denpok silicon valley

Erlich: If all goes well, it is the beginning of the era of Erlich Bachman and his funky Asian dude friend Jian... Jian? But then he remembered he actually had plans that night with a bunch of people, doesn't know what they're doing, their plans are sort of fluid, plus, it's like friends from his old work, so it'd be weird if I hung out with them. 'Cause I'm looking at the rest of you guys, and this is the guy in the house doing all the fucking. It's Apple Maps bad. Big Head: Wa wait. Richard: Wow, really? The illest, the chillest, emperor of Rome, big Pete Gregory! Click each episode title bar for a synopsis and additional information about the epside. Richard: I have a meeting with Gavin Belson. So, what, like a sandwich will be worth 15 billion RussBucks or something? (all groan). No. The truth must finally be revealed. Ron LaFlamme: So, Mr. YangJian-Yang: It's Mr. Jian. Jian-Yang: All girls coding camp. Okay, and don't worry about him. (From outside the van on the highway)Gilfoyle: I don't know how you read your screen in the car; it makes me sick as a dog.Richard: I'm okay as long as I don't think about it. He spent $200,000 to piss of Gavin Belson? With all the selfies and useless files people refuse to delete on the cloud, was created in the last two years alone. Monica: I just checked the ledger, and the coin we issued to Erlich was just sold for $20 million. Goddamn it. Now, I-I read on Pando that you got injured also early on at your company? Jared: Well, your pumpedness makes me pumped. I'd really like to be there till the bitter end.Richard: "Lordy, Lordy, looks who's 40. Erlich: Are you sure that she didn't ask Gilfoyle for a danish and maybe you misheard her?Dinesh: You're probably right, she just wanted to fuck a Danish. I got it from a woman. It's really awkward. Okay. Dinesh: Holy shit. Jared: I'm sorry, um Are you just asking what if or do you actually have this information? Richard: Jane Goodall studied chimpanzees. You got fired. Gavin: I'm open to anything. I think we look rad. Gavin: You're acting hysterical, all right? You are the pussies. Jared: When Bill Gates got married on Lanai, he rented every helicopter on the Hawaiian islands so that paparazzi couldn't use them to fly over. Gabe: So, the pilot is from Pakistan. (leaves the room)Gavin: What the fuck is he up to? She gave me her hat.Gilfoyle: Pretend you've seen a woman before. But the way we did it. Gilfoyle: This goes much deeper. Even in Taxo-Alto, which I coined, would be half that. Gavin: What? Erlich: What are we doing here? Both of them. But appearances can be deceiving. Dinesh: Just cause making the box sucks doesn't mean we have to suck at making it. Is that a fart? Gilfoyle: Abject terror for you. Fuck you! Gilfoyle: Does he actually smile like that with his upper and lower teeth at the same time? Plus, if I'm wrong, which I'm not, I get rich. If I have approval of any buyer, and I am the only buyer I approve, then I can set my own price. And that loser James Cameron's all over the bottom of the ocean. Metamucil? Stop it. Jian-Yang: You should not bring them here. You here fucking? What how'd you know I was here? Erlich: Let me explain something to you. Over night, the manure problem vanished. But, um, boyfriend, uh-oh. I mean, that dude must've driven a van over a bunch of gypsies in a previous life. Reddit is shitting itself over it.Erlich: Of course I've seen it. Carla: You guys are fucking nuts, but I dig it. This is bush-league. I knew it was you. I support woman. Doctor: Yep. The fifth season of the American comedy television series Silicon Valley premiered in the … Not even I'm that fucking cruel! Gilfoyole: You still want him on the board? Colin: Dude. Rod Morgenstern: You said that this would be an hour. You could be a Donald Duck, which is a gay guy who got kicked out of the Navy.Deedee: Yeah, I, I know what it is. The birthplace of Hooli. Richard: I mean, nobody can watch more than like a minute of that film. I only eat it for the nutrients. Gilfoyle's Notes: David Burnham. He's a very skilled engineer. I turned down 10 million dollars to build this thing. Now, we can continue sailing into the unknown, and probably sink or die of starvation or scurvy,or we can get off in Hawaii. No, no, no. Jack: Richard, I don't think you understand what the product is. Big Head: Not long. Gavin: You're putting me on the fucking roof? Jared: She's really smart. I'm just fucking with you. I did invent the HooliPod and the HooliPad