basel earthquake 2006

In addition, we consider one model, R0, which is non-causal in the sense that it represents the best fit of a R&J model to the sequence. Ogata 1988; Hainzl & Ogata 2005; Gerstenberger et al. The model is hazard/risk based, and is able to consider uncertainties in all parameters and thus allows for informed decisions making. To quantitatively test the model forecasts in a pseudo-prospective approach, we use the N(umber)-test (Schorlemmer et al. Between 2006 December 2 and 8, approximately 11 500 m 3 of water was injected into a 5-km-deep well at high pressures. 2010). Some 6.2 to 6.4 on the Richter scale, as Laubscher, 2006, says. Induced seismicity in Basel led to suspension of its hot dry rock enhanced geothermal systems project. Using a c-value of 0.01 is consistent with the literature (Reasenberg & Jones 1989). Unexpected earthquakes were induced, for example, in Basel, Switzerland in 2006 and in Pohang, South Korea in 2017 (Mignan et al., 2015; Kim et al., 2018), which caused public backlash to … This illustrates that the pseudo-prospective approach applied by us, which recreates a real-time setup, is needed to achieve a less biased assessment of the forecasting ability of models. Haering et al. The spatial distribution of the micro-earthquakes provides important clues about the volume and orientation of the fractured rock at depth. After a foreshock between 19:00 and 20:00 local time, the main earthquake struck in the evening at around 22:00, and numerous aftershocksfollowed through that night. 2.5 magnitude earthquake. Induced seismicity in Basel led to suspension of its hot dry rock enhanced geothermal systems project. 2011). 10(b) we use a Mmax of 5. 2005; Woessner et al. Four of the geophones were installed at intermediate depths between 300 and 600 m below the surface, one was at 1180 m and the deepest one at 2740 m. Prior analysis of this network led to the conclusion that two geophones at intermediate depth had a minor influence on the resolution and therefore they were not routinely processed (Dyer et al. We apply them to the whole sequence for models E1 and E2 and use them as starting values for E3–E5. This test evaluates whether the forecast number of events and the distribution in the magnitude bins is consistent with the observation, again assuming the entire volume as one spatial bin. Approximately 11 500 m3 water was injected into a 5-km-deep well at increasing flow rates (Haering et al. This was the largest earthquake of 2006. It was one of several devastating catastrophes in the 14th century. (2008) describe the water injection and the pressure evolution in more detail. For all models, we have both fixed and free parameters. Monelli D.. Zechar J.D. Seismicity occurring due to the water injection at depth have to be well recorded and monitored. Public authorities thus decided that the project cannot be continued. In this study, however, we focus on statistical approaches that describe the time-dependent seismic hazard as a combination of empirical observation and statistical modelling of the observed seismicity. The ETAS models, which differentiate between a background rate and a term of induced events, are much better able to adjust to this change. Zechar J.D. In 2001, Geothermal Explorers, a Swiss company, undertook an EGS project dubbed Deep Heat Mining Basel. Smith 1983; Tenzer 2001). Decay of the sequence after the termination of the water injection. 2005, (2007; Woessner et al. Contemporary PSHA studies tend to set a larger Mmax than applied in both our study and SERIANEX. The curve with the smallest Mmax drops off the fastest while the other two only begin to drop off at EMS intensities VI and VIII, respectively. Fitting too many parameters to a limited data set can also lead to a reduced prediction power of the model. In December 2006, at a depth of just over 5,000 meters (3.1 miles), full-scale injection of water triggered a 3.4 magnitude earthquake, big enough to rattle both the local windows and its citizenry. From the testing results (Table 2), it is clear that ETAS class models in general perform better than R&J models. Liukis M. One class of models accounts for the water injection rate, the main parameter that can be controlled by the operators during an experiment. The network recorded approximately 11 200 events during the injection phase, more than 3500 of which were located. 10(a). 9(b). Catalli F. Stang H. For all curves in Fig. 2007, 2010). Jones L. Fah D. Deichmann N.. Haering M.O. spontaneously occurring earthquakes in the Basel region and stress observations in the borehole as documented by Valley and Evans (2006, forthcoming). Models R2 and E3–E5 fall into class (2); here, we start with the same generic parameters, but after the first 6 hr of data, we fit the parameters to the data. We start to forecast with the start of the fluid injection at 2.12.2006, 6 p.m., for a 6-hr time window and then successively update forecasts each 6 hr for a period of 15 d, summing up to 60 forecast windows. The contribution in each magnitude bin is simply obtained by applying the GR frequency–magnitude relation to this rate with a given b-value. Zechar J.D. We apply the maximum curvature method (Wiemer 2000; Woessner & Wiemer 2005) and require 150 events to estimate the Mc for one sample. A probability level of 0.1 is reached on day 4 for EMS intensity V. The maximum probability levels are 0.99, 0.55 and 0.12 for EMS intensity III, IV and V, respectively. 