how accurate is my friend dahmer reddit

“Great Nelson Bubble lamp chad”, Things that make them seem health concience. + Facial hair 8.Black news anchors 4. #502 White people like it when other races and nationalities emulate their white fashion sense, hair styles, and speech patterns. to learn more, find a nice white sommelier. 12.Touching black/kinky hair 18. >>63618487 meeting* I guess >> Anonymous … My Dominican friend asked me last week “why do white people put (potato) chips on their sandwich?” Right before I fell out of my chair laughing there was a split second where I was stunned. They also like to take close-ups of obscure flowers out in the wild. dont panic… but you’re turning white. Brutal dictators who oppress their people but nonetheless offer stellar healthcare. Anonymous 03/22/21 (Mon) 03:33:43 AM No. White people like to walk in the woods after dark and camp out! Broaching a “drop off” play date with another mom…beware- it may be greeted with astonishment that you would leave your little darling in the hands of another mom. God, haha, this entire list is me and everyone I know. you should include “over-priced extravagant weddings”. W.P.L. Any sport/activity that requires cumbersome, extensive equipment and colour-coordinating ensembles. First, I love this list as a white person. I think you can add: Thank you — this list has changed my life! Ugly, box vehicles (ie. IKEA (could be covered under modern furniture). ones who are playing jazz. Ooh, yeah, questionaires, that and customer service surveys, a complete subset unto itself. White people like damnitcamn are funny. CoNLL17 Skipgram Terms - Free ebook download as Text File (.txt), PDF File (.pdf) or read book online for free. 2) Birding This only applies to wealthy Americans, and largely appeals to those who live in a metropolitan area (NYC, Chicago, LA), the Northeast, and California. What about Australian, British, French, Scottish, Irish, Norwegian cultured white people. Tango music Red bull and vodka. 3. Marc Jacobs. I don’t know why the wiki just says “abusing” which sounds vague. 2. I like non-profit organizations because they help people (of ALL races). Plastic surgery Camping Also, I find this site very amusing. Urban Dictionary A few things that definitely should be added to the list: 1) American Apparel, and formerly the Gap, 2) Chucks (I’m specifically talking about the shoe, though I guess it could be a reference to Chuck Norris awesomeness jokes), 3) Therapists (moreso than actual therapy – because that would be more indicative of you having a problem needing to be worked through. How about white people who have never been to California talking “Valley” especially those who reside in the middle part of the U.S. How about running the world – or at least the parts that matter. The title here should be list of things YUPPIES like. 7. – Saying the word “existentialism” Debating strategy about sports they haven’t played since junior high Tell me I am this way because I’m white, because I am privileged, I don’t care. – Backpacking through Europe Movies like “Crash,” “Grand Canyon,” and “Spanglish.”. America has an obsession with the exotic. White people, liberal or not, are shamelessly obsessed with the city/state they live in, and are blindly proud of it in some way, regardless of it being famous for being the birthplace of an important figure, where some type of bread is popular, their overweight populations, or having heaps of dumpsters. He went on to marry some lady and have children. white people like black people. SUCH A GREAT MESSAGE TO THE CHILDREN, Internet Dating On a cold day. I am a white female, and I am going to study abroad in South Africa in the Fall. 12. I’m also a product of my environment, and maybe I should stop being so hypocritical. . 5. -NPR Europe, the ancestral home of white people. some nights the entire conversation will simply be regurgitated quotes with nothing original mentioned. Religiously required facial hair aside (see the Amish, Muslims, orthodox Jews), you don’t see any other race sporting so many variations of facial hair so proudly. May I also suggest summer shares, cal-mex, bikes, Ina Garten, vintage clothing stores, the Museum of Modern Art, and pretending to like classical music. 5. Chapter 33: The British Royal Family, Pedophilia and the End of a 1200-Year Parasitic Monarchy Joachim Hagopian Full Text Free Online Below the Fold. 3. First of all, I’m not self-righteous. Aliens. ), 1) Rain… they just love it…dancing in it, feeling it wash over them….I swear they think they’re closer to nature 3. White people like lists of “stuff that white people like.” It shows that they are enlightened enough to make fun of themselves. Maybe even spin class, b/c then they don’t have to worry about skin cancer, wrinkles, sun damage, etc. 2. 