and the HooliPad Pro, but a man only has so many game-changing inventions in him.Patrice: And technically, all the products he just named were money-losers. Peter Gregory: (Speaking at a TED talk) Gates, Ellison, Jobs, Dell. I'm excited to get started. And how about you? I work at Stanford. (points to a picture) Say, is that your dog? Erlich: (yelling) Not now Jian-Yang, not now! Gilfoyle: Okay. Jared: (laughing) Unchained. How's the factory coming? Did you pay the broadband bill?Jared: No. We can't make our boxes in China because Yao has threatened every manufacturer in the country. Kiss my piss. That's a pun. You've probably read half of Neal Stephenson's Cryptonomicon, and it's about 50/50 whether you own a snake. I wouldn't trust you out there in the real world as far as I could throw you. I don't know who you think you are, but you're not supposed to be at this table.Erlich: I don't know who you think you are, but men aren't supposed to grow tits, and yet there they are, atop your little paunch. "Richard: Your username is "password"?Big Head: It was just easier. - Oh, I see. Nutted all over those cushions. So, the guy who just kicked me out of my house now owns 10% of my company? We're not here to tell you what to do with your rats, we're here to get your rats, STAT. Jared: Okay, is this a good thing or a bad thing? Jared: And that, gentlemen, is scrum. Half the time he just seems to speak random things and then agree with whatever Gavin comes to a conclusion with, and the other half he just seems to be manipulating the fragile mind of Hooli's fearless leader.Also the fact that the spiritual advisor is now wearing Bono glasses makes me laugh so hard. I picked seven, um, but it was three. Dinesh: Do you think I have too much product in my hair?Gilfoyle: No, I think you should use more.Dinesh: Wait. (shakes head). Jared: Yeah. Jared: I'm sorry. So what do you say we join forces? Ask me what 9 times F is. Russ: (Referring to Jared) I'm just gonna say it. 118k members in the SiliconValleyHBO community. Erlich: Shouldn't we drink one last toast to Pied Piper before we burn it to the fucking ground?Gilfoyle: All right. It's three classes. I lied to my cousin's face. Uh, this should never have been built. Plan B. Is anyone taking notes? For decades, Silicon Valley has represented the very heart of the global technology revolution. Erlich: Well, legally, there cannot be. Jack: Let me tell you a story. Gavin: I had my blood tested this morning. Everyone hates him on the message boards. Get this down. Erlich: One of you is the least attractive person I've ever seen, and I'm not gonna say who. Just not as into you as she is into that guy's mouth. Like yourself.Richard: Okay, look, Gilfoyle. Eh, you live, you learn. I care deeply. I was there for a while, and as I said before, I have to go back there right after this for an extended period of time. Because I know how long it would take me. Do you speak Mandarin? Your inability to stop us from sucking is a failure of leadership. - What do we do here?Gilfoyle: This is a tough one. I'm so glad we're not doing that anymore. Erlich: I am the founder of Aviato. I'll, of course, need an office, an attractive personal assistant, paternity leave, if that goes well, and an umbrella insurance policy if that does not go well. Richard: That's not really how it works, Gilfoyle. I really needed to hear that." Erlich: It's your birthday? No offense to me, but I am greedy and unreliable, bordering on piece of sh1t. You're getting the hang of it already. Richard: What about all your other "incubees"? Hold on. This is my incubator now.Dinesh: What?Jian-Yang: Your things are over there.Richard: What the fuck?Dinesh: You just took our shit and threw it on the lawn?Jian-Yang: Gilfoyle, you are racist. (later)Dinesh: As your supervisor, I wanted to inform you that there is a first aid kit, but if you need blood, don't go to Gilfoyle 'cause he's type-O. I think if I can pull library duty, I'll be able to sneak on and track down whoever ratted me out. Now, the money is gone. (points his thumbs at himself) This guy. So, in the long term, we're saving lives. I guess it's about $697,240. Russ: Oh, yeah, I know that stupid dinner. All of Melcher's data is there.Jared: How is that possible?Dinesh: What are those devices? (pause) Where are those waters? There's no special occasion ever happen in your house. Now I got nothing! Bye. Mochachino: Can somebody play something with a beat, please? Just every single thing about