America, Africa and Nepal, Natural Disasters: Earthquake and Tsunami, Different Mapping Techniques and Practical Modern Mapping Technologies, Social and Economic Achievements after Second People’s Movement. This attitude destroys team work, and reliability becomes an issue. We had no idea that technology -- what we see on the small and big screens in our homes -- would bring into our day-to-day lives such closeness with so many different cultures! So this custom should be abolished. If we stop … Maybe it would be more effective to seek ways to help people grow than tear them down. That leaves a lot of room for growth in remote and flexible work arrangements. They bind people together, assimilate their actions to the accepted standards and control their purely egoistic impulses. If you're a fan of (sometimes) funny ramblings, give me a follow on Twitter (@CodyDeBos). We need to stop this misleading idea that white people have no culture — that culture is either about Eurocentric literature and philosophy, or about all … With people quick to jump to conclusions and even quicker to air their grievances on social media, the idea of “cancel culture” has quickly blown out of proportion. There is simply no excuse for racial, homophobic, sexist, or discriminatory talk and actions. Then, find a way in your own life to address that issue and counteract it. If you are in the United States … It is for this very reason that we need to never be silent, continue to speak out and share our stories as this is the only way change can happen. In some place, especially in the village, the so-called high-class people prohibit low-class people from entering their houses or using public property like water, tap, temple etc. It is far too easy to hide behind a screen and put someone down with a series of hashtags. Reasons for the Rise and Fall of the Panchayati System. Article shared by. It is a network of social relationships which cannot see or touched. It includes every relationship which established among the people. An unhelpful call out, a classist or sexist statement, or an elitist “woker than thou” attitude can work against our efforts. However, it did also provide as a conduit for our moral education (10 commandments and such) so by the time I finished school, I knew and understood why I needed to treat others as I wanted them to treat me, etc., etc. How we perceive things is largely affected by our judgment skills, preconceived notions, attitude, and emotions. The parents offer their own child to the temple. There is a tradition of offering the second daughter to the monastery in the Himalayan region of Nepal. Proper laws should be passed on to stop such bad activities. Learn the indicators of human trafficking on the TIP Office’s website or by taking a training. As put by Jenna Wortham of the New York Times, “You’re dealing with the symptoms of a sick society rather than treating the disease.”. Sign up and receive the latest tips via email. Essay on Social Importance of Customs – (i) Customs Regulate our Social Life: Customs act as the effective means of social control. Polygamy has increased due to this system. It divides the members of the society and conflict takes place. Though it was declared illegal by the new Muluki Ain of 2020 of 2020 BS, it still exists as a stain in our society. Inaccurate paperwork is often the reason Customs have put your import on hold. Political Activities Between 2017 B.S. It is the remainder of the feudal culture of our society. Untouchability has been practiced in our society since ancient times. There is a belief that these girls should not marry throughout their life. These bad cultures not only cause grief and sadness to the people, but they also portray Africa as a primitive, if not wicked type of race. Anyone can join in the fight against human trafficking. Education and awareness play an important role to end such evils. Proper laws should be passed on to stop such bad activities. There is a custom of covering the face by the married woman so that men cannot see her face. Such discrimination hinders social development and nation building. For example, an inebriated person may concentrate on a friendly smile rather than the risk of driving home with a stranger. When we compare ourselves to what others share on social media, we often forget to be grateful for what we have - leading to us always being in the pursuit of what others have. Education and awareness play a important role to end such evils. In my free time, I'm currently working on my debut YA sci-fi novel. © 2020 Sourceability LLC. But they clearly have outsize influence on the direction of our culture and its projection to the outside world. Society Commentary. When I'm not working, you can find me thinking about the latest gadget, playing Rocket League, or thinking of better ways Game of Thrones could have ended. Interventions often target intimate partner and youth violence. Admittedly, there are plenty of reasons that a celebrity or influential individual needs to be looked down on. Like Deuki Pratha, she also cannot exercise any of her rights. Cancel culture ignores the fact that no one is perfect. She cannot marry as well. Instead of a majority agreement that something is inherently wrong, the more vocal group is the one dictating what is right and what is wrong. Untouchability has been practiced in our society since ancient times. Revolution of 2007 B.S. In some place, especially in the village, the so called high class people prohibit low class people from entering their houses or using public property like water, tap, temple etc. Human trafficking awareness training is available for individuals, businesses, first responders, law enforcement, educators, and federal employees, among others. Money brought by a bride to her husband home on her marriage called. Uncovered from someone that has turned their life castes how can we stop such bad customs in our society dominated in the temple in the temple of. Members of a poor family and offer her in the temple are experiencing today isn ’ t like that should. 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