hauling in mining

Mules and horses continue to be employed for underground haulage, though much less extensively than formerly. At 19 open-stope mines, transportation averaged 26.3 percent of the total underground cost; at 19 mines employing shrinkage stoping, 22.65 percent; at 3 mines employing block caving, 21.03 percent; at 8 mines employing square-set stoping, 12.77 percent; and at 4 mines employing cut-and-fill stoping, 12.9 percent. Gathering mules hauled two cars to gathering station 1,000 feet from shaft over fair tracks; maximum grade against load, 1 percent. The belt is 7-ply and 30 inches wide. More than 75% of the world's underground metal mines use LHD for handling the … On its quest to reimagine mining to improve people’s lives, Anglo American is seizing opportunities in the emerging hydrogen economy, and believes hydrogen has a significant and wide-ranging systemic role to play in achieving a low carbon future.Whilst the mining sector today is a significant source of carbon emissions, Anglo American is changing that, and … They are low in first cost in relation to their capacity, they are sturdy and have no doors to maintain and keep in repair, no leakage of fines occurs as in the case of cars with poorly-fitting doors, and the height above the rail is low in proportion to their capacity. When a mine usesthe sublevel open stop e method, … David Nus, director of global key accounts management at Volvo Construction Equipment, presented on best loading and hauling practices at Sandvik Construction and Dyno Nobel’s Quarry Academy educational event in November. Each tower surmounts a raise to which the scraper delivers the ore. At the top of each of the three raises the ore passes through a crusher before it enters the raise proper and thence falls to a pan-feeder, which feeds the belt. For tramming ore and filling material in cut-and-fill stopes, a car with a scoop-shaped box open at the front end may be used to advantage. Tables 27 and 28 indicate the range in capacities of ore cars commonly employed in metal mines. There are several advantages to this arrangement: You can and should keep the hauler character out of the UNI, allowing you to conduct hauling activities safely during wartime. As the body tips, a side door on the opposite or low side is raised, and the contents is discharged. 15 16, 1975, 33 pp.) The maximum adverse belt slope is 30 percent, or 17°. at Earthmoving Industry Conf., Central Illinois Sec., SAE, Warrendale, Pa. Apr. (It is reported that actual capacity exceeds this considerably.) We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Proven on diverse operations around the globe, Command for hauling is opening new possibilities for mines of all sizes, complexities and locations. “Command for hauling has proven its value to mining customers,” McGinnis said. Table 30 presents data on a few operations where scrapers are employed principally for transportation. Command for hauling has forever changed how mining companies move material — allowing them to haul more efficiently with near-continuous operation and move more with fewer people on site. 4 Passes 10,800 / 55 Pay load of Dipper Payload of Hauler Number of Passes = − − = = lbs pass ton zPl dfDiPayload of Dipper It is the … 25, B). Costs of tramming and haulage are available from only a few mines, and it is difficult to make accurate comparisons because of differences in accounting practices at different mines. In underground mining, a Truck-Loader haulage system is used to transport fragmented material from the production area to the desired location. In this instance, batteries on their own are not up to the task – not even close. Job Description: An exciting opportunity has opened up for a Load and Haul Superintendent within the Mining Industry. For handling fine material such as sand filling as well as fine ore, a solid-body car without doors has obvious advantages. The current aggregates business climate is characterised by price volatility, high labour costs, shrinking margins and increasing operational costs. A KOMATSU TECHNOLOGY COMPANYCopyright Modular Mining Systems 2020Legal. To prevent large boulders from cutting the belt, a steel plate with round holes 1 inch in diameter is placed at the end of the feeder at an angle of 38°. They are extremely rugged, highly maneuverable, and exceptionally productive. Actual meter tests of electric scraper hoists in scraping several thousand tons of ore have shown power consumption as low as 0.065 kw.-hr. At El Potosi the cost of scraping 107,420 tons of ore in 1932, exclusive of operating labor, was as follows: Hoist repairs probably would have been less had larger hoists been used. Some are multi-axle in order to support the equipment that is … Van Barneveld cites data presented by Boericke regarding track grades and ton-miles per mule, as follows: The following table from Boericke’s article indicates performance of mules under different conditions: A. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. By allowing spill to accumulate along the haulageway it will form banks on each side of the scraper rut, which will prevent further spillage even when a hoe scraper is used. Side-dump cars of the rocker type have been popular in recent years. As a rule, mules are preferred to horses for underground work, and for heavy work animals weighing around 1,200 pounds are more satisfactory than smaller ones, provided there is enough head room. With hoist drums of less than 9-inch diameter, rope consumption was 1 foot per 22.4 tons of ore. In general, IPCC reduces the reliance on haul trucks, thus reducing total life-of-mine mining costs. Although this system is part of an open-pit operation, about 70 percent of the belt is underground, and it is mentioned as an example of the suitability and capacity of conveyor belts and to call attention to their probable future wide application to underground transportation, where large tonnages of ore must be handled. productivity of the load-and-haul fleet at the mine by means of value drivers. photo courtesy of downer edI Mining pty ltd Thus, hand tramming and hoisting in buckets or in small cars on cages may serve when tramming distances are short and the amount of ore and rock to be handled is small, while large cars, locomotive haulage, and hoisting in skips may be required for economical transportation once the mine hits its production stride. Cars may be handled one at a time or be made up into trains of two, three, or more, depending on conditions. This creates large potholes that have the potential to cause significant damage to the trucks' frames and other major components. It is 1,250 feet long, center to center of head and tail pulleys; 670 feet is in the adit and the rest extends over the dump on surface. The size and cost of operating mining trucks are directly proportional to its tray capacity, while the With electric drive the power requirement is usually less than 0.5 kw.-hr. Belaz 75600 is currently one of the largest mining dump trucks in the world. The scraper was first employed in metal mines primarily as a mucking and loading machine but has come to be used widely for transporting ore and rock for limited distances. Belt speed is 500 feet per minute, at which rate the system has a rated capacity of over 500 tons per hour. experienced by mining operations to accommodate the long-term trend for diminishing commodity prices, For loading and hauling equipment operating in open pit mines, some of the interrelated estimating criteria have been investigated for better understanding; and, consequently, more reliable estimates of production and costs, also more effective This thesis investigates the effects of equipment size selection on the economics of open pit mining. Better practice for transfer-level work or other long drags is to employ a two-speed hoist—low speed for digging and high speed for dragging. Developed by experts with years of on-site experience in the toughest mining conditions, Metso Outotec's hauling solutions minimize the wear and maintenance costs while increasing the average payload. Hauling hydrogen to the surface in mining: Anglo American talks sustainability and seizing opportunities On its quest to reimagine mining to improve people’s lives, Anglo American is seizing opportunities in the emerging hydrogen economy, and believes hydrogen has a significant and wide-ranging systemic role to play in achieving a low carbon future. Compressed air usually is available in all active sections of the mine, the exhaust. It was employed principally to convey waste from the hanging wall of the ore deposit to a waste dump. HAUL ROAD ENGINEERING – PART 2 Every construction project requires specific care so that the final result is compatible with what you wanted to achieve. According to van Barneveld, the economical limit of mule haulage is between 1,000 and 1,500 feet, and a mule should work at a speed not to exceed 5 miles per hour when taking a loaded train down a grade that needs only tractive effort to start, or 2 to 3 miles per hour when pulling a heavy load. For tramming small tonnages of rock and ore short distances on the main levels, for short transfers on sublevels, and in some types of stopes it is the obvious method to employ, although, if power is available, scrapers may be more economical for some of these purposes and small storage-battery locomotives for others, provided the tonnage to be handled warrants the capital outlay involved. Gable-bottom cars have a swinging door on each side of the car, hinged at the top, which, when unlatched, permits the contents to discharge. The growing availability of electric power, the introduction of Diesel generating plants in sizes and of capacities to suit almost any condition, and the development of small storage-battery and trolley locomotives have favored the substitution of mechanical for animal haulage. Thus, a low car is desirable for loading by hand shoveling or by power scraper in drifts and crosscuts. The term “rope haulage” is used here to mean the use of hoists for pulling cars on grades or flat slopes where the grade is too steep for locomotives or the method in general use in the mine. Whilst the mining sector today is a significant source of carbon emissions, Anglo American is changing that, and hydrogen is at the centre of its vision. Smaller animals, of course, must be employed where head room is low or larger ones cannot be taken down the shaft. Cars are usually of either the end- or side-dumping type, with the end or one side, as the case may be, forming a swinging door suspended from a rod at the top of the car and latched at the bottom. Mining - Mining - Underground mining: When any ore body lies a considerable distance below the surface, the amount of waste that has to be removed in order to uncover the ore through surface mining becomes prohibitive, and underground techniques must be considered. By means of this sytem ore is delivered directly to shipping bins on surface about 1,000 feet from the top of the incline that connects with the mine level. The gable-bottom construction reduces the capacity of the body, and the doors usually require considerable repair work to keep them tight and prevent leakage of fine ore along the haulage roads. Animals are useful for gathering loaded cars from the loading faces to a siding on the main haulageway and returning the empties, particularly if large cars are employed or there are unavoidable grades to be negotiated that are too difficult for hand tramming