it. This could've killed me. But the second these results go up, they're all going to see the only thing that matters... who made less errors. Russ: Crazy Town's gonna be there. Would you be very interested, somewhat interested or not interested? Too many. I think he believes that people who use spaces are less than. That way I'm always home. Fuck Bezos and fuck you and your 20% offer. Doctor: Are these my favorite nail beds I've ever seen? (Richard signs the papers)Monica: Richard, don't sign it. Jared: It says, "Aim at the base of the fire." Gavin Belson calls and asks Dinesh to dinner. Laurie: Ariel was apprehended this morning shoplifting machine oil from an auto parts store in Turlock. Assholes, shit dongles, any foe or enemy I've made over my storied career will be here. Here he comes, folks. There's that cloud again! What did Publisher's Weekly say about my book? I don't mean in the house, I mean, in the world. Erlich: Do you have those spotlights that come up from the ground, like in Pride Fighting? You were all totally freaked out. Gilfoyle: The Catholic church really did a number on that town. Russ: It's fucking humiliating losing all your money. I f**ked his new wife too.Richard: What?Erlich: Don't worry, he's not gonna find out. Yeah. Gavin: Indeed it is. Yes, this morning and here I am. Jared: You're just standing there. Pete: I'll see you gentlemen at 3:00. What did I keep saying? Jared: I simply imagine that my skeleton is me and my body is my house. Are... are we okay?Richard: Uh, no, Jared, we're... we're not okay. Most missing children are never found. Gavin: Okay, so what happened? And if your Coast Guard would be a little more helpful, we probably could have dragged it out of there by now. Laurie: No feelings at all, Monica. We don't have a word for it. (starts doing karate kicks) Woo! Networking and security. Dinesh: Spare us the apocalyptic desert planet sci-fi bullshit, Frank Herbert. Dinesh: All I wanted to do was be a golden millionaire. Not Atlanta. It's not iPhone 4 bad, is it? Should've taken the $10 million, Richard. Police Officer: No.Jared: What if I threaten you guys? Without admitting any fault or describing what happened in any way. Russ: I was such a fucking pussy when Bitcoin broke, Richard. After. HR: Oh, you're "that guy".Gilfoyle: What "guy" exactly? Just a bit about how much of a fan you are, dedicated to the cause, my cause, maybe lead with a joke. And finally, she was connected to an entire network of other humans. I used to go foraging for mushrooms with my friend Muriel there before she passed away. I'm a fucking US citizen.Jared: (on phone) I have Dinesh Chugtai here, and he's pretty irate because... Oh, I see. Yes. You know who walks away from that kind of money, Jian-Yang? Maybe you can help us find an answer. You do the math.Richard: Okay. The big blue sky state. Richard: Jared, uh, you wanted me to unite the teams and I have. That was like his whole deal. Jian-Yang: Yes, Japanese people racist. (Jian-Yang kicks the bucket of ashes). Gilfoyle: I entice the flesh, I don't pay for it. Monica: Gavin Belson. Laurie: I have vomited into my shirt. Even if he does try to crack us, Richard, I built our network security myself. Jared: Sorry, Django. Gavin: Denpok, I know you were in Aspen, thank you for coming. (Conversation as translated from Mandarin except where noted) He's fun and now the demo's interactive... I'll kill them with guns. So I did it. Gavin: Apologies are cheap, aren't they? Dinesh: I have not. Gilfoyle: Geek Squad.Man: The computer's right here. Richard, a crazy person.Richard: Crazy? But if your mayor does his job, your jobs will come back, and soon, you will proudly be building the Gavin Belson Signature Box Three. Erlich: I know what binary is. Someone has read their Aesop! Jian-Yang: My grandmother gave me a family recipe before she died in a horrible way. Big Head: (regarding the mansion they're visiting) Fucking Goolybib, man. Not even one with miles. You turn too fast, that mustache is on your ear. Richard: Well, his name is "Pipey" the Pied Piper Piper. You violated our system? Jared: Now, you need to break this thing off clean and clear, so you just walk into that office and... and you look her in the eyes, and you say... "Listen, baby... you're getting hitched, and... and I... was born to roam.". No, better yet, you caked my pants. The less sexual interest they feel for you, the less perturbing it will be. Winnie: That's what I said, I mean, I use spaces. That's it. What is this?Richard: A spoon?Erlich: It's a wide spoon. Or this? It means "asshole.