5. Noam Chomsky Apparel. Most of the things on this list are either helpful to the world, community, the mind, the heart or just plain fun…I don’t know why it’s considered a joke. 12.Touching black/kinky hair . Elvis Presley That’s a band with all the diversity and awareness a true white person can handle. The Real World Jogging I am going to have to say, that post by 533, “Andrew Bird” is something that should be in the list. It’s like looking at one of those “illusion pictures” where you have to look at it a certain way to see the hidden image. White people love owning outdoor gear they never use (i.e. Report Save. Self Defense Classes I am a white woman and I love Dansko clogs( preferably teh ones that look like mary janes), small-scale floral prints, vintage pyrex bowls, and wearing an apron when I cook. and there would probably be bombing threats and protests. Please add marathons and triathlons… Glasses. I’m culturally more “in touch” with my white side. I don’t know. Karaoke night White people like: ), 1. making your kids wear braces Mapsco or maps in general I DARE YOU. Norman Rockwell (My Grandfather is actually in one of his paintings) White people LOVE mayonnaise. but seriously the “hating walmart but loving target” thing is super true. Janis Joplin. Just like this one. plastic surgery collie greens -American Idol You need to add SCUBA diving to the list. 3. When do I get to talk about my slightly modified late-model German sedan? , White people like taking nature photos or artsy fartsy pic’s of their children. this site is f**king hilarious! someone who browsed the last thread would have seen it. Gum Like the time one of Dahmer's victims got away, made it to the police , but the police returned him to Dahmer. Fine Living Network ROTFL. Parler CEO John Matze said today that his social media company has been dropped by virtually all of its business alliances after Amazon, Apple and Google ended their agreements with the social medi… Star Wars/Star Trek/LOTR Asians sometimes do, but never should, whispy little beards. K. @ #463 – EXACTLY! Also, prison population isn’t really an indicator of anything except the institutionalized racism in the judicial system. Cycling is a great example. Garlic My parents drive a Toyota Prius. . 11.Police officers And defining one’s self via obscure/ironic/exclusive cultural references to deflect guilt about privilege. 6 Certification. 2.TIVO for a red state perspective: Yogurt Because . This maybe the best damn blog that I have ever been too. Bonus points if they’re actually from 1992. Crime I think Peyton must live in a Fly Over state. and check out the site Except for me! Brilliant. Texas Hold ‘Em For some reason white LOVE to talk about having to go to a “physio” appointment. Fritzl reportedly began abusing Elisabeth in 1977 when she was 11. 5. I’m white and I don’t like 90% of the things on this list. Fuck this guy. I am not white, but just listened to you on NPR. Kool-Aid Also add to the list: American Indian culture and religion. Here are three things white people like, in order: i) blogs Porn, XXX, Pussy, Sex and more! Physiotherapy. Chuck Palahniuk (Fight Club, etc.) Painkillers!!!!! 1. This is done by using their own cheap digital cameras. East coast would be sausage not sushi. Airline Miles. If this was done for any other race it would be removed and Jesse Jackson would be demanding the people responsible be punished. It’s nice that you can laugh at yourself but it’s pretty sad that you actually think the colour of your skin determines your likes and behaviours. . oh yes, and what about che guevara t-shirts? -American Apparel I love cutting the lawn. This list has no relevance unless number 1 is America. NO, I am not some angry photographer…I have a cheap digital camera and I am a nurse….with photo’s scattered about…. This is the funniest blog I’ve read in quite some time. I’m not white, it’s the lifestyle, not the skin color, that you’re talking about here. Waterbirthing is a close second. Acoustic guitar; expert level white people can do jammin’ Bob Marley covers! when I call 1-900 numbers, I don’t get charged. -Not taking a shower At first, ALL THE WHITE MEN LOOKED THE SAME TO ME. White people love bumperstickers and gourmet burritos. 2. 2. British actors. This website. 5. definitely take off marajuana and add cocaine. Share. what about bikes, or specifically, the tour de france? You may have recognized Jeffrey Dahmer as one of the most famous murderers in American history. Jenny, m’dear, what you should apologize for is your sadly lacking sense of humor. . Whatever that means. Anonymous 03/22/21 (Mon) 08:17:02 AM No. And most white people have been brainwashed that we are responsible for everything bad in the world, although whites only make up less than 10% of the prison population. alright, TV Dinner is something that ONLY white people do, Spam White people love Spam What are they? So, is it YOUR fault that prisons are full of black people? 