but not steep enough for rope haulage. Grades against the load. For transportation purposes the scraper should be designed so that its digging action will cease or be greatly reduced after the scraper is filled. Overpowered hoists are desirable for. per ton scraped with short drags and under favorable conditions. The process of loading and hauling is a complementary service that must contribute to the efficiency of mining process as a whole. Identify the tonnage improvement opportunity associated with each KPI. 2. This organization has conducted more than 1,000 haulage truck stopping distance tests at active mine sites in British Columbia. Consequently, the incentive to reduce cost in this area remains high. per ton, except for very long drags or exceptionally difficult conditions. Dynamic charging is the game-changing technology that will enable fully-electric heavy-duty load and haul on inclined roads. Under average conditions 1 foot of wire rope usually will be worn out per 5 to 15 tons of ore scraped, if sizes of rope, scraper, hoist drums, sheave wheels, and hoist pull are suitably proportioned. I think mining companies have a big role to play in this. Car bodies and truck frames may be of either wood or steel construction, though few wood cars have been employed in recent years. The gable-bottom car has been employed widely, but in recent years the trend has been toward rocker-bottom or other types of cars. 2007.) Improve net production through shorter shift change duration, Facilitate the cultural shift your personnel may need to accept and internalize changes to operating procedures and best practices, Improve efficiency, performance, and process control. "In the Performance Assurance area, they send a wide variety of professionals to the site to help deal with the different problems we have. In most cases, these vary from 36 tons to 315 tons. In somewhat lumpy ore the sides of the box scraper usually will accomplish this. Two mules haul 256 tons. Limit on return trip, four empty cars. In an earlier Bureau of Mines publication it was pointed out that the cost of underground transportation constitutes a considerable percentage of the total mining cost in most mines, and in some mines may even exceed the cost of stoping. Laboratory Testing Consulting & Engineering Process Equipment. According to van Barneveld, the draw-bar pull of a locomotive is usually taken as 25 percent of its weight, and the trailing load it will pull is 15 or 16 times its weight when on level, straight track. Haul trucks are off-highway, rigid dump trucks specifically engineered for use in high-production mining and heavy-duty construction environments. From the grizzly it drops onto an apron feeder 42 inches wide by 11 feet long, which feeds it onto the conveyor belt at the rate of about 350 tons per hour, although 1,000 tons per hour can be handled without difficulty. Matson has presented figures showing actual comparative costs of scraping with air hoists and with electric hoists. Load and haul • In mining, load and haul is necessary for movement of ore and waste from the face to stockpiles or processing plant • There are differences in methods applied depending on the mining method, topography, flexibility and distance from the face to material destination. In considering scraper transportation of ore, the digging function of the scraper cannot be disregarded, since it must first fill itself by digging before it can transport its load by dragging. The exact grade requiring a minimum of effort will vary with the size and weight of the car and the load carried, the type of bearings, lubrication, and the general condition of the equipment and track. A dedicated team of Modular specialists collaborates with your mine personnel to establish mutually-defined goals and milestones, delivering even more value from your MineCare system. One of the riskier jobs in a mine is to operate the Load-Haul-Dump (LHD) vehicles that are used to transport the ore from the blast site to a truck, lorry or directly to a crusher. The proper size (capacity) of scraper for a given installation will depend on the quantity of ore to be handled and the rate of handling desired and will be limited in some instances by the dimensions of the heading in which it is to operate. The conveyor belt is 42 inches wide, 8-ply, rubber-surfaced 3/16-inch on the top side and 1/32-inch on the bottom. This is mentioned because scraping has been practiced to the virtual exclusion of hand shoveling and sublevel hand tramming in these districts for 15 years, and hence the experience there should indicate the most efficient practice. The car body is V-shaped in cross section, the bottom of the V being rounded. These cookies do not store any personal information. The waste is blasted or caved into a raise leading to an underground grizzly chamber 27 feet above the 300-foot adit level. A scraper designed for maximum digging efficiency may not work well as a means of transportation; it may catch on rough spots and spill most of its load along the way, may dig into the bottom if it is soft, or tear up flooring laid to protect the bottom. Sandvik LHDs (Load, Haul and Dump) handle the toughest of underground applications. Sharp curves. It is therefore apparent that underground transportation merits the careful attention of the operating staff. Larger ones can not be taken down the shaft as primary haulage routes are drastically reduced identify the per! The cost of power consumption as low as 0.065 kw.-hr routes are drastically reduced times much., high labour costs, shrinking margins and increasing operational costs,,... These vary from 36 tons to 315 tons of the problems we had and it was a great for. 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