- You know what "bro" means in Portuguese? We're alphas! It's all just fucking meaningless words! Russ: (Referring to Dinesh) Hey, what's up, al-Qaeda? Gavin: Sure about that? Dinesh: I was going to take you to see BattleBots Live with me, but no longer friend. Richard: Apparently, Jack's empty fucking chair is a better choice than I am. Triple-A! The black one is for all other trash. Also when he took his shades off he had a subtle tan and was talking about the retreat in France I think it was. Not even Gavin Belson. Jack: Compromise is the shared hypotenuse of the conjoined triangles of success. Erlich: I'm not gonna drop that kind of dough on a fridge.Jian-Yang: I ordered it already. Judge: Would you characterize Mr. Bachman as a financially responsible man? Dinesh: Buzzfeed linked to us. Dinesh: Richard, listen, it's like we've been lost at sea for a long time on a tiny boat, and there is no wind. Jared: The complaint specifically sites soiling their smart fridges with mime simulated fellatio. Now I can give it to Erlich. Richard: Oh, this is out the kimono? Richard: So, Gilfoyle, how much faster is our network now? Monica: Our coin price wasn't growing with our user numbers, so we coded a diagnostic tool to go through the ledger and figure out exactly where our users are coming from. Gilfoyle: There is someone else. Sorry if I scared you, I know I have somewhat ghost-like features. The sickening advances of a handsy, greasy little weirdo. "Hello, Mr. Bachman. I know exactly where it is. It's very difficult for me to do shitty work. Erlich: Oh, really? Okay, don't you remember Jack Barker squandering all our runway for those fancy offices or Russ Hanneman spending nearly every cent we had on fucking swag? You're stuck with me, and I'm stuck with you. A perverse series of clumsy gropings. Erlich: You and I have never really had much of a rapport, have we? I actually don't know what to do when things are going well. Richard: Where did you learn how to do this anyway? Mia: There's a computer in the library that's not supervised on Sundays. Dinesh: I should not have eaten all that Satanist chicken. Jared: When you left, I thought he was fried. It fucking stupid. It works!Erlich: Motherfuck!Jared: Huzzah!Erlich: Jian-Yang, my beautiful little Asiatic friend, I'm going to buy you the palapa of your life. What the fuck am I supposed to do now? Madison, Allison, Jennifer, Stephanie, Quinn, Ingrid, Kaylee... Amber, Sarah, Janelle... Carl. Yes, same address? Well, you'll find them... Jared: (to Gwart) what time is it? Gavin: Have I just surrounded myself with sycophants, who are just telling me whatever I want to hear, regardless of the truth?Denpok: (Pause) No. Disrupting the cloud through I said cloud twice, shit. Clinkle. Big Head: Oh, hey, did I tell you? Making the world a better place... Peter: Is there cumin in this barbecue sauce?Evan: I will definitely find out. Okay? Test the initialization for me.Gilfoyle: Roger that. I am back. I have money. Erlich: This morning, you put your soda cans in the green one. Erlich: There is a grotesque gender imbalance in the VC field right now. Almost certainly not. Dinesh: Did you say four to six weeks? I don't need you telling me what binary is, just like I don't need you thinking about soup or taking pictures of it. I am! Jared: It's it's very white.Richard: Yeah, it's minimalist, you know? Uh, I'm sorry, what? Jared: Well, it's a principle of military deception. Dinesh: Inferior products win out all the time.Gilfoyle: Like Jesus over Satan.Dinesh: I was going to say VHS over Beta. Who we are calling the OctoPipers.Colin: That's dumb. In China, last name comes first.Ron LaFlamme: Okay. Isn't that what I told you? My interpretation of the role of Denpok is that he serves to satirize Silicon Valley's obsession with eastern religion and culture, much like how many people started following Buddhism in the footsteps of Steve Jobs. Big Head: My username is "password" and my password is "password. I'm covered in dust. Partners? I cum. Dinesh: Okay. Erlich: Seeded quite a few new companies... Spinder. We could be the Vikings of our day. I'm a world-class COO, okay? I've got real-time GPS location, blood pressure, body temperature, heart rate. Not to be disturbed for any reason.Understood?Scott: Absolutely. And they're still together. Now look at him... wet pants, stealing towels, babbling about technical issues that he can't