2. wearing galoshes (white women specifically)..doesn’t matter if it is raining outside or not. Especially if there is a buy in and at some dudes house. I only believe that this blog, no matter how satirical it is, is (like I said before) counterproductive. Thank God you quoted a black man! wait . Hell heres a list of suggestions since I’m already started 15.Buying American made products I like most of the things on this site. I love food from other cultures, and I want to have bilingual children because I think it is ignorant and arrogant of Americans to think they only need to speak English. Obsessive self examination as a means of absolution. Fucking Hilarious! Cross-country skiing. I think white people really like sailing. I feel like the fact that he abused and raped her and fathered 7 (!) – 5/10 year plans and freaking out when they are not on track. 13. I agree with your blog in the context of middle class north American people. You should receive the email within the next few minutes. Claiming minute Native American ancestry, normally expressed as an absurd fraction like, “I’m 1/32nd Cherokee on my mother’s side.” Note: It is always a large and well-known tribe. You learn something new every day; what did you learn today? – Pilates. MACY’S/BLOOMINGDALES/NORDSTROMS. What about spelling your kids’ first names different so they’re a special? Preferrably khaki cargo shorts and a college/university emblem on sweatshirt. Suburbs, NASCAR, TV wrestling, light beer, the GOP, shopping malls. However, if you replace the word “white people” with “liberal and fairly rich white people” every time the words occur in the blog, it would lose a lot of comedic value. I am not sure what I should think about this "wholesome"-award.. So here is one that I would say is primarily something that white people in Germany like more so than in the U.S.. White people like Moleskine notebooks, chap stick, gourmet chocolates, and gas log fireplaces. having blogs. – Cooking magazines but I didn’t see one of the whitest footwear trends of all time…. I also feel like there’s some stuff missing: charades/board games (white people have entire nights devoted to this stuff! 2. telling everyone how that time they saw radiohead changed their life, oh shit, i forgot…sending your kids to Private School. 3) saying they also write/play the guitar if you tell them you’re a writer/musician. Only an American would bother creating a site like this because the country is so obsessed with race and what it ‘means’ to be white or black. 1. Yeah, pretty much the people who compiled this list are talking about is hipsters (really neo-hipsters). . Yes, they’re music is great. 3) “gourmet” fast-food (Islands, California Pizza Kitchen, BJ’s, etc.) white people like wes anderson movies! FYI, i read too, thanks…) 10. Flying American flags White people think they know everything. hawaiian print shirts and “hang loose” hand signals in hawaii…the more adventurous ones will try and talk in broken english. 21. Atheism, Horses, Catalogs, Wool Clothing, Log Homes, Car Racks and Cargo Boxes, Subarus. Any kind of country club?? I think the popularity of this site shows that white people like reading jokes about white people! . this site is kinda funny at first until you realize you could put anything on here and it would apply to at least some group of white people somewhere. 14. Why hasn’t anybody mentioned country clubs?? Global warming: my god we love to talk about the tragedy of global warming and “what must be done [by others] about it”. I think this blog is the perfect place to explore whether or not this is just somthing white people like. White people really love passive aggression. I know it is bad but at times when I see those amber alerts for a 17 year old kid, I wonder if they have a good reason to run away. Biggest crush I had when working in a project was a skinny big nosed unibrow girl. They love to see their whiteness mirrored back to them from all around the world. Foreign cinema. Martini bars However, I love it nonetheless! i’m gonna be laughing in my sleep! I don’t see how people can find this offensive, even if it applies to them. God forbid you should use a fork to eat chinese food. White people love extremely specific magazines! It has been a welcome change with the exception that at times I’m forced to travel all the way to Fairbanks to find a decent wi-fi connection for my MacBook. 5. I have to admit that at one point in my life, I myself was ashamed to be white and I coined myself a “wigger”. OH and wearing sweatshirts with shorts and flip flops!! Alaska (like Canada but still American!) i.e. Say what now? – Snoop D-O-double-G How about whistling. In the words of a black man whom I admire very much: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. This list is definitely funny, but the comments from the pissed-off folks who are taking this thing too seriously are just hilarious! (I guess I’m just seconding nwillie25. Crocs. Nick Hornby Why? 9. 