2010; Woessner et al. Translating the forecast rates into seismic hazard is a straightforward calculation, and has been already implemented successfully at local and regional scale (e.g. Model R0, which uses parameter values estimated retrospectively for the entire sequence for the co- and post-injection periods, demonstrates that if the ‘right’ set of parameters were known beforehand, an R&J model would be able to explain the seismicity well. We suspect that the temporal changes in Mc (Fig. Jordan T.H. [13], Damage claims arose from the largest of the events. For both classes, we evaluate the performance of the models in 6-hr bins. (2010). 2007, 2010; Lombardi & Marzocchi 2010; Werner et al. Between 2006 December 2 and 8, approximately 11 500 m 3 of water was injected into a 5‐km‐deep well at high pressures. Summary of the models and updating strategies used in the study. We introduce forecast models based on the data set of an EGS experiment in the city of Basel. ↑ "Switzerland prepares for seismic calamity" 18 October 2006; the canton of Valais in southern Switzerland experienced notable earthquakes in 1855 and 1946 (Risk Management Solutions 2006) Reciprocally, the CSEP process can in our opinion also benefit from the work on induced sequences, because it offers the possibility to evaluate and improve modelling and testing within a reasonably well-constrained environment. Spillman T.. Felzer K. The inset in Fig. We have seen the presumed destructive impact of the earthquake in the southern Rhine Rift valley, based on historical reports. In addition, it is possible that Mc(t) changes as a results of temporal changes in the activity areas: If areas of a higher Mc (i.e. J. Rivas J.. Cocco M. The exceedance probabilities reach levels of 0.2 for EMS III and IV already on day 1. Our model can be used to simulate alternative stimulation strategies and their implications for future seismicity; by assuming different parameter values in these simulations, adequate modelling of different tectonic environments in terms of their productivity can be achieved. The results of this study, completed in 2009 November (Baisch et al. (a) Probabilities of exceeding EMS Intensities I to X for three different times, (1) day 3, (2) day 6 and (3) day 12 after the start of water injection. The more free parameters a model includes, the better its fit to past data should be; yet more parameters come at the cost of less robust models. We show here the importance of quantitative testing of a model performance. (2006) for the ‘Berlin’ geothermal project in El Salvador. We report on a recent deep-heat mining experiment carried out in 2006/2007 in the city of Basel (Switzerland). We investigate whether the Omori–Utsu law can provide an acceptable fit to the data of the post-injection period. 2). Abstr, Enhanced geothermal systems in urban areas: Lessons learned from the 2006 Basel ml 3.4 earthquake, The Assumption of Poisson Seismic-Rate Variability in CSEP/RELM Experiments, Statistical-models for earthquake occurrences and residual analysis for point-processes, Detection of precursory relative quiescence before great earthquakes through a statistical-model, Seismicity analysis through point-process modeling: a review, Earthquake hazard after a mainshock in California, Ground motion and macroseismic intensities of a seismic event related to geothermal reservoir stimulation below the city of Basel: observations and modeling, First results of the regional earthquake likelihood models experiment, Fluid-induced seismicity: pressure diffusion and hydraulic fracturing, Probability of a given-magnitude earthquake induced by a fluid injection, Seismogenic index and magnitude probability of earthquakes induced during reservoir fluid stimulations, A history of hot dry rock geothermal energy systems, Long aftershock sequences within continents and implications for earthquake hazard assessment, Are short-term evacuations warranted? Our analysis of the decaying part of the sequence reveals that once the injection stopped, the decay can be well described using the Omori–Utsu law of aftershocks decay (Fig. These variations are most probably due to unpicked events during times of highest activity, because smaller events are hidden in the coda of larger ones. 2006-01-28 18:28:40 UTC 2.7 magnitude, 11 km depth Waldenburg, Basel-Landschaft, Switzerland 2.7 magnitude earthquake 2006-01-28 18:28:40 UTC at 18:28 January 28, 2006 … The models output a seismicity rate forecast which can be converted to time-dependent hazard estimates: both of these outputs can readily be implemented as a measure for decisions on continuing an EGS experiment. 2011). In Fig. The Swiss Seismological Service (SED) at ETH Zurich, for example, is investigating the Basel data set in the framework of the multidisciplinary research project GEOTHERM () of which this study is a part. This test is one-sided and we reject a model if γ < 0.025 which implies that the observed log-likelihood is much smaller than expected if the model is true. 3) shows that Mc(t) varies between 0.5 and 0.9. For each magnitude bin we compute the log-likelihoods and sum this to a joint log-likelihood of the forecast. In addition, we calculate the joint log-likelihood of each model as a sum of over all time bins. In a first step, we analyse the monitoring completeness and bulk statistical parameters of the sequence. (b) Effect of different b-values on the hazard integration with (1) b = 0.9, (2) b = 1 and (3) b = 1.58 for coinjection and 1.15 for post-injection events. 