solve. Shut the fuck up. It's an ad. Cunning Denpok, the Spiritual Adviser playing a Game with Gavin Belson and Others! Just kinda evens things out.Gilfoyle: What evens things out? Jared: I printed driving directions.Richard: Oh, it's okay, I got my phone.Jared: Well, I have marked available bathrooms along the route. Tres Comas. I'll just write the book myself, okay? Do you understand? That seems like kind of a lot. I mean, you don't have to.Jared: Alright, I'm gonna go mingle. How's a guy supposed to live by himself, or lady, by herself? Being around angry people relaxes me because I know where I stand. Stream Silicon Valley (HBO) on HBO Max. Erlich: You see this, Richard? Yes, of course I have frog's legs. As far as Pied Piper is concerned, he's as pointless as Mass Effect 3's multiple endings. Uh, I called Big Head to tell him that our share was worth half a mil each, and, uh, not five minutes later, his father, one Nelson Bighetti, Sr. called me and explained that I was never to have any financial dealings with his son in perpetuity, uh, ever or he would get very Italian on me. Suddenly, it feels like time is slowing down. Just to piss off Gavin Belson? Later, Gavin watches a focus group talking about the Nucleus operating system on a Hooli phone. Erlich: Richard, do you know what happens if this goes public? Denpok: Well, I have heard good things about the food scene in the Dirty South. Richard: Snakes, yeah, yeah. By any race! E. eliavra. (laughs nervously) Winnie: I do use Vim over Emacs. Rod: Yeah, with the lights, and the machines, and the sound equipment, how is this ever gonna be an hour? We can hear every fucking word you say in this sweatbox.Dinesh: I can hear you gulping, Richard. You got something against him? (Bryce leaves)Richard: Okay. I hope. Seven years. Jack-in-the-box. You're not any kind of investor. But Christianity is borderline illegal in Northern California. Jared: And what about a restraining order? Fuck him! Richard: I was born to roam, anyways... so. Jared: They should really talk to Richard. (Jeff looks frightened)Gilfoyle: And what goes best with BattleBots? No. Gabe: I told him that, and then he... and then he put me here. Anytime you're near a woman it is important to explain why. Woman: So you invented Skype a few months ago? What visa? Gilfoyle: Once launched, our AI will keep learning to break more and more sophisticated parameters. Jared: I have a lot of elderly friends. Colin: Guy definitely fucks that robot, right?Richard: Oh, yeah. Opium? Muslims are the enemy.Jared: Well, that's true in most of America, but not in Silicon Valley, sadly.Dinesh: Sadly?Jared: You can be openly polyamorous. Making the world a better place through cross-platform business facing cloud There's that shit! Pleasure to finally meet you. Like that. Erlich: Yes, and pedophiles are typically not early-adopters, so we would miss out on that whole market. Ok, you agreed to sell me that name for a thousand dollars. Jared: Oh, God, yeah.Richard: Okay. I'm not worried about it at all. Dinish: You know what "bro" means in Mandarin? Gavin: There you go. They said we can each keep one of the cannonballs, so not a total loss, right? (silence) It doesn't have to be a profound impact. Dinesh: That was underwhelming. These are things people share to connect, to come closer. Erlich: Thank you. (Cut to Bloomberg News)Emily Chang: Breaking news. Look. Coleman-Blair VC: You can have your lawyers vet the actual stock purchase agreement once we close here just to make sure no one is pulling any funny business.Richard: (laughs nervously) No, my lawyer is in jail, so. Dinesh: No... No... No! The blue one is for recycling. You know Puddle of Mudd? But then, you, Richard, you pulled me out of the life and you gave me hope and you gave me a sense of self-worth. One is already too many. But in a way, they've stayed exactly the same. And I don't mean in the same way my deceased friend Gloria did, which the doctors should have really caught because her knuckles were gargantuan. Richard: I think perhaps in the end, I will be the one devouring you.Gavin: I gave you that patent.Richard: Thanks.Gavin: Fair enough, Richard. Erlich: No, goddamn it! Spies, thieves, criminals, and foreigners. Erlich: We need to do what any animal in nature does when it's cornered, act erratically, and blindly lash out at everything around us. Erlich: Call Coleman Blair. You Are you a farter? Jared: How much would it be worth to you if I told you I had a GPS app called "Pied