5. stop whining and picking it apart…..its hysterical! White people are really loving Quinoa and Flax right now. Then, after the trip’s over, getting cynical about it and telling friends how you felt you did more harm than good trampling all over those poor penguins’ nesting grounds. 7.Disney/Disney World/land and all Disney products The only way to cope is through the music of Kanye West. Def a white person sport. 2. Sure, … 22 days ago. -Orthotics It’s a shame that he died so young.” And then everyone else will nod in agreement. Racism is a bad thing, you are deciding to HATE another solely on the color of their skin. I for one…am shocked by this revolation. 4. -Veggie Burgers -Killing animals White people don’t like family involved in their family gatherings. . Stereotyping is not hating, it is an educated guess on the vast majority of a race. EBAY Other White people knowing their heritage (I’m Irish, etc. Another few off the top of my head: Nanny Cams, Would rather watch someone abuse their kids via the net rather than pay the wages of someone qualified to watch them. Don't forget that by 1983 Fritzl was already a convicted rapist. Can you add Passive Aggression to the list. Civil War re-enactors. 2. You are the man . Being white and not liking 80% of the things on this list. Glorious website. They think that by claiming to like Snoop, they will be impressing everyone they meet…especially black folk. I don’t appreciate stereotypes about any group, for any reason, in any form–not even satire. . Niggers, Jews, Homosexuals, Arabs, Chinks, Gooks, and Spics, all need to fucking go! It’s definitely something thrown out there to “one up” your friends… unless the dive, too. 9 “Supporting a cause” while not outright donating. I have however experienced many of the finer things in life. Please note Your Globe and Mail account will expire after 30 days if not validated as described in the email. They are an organization involved in a mixture of criminal and business endeavors, including restaurateuring, private security, bank robbery, drug trafficking, arson, kidnapping, street racing and more. 3) jogging around with their babies in the middle of winter, 4) trashing people who take any kind of medication (“depressed people should just try harder”), 5) but at the same time when it’s their time to be depressed, you’d think they invented it (“depression is a real disease, with treatments, people, like cancer”), 6) we like wearing bracelets and ribbons that show our devotion to important causes, 7) and we like important causes in general, but only if everyone knows HOW MUCH WE CARE. This is my point with “Possession Receivers.” They get credit for “running precise routes” or “being heady or cerebral.”, I’m not white, (nor biracial) and I like 30 items on this list. Guys get them to look “Tough and Unique”. Like instead of Brian, you spell Bryen, or Briann. Uh, #2, Lisa – if you are going to post responses here, shouldn’t you actually know how to spell regatta? Lacrosse. Layering clothes Stand up paddle surfing (this shit is so fucking lame) I’d have to go with “Bad BBQ.” I’ve never been to a white BBQ that has seasoning and moisture involved. I think it’s funny to see a teenage girl from Kansas or somewhere talking like a valley girl. 9. 20.Adopting kids of differnt races and thus Angelina and Brad This allows people of all colors who have cable to make fun of people who can’t afford cable within a socially-acceptable construct. When we sobbed and begged not to go they didn't even ask why. 1) I never even tried to compare the situation of a privileged white person to that of oppressed people. white people LOVE to take online quizzes. I Support the Troops) They then think they have created THE photographic masterpiece of all time. pretty clear. Give a few shoutouts to things like: – Nascar White people love scented candles. Ska/Swing/Rockabilly >>766634 the person posted only has 1k views on a video, they're probably a friend of the op lmao. Snow, Rain, Sun, Hurricane…. 2. From this website I’m learning how to become a more legit white person. That’s got too much trashy glittery shit happening. They also secretly understand why white people think Asians and Blacks all look alike. Submit interesting and specific facts about something that you just found out here. police shooting case to be concerned about protesting a site like this geared towards African-Americans. HA!!! Rolling Stone magazine Current affairs/trends rhyming slurs ” page too demanding, causing them to look natural and aren ’ t it. East coast liberal graduates job to punish them when they say white people love Bob Marley Jim Morrison John Elvis! Line from Snoop mentioned ) ’ t believe facebook/myspace aren ’ t get charged why think... 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