3, as indicated by the black line). The seismicity recorded during and after the stimulation of the Basel EGS is one of the best monitored sequences of its kind. Completeness and time evolution of the (a) whole catalogue and the (b) first 10 d. The black solid line indicates the variation of the completeness of this catalogue over time; it varies the most during the first days and then becomes constant. The forecast rates for each magnitude bin of each model are the basic input needed to produce a time-dependent hazard model. Wiemer S. Two magnitudes were provided: (1) local earthquake magnitudes (ML) were provided by the SED for the largest ∼190 earthquakes only; and (2) a moment magnitude (MW) was determined by the microseismic network of GEL (Dyer et al. Grey stems indicate single events, with magnitudes ranging from MW 0.1 to MW 3.1, where the MW 3.1 event is equal to the earlier mentioned ML 3.4 event which occurred at 2006 December 8, 4:48 p.m. Three additional events with magnitudes above three occurred in 2007 January and February. For the period through 24 January 2007, there were 168 earthquakes with magnitudes> 0.6, 15 with ML  >2, and three withML  > 3. The R&J model R2 is not able to adjust its forecast sufficiently at the end of the injection, and subsequently overpredicts the rates. It was at primary school around 1960 that I first heard of the earthquake of Basel. Of specific interest in this context is an estimate of the time required for the seismicity to return to the background rate. Once a sufficiently large reservoir (volume >1 km3) has developed, a second well is typically drilled into the stimulated volume. Observed events above magnitude 2 are indicated in the lower panel. We argue that such models should be considered as a starting point or reference model for any assessment of the time-dependent seismic hazard. 2009). J. Source: Werner Meyer, "da verfiele Basel überall", Schwabe… 2008). All major churches and castles within a 30 k… For developing the geothermal reservoir, a deep borehole was brought down to 5 km depth. There is very little knowledge how to set this number. (2007) showed that the moment magnitudes provided by GEL are comparable to the moment magnitudes calculated by the SED. Voeroes R. 2009; Ripperger et al. Sci. We consider real-time information and update the forecast as new information arrives. Fig. The statistical models are comparatively simple, and make no assumptions about the underlying physics or rock properties. In addition to the fixed parameters, we list the free parameters for each model in Table 1. The consortium led by Geothermal Explorers Limited (GEL) was well aware of the possibility of inducing earthquakes strong enough to be felt. Following the above event were many large aftershocks. This implies that first of all, a suitable real-time motoring system must exist that, within minutes, can deliver reliable locations and magnitudes for the dozens to hundreds of events that can occur during stimulation every hour. To monitor earthquake activity and be prepared for hazard and risk mitigation actions, GEL adapted a ‘traffic-light’ system first proposed by Bommer et al. We did not determine the completeness after 2007 June, as the seismicity becomes too sparse. Schellschmidt R.. Baisch S. We apply two different classes of model, which we introduce in the following paragraphs. Christophersen A. One important topic of the city’s history concerns the hypothesis of an earthquake striking the city in the middle of the third century A.D. 2009a). We adopt and compare two model frameworks widely used in the domain of time-varying earthquake forecasting on timescales of hours and days: The Reasenberg & Jones model, which is the basis of the Short Term Earthquake Probabilities (STEP) model (Gerstenberger et al. Jones L.M. The largest induced earthquake (mL = 3.4; Mw = 3.2, 8 December 2006) was widely felt by the local population and provoked slight non-structural damage to buildings, estimated to several millions Swiss Francs (CHF) (e.g., Baisch et al., 2009, Giardini, 2009, Kraft et al., 2009). With the traffic-light system, actions where implemented after an ML 2.7 event, the water injection was reduced and then stopped after another ML 2.5 event. Becker T. The aim of the models is to best forecast the seismicity but not necessarily to understand the detailed physics of the ongoing processes. We anticipate that the underlying forecast models will become increasingly complex, and ensemble forecasting or logic trees will be considered just like they are in weather forecasting or probabilistic seismic hazard assessment. Bird J. An extension to risk and decision support was recently proposed by van Stiphout et al. We would like to thank Geothermal Explorers Ltd. that provided seismicity and injection data without which this work would not have been possible. ( E1 and E2 and use them basel earthquake 2006 starting values for E3–E5 through... Analyse the monitoring completeness as a function of time, based on Mmax = 5 may be seen at:! Simply obtained by applying the GR frequency–magnitude relation to this rate with a steep geothermal gradient because drilling increase... Models based on the hazard during the intense induced sequence exceeds the seismicity. The statistical forecast models gradient because drilling costs increase exponentially with depth 3 occurred months! Was partly destroyed by fire ( Meyer 2006 ) and others did not exist at the surface with ML 3. In 2006/2007 in the southern Rhine Rift valley, based on the data compare and test different model to... N ( umber ) -test ( Schorlemmer et al compute forecasts of the region... 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