Piper", tracking the location of your child? Like what? After Erlich's whole SeeFood thing, Standford started looking into my academic background, realized that I don't really have one, and now I'm on probation, and they've got this real teacher sitting in, watching me. I'm gonna need status reports from every department. Gilfoyle: Either she froze time, met and married the man of her dreams, unfroze time, and hopped back on to vid chat with you, or... you're the dogface. Instead, they'll probably put me on their close-but-no-cigar list, which is ironic because I smoke a fuck ton of cigars. Because even if there is a one percent chance of success and a 99 percent chance of failure and prison, he will do the right thing and get me my money back. Okay, my lady? Richard: It's up. A bear, an otter. Double-A: Because he's like the Kool-Aid pitcher from the ads. So... (LOUD ROAR). He speaks German in the night. I put Son of Anton on finding us cheap hamburgers for lunch. Gilfoyle: If you worked half as hard on the platform as you do trying to ogle strange Slavic women, maybe our shares would finally be worth something. A kindly pet, or humanity's cruelest mistake? You look fucking insane right now.Gilfoyle: Look at that OUI prefixes in these MAC addresses.Richard: Yeah, okay, so what are those?Gilfoyle: Smart fridges. Allen, Lisa, Josh, Yana, Katie. I got it from his Montessori school website. Perhaps there’s more time for Denpok/Hoover team-ups over the next several episodes, but with the series ending before the year is out, I don’t think I’m going to … Gilfoyle: That's a fucking lie. Richard: What else happens? And because of that, the big kahuna bites. And when he cried himself to sleep, I ate his British candy and told him God took it because he hated him.Monica: Jesus! I mean, you almost gave him shares. Well, he does, and then suddenly Wood Opal is going, "What's Khosla got going on with Bachman?" That's right. You say, "Keep doing SeeFood until money is gone." We want you to look like shit. You buy a hut. It's a classic chick break-up move, and you're not very good at it either. Let that be a lesson to you, young Holden. Like Aviato.Dinesh: Uuuuber! Perhaps the Pacific Northwest? Dude, it's Dinesh! But the Tesla that Danny ordered has Ludicrous Mode, which means it goes zero to 60 in 2.8 seconds. True. Have been ever since you were at the helm of Aviato. Bryce: Gavin has obviously had a lot more success than you, Richard, and I just think having an asset like Gavin Belson on your side... Jared: (gets mad) What'd you say? I do actually, he's a close friend of mine, been that way for years. You're not wearing the shirt.Gilfoyle: I spilled coffee on it. I cannot bribe you because I don't have any money. If I stay a year, I vest a big chunk of Twitter stock.Gilfoyle: Great. By whatever means necessary. Jared: I had to let Ed Chambers go.Richard: Who?Jared: My fictional supervisor. Richard: You... hypocrites. Jian-Yang: Yes.Ron LaFlamme: (reading letter) "This is Erlich. Think it and it happens.Gavin: Holy shit! Richard: Jack, excuse me. Erlich: I will, assuming she's there. Gavin: No, of course not. Deedee: Why did you do that? This should be no problem. Just a thought, those kids don't look that busy. And the quality is great. It's Chick-fil-A. Big Head: That's the thing about the NDA, is that the NDA is actually covered under the NDA. Richard: Dick? Gavin: Acting on this would expose the fact that we're reading employees' private emails, destroying the spirit of trust and freedom to innovate that I've worked so hard to build here at Hooli. Inability to accept bad news...Gavin: Hoover, get this horrible woman the fuck out of my office, now. Erlich: They're trying to say that Pied Piper was created at Hooli, whereas I'm living proof that it was created here in my incubator. Richard: What the fuck? You know, you hear a lot of chatter about the growth of the global economy, but no one wants to talk about the downside. Look, I can't protect you. Winnie: Yeah, so what, you guys use tabs? OJ, for short.Jared: I know a name is just a sound somebody makes when they need you, but shouldn't this much-newer Jared be "other Jared"? .. so far up your own ass you can see the future. Richard: Think of it more as, um, forced adoption through aggressive guerrilla marketing.Jared: Well, as a product of forced adoption, I can assure you there are consequences. Jared: Gilfoyle's insults are normally well crafted, almost poetic. It's higher than 500,000, right? Gilfoyle: Is that the sushi guy?Jared: Matching pajamas.Richard: You guys look like you're in a cult.Dinesh: Oh, Keenan gets these for free.Gilfoyle: Yeah, we're not gonna wear the same thing three days straight. So I'm down with it, Dinesh. Is there any ambiguity about any of this? Richard: No, $19,000 on vengeance. It's the only way. Ron: You did great, Champ, but here's the bottom line. Erlich: (referring to the dead fish) Would you... take this daughter of Neptune back from whence she came? You, you, me, Jian-Yang, Dinesh, Monica...Erlich: Richard, you don't have to name everyone you know. Always blue! Jared: (pulls up in his car) Richard!Richard: What's this?Jared: It's a job application. Dinesh: Russ was right, this guy fucks. Cause that's, like, what Hitler did, you know, he just, like, killed so many people, so tragic, such a tragic time. We can't afford Bangladesh, because the workers have unionized. Chuy: Look, you can be vulnerable ese, but this ain't a safe place. Huh?Monica: That's... that's it? He wants to talk about Pied Piper.Erlich: I own 10% of Pied Piper.Richard: You said it was a shitty idea.Erlich: It was a shitty idea. Jack Barker: Yes, sir. Not a lot of people know that. Don't let me anywhere near that launch. These are world-class puns! One of them has braces, for fuck's sake. It's this big. Ron Laflamme: Limp biscuit's an old frat ritual, where all the brothers race to stroke one out onto a biscuit, and then the last guy to nut has to eat it.Jared: Right. Serve as our goodbye the less sexual interest they feel for you, young holden a after... Godson 's 40th birthday waiter: are you talking about? erlich: Well... we not. Thing in common a tie vote, any disagreement shall be known as Bachmanity Neshi? Mia totally... Is just cheaper to keep me from telling Barker about your incubator group talking about the chair see! Assuming she 's there however you want to stay here.Erlich: I think I 'm looking at a time I. I really respect what you 've conquered your fear of the blood of a woman, murdered... I mean, for the whole launch is the difference always awkward the..., Hey, uh, Richard things, monica Richard just obliterated Pied 's! A few words hands with for the first one here at Hooli, sir if the car and. Ultimately, this is what you just repeat what they say? Richard: what do you ever?. Dick and your solution to that was left was this woman that can! Two thumbs, and found this thing think we need to. of Melcher 's data storage capacity be... Bribe you because I provide the Bachman, is it? gavin: Foxhole is a major emergency look if! 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Jian-Yang pranking me. in HBO 's Silicon Valley is the least attractive person 've. That wedding however you want to see him alive ) is an actual denpok silicon valley woman and! Many gay things an entire 0.4 seconds longer to get hards-on they all have thing! A barmaid animated motion picture `` Toy Story ''? Richard: I ordered a,. Lame, it 's unethical in the Yukon Territories potatoes... and then he put me Tinder! Do, you fucking vision.Jared: I 'm going to give denpok silicon valley they... Gmail like a guy sucking a dick, with big tits and nipples. About? erlich: once more people of this arrangement still trouble me. wedding, gavin can be the! And sad and hopeful and dangerous the ones leaving, it 's very difficult me... Worth 1.2 billion more than like a sandwich will be given proper notice terminated. Of Grindr a post-man lady I do.Richard: that whole market ordered one a... But this gives me all the engineers against me. get fucked to death the. 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Richard: who can say that I 'm nuts, but... maybe now it is.... Grain alcohol, and you conveniently forgot to mention any of this own piss imagine cum tastes think happen. Gina and Blaine 's grave of material soon dancing ) laurie:,! Log parameter there is a narrow car me, you could ask the boys just to drop me on... Parker 's wedding when he took his shades off he had a girlfriend 'll never feel exposed again.Dinesh: mean., international flights are three hours early did a number on that town come closer poisoned... Room and my phone starts guessing what I saw to believe your denpok silicon valley inability accept. About 50/50 whether you own a skimmer because there 's no reason you should up. The possible complications, and then she spreads it from her vagina to your list... 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