atypical signs and symptoms of infection in geriatric patients

1993, 270 (10): 1233-1241. Signs and symptoms of UTI in elderly women: >10,000 CFU; Signs and symptoms of UTI in elderly men and non-E. coli: >1000 … Table 3 "Hidden" Illness in Older Adults (Ham, 2002), Depression The study was approved by the South-East Norway Regional Committee for Ethics inMedical Research. 1984, 12 (11): 975-977. Theprognostic sensitivity of a CRP value above 200 mg/L was lower in the middleage group than in the youngest group, whereas no age-associated differences wereseen at cut-off value 80 mg/L. In addition, the two oldest age groupspresented more often with decline in general health, new-onset atrial fibrillationand reduced consciousness than the youngest group. Symptoms werecategorized into atypical or typical. Part of Changes in behavior or function in an older adult are often a prodrome (symptoms(s) indicative of an approaching disease) of an acute illness, especially for frail older adults. Int Care Med. The following clinical data on comorbidities, risk factors for infection,diagnoses, signs and symptoms were extracted from medical records for allpatients included in the study. Blazer DG. A prospective study designbased on survival analysis. ● high age and comorbidity are risk factors for pooroutcome in severe infection. 2009, 35 (5): 909-913. Decline in functional status includes new or increasing confusion,incontinence, falling, deteriorating mobility, reduced food intake, or failure tocooperate with staff, which partly corresponds to “atypical symptoms”assessed in our study. 2007, 11 (2): R31-10.1186/cc5713. Fatigue. Silent masses of the bowel especially those from the ascending colon, may exist without major symptoms due to reduced neuronal sensitivity in the GI tract. Traditionally, prognostication in critical illness has relied heavily upon measuresof acute physiological derangements upon admission to ICU, as scoring systems do notintegrate pre-hospital functional status, severity of comorbid illness, disabilityor frailty [34]. Sierra R, Rello J, Bailen MA, et al: C-reactive protein used as an early indicator of infection in patients withsystemic inflammatory response syndrome. A bladder infection, also called cystitis, is a specific infection. The clinical presentation of sepsis is often atypical in elderly patients,complicating and potentially delaying diagnosis [4]. Assessment and Care Strategies: Three strategies to assess for atypical presentation of illness include: (1) Vague Presentation of Illness; (2) Altered Presentation of Illness; and (3) Non-presentation (under-reporting) of Illness. SARS should be considered even if a contact history is unavailable, during an … During the 6-month period of surveillance there were 65 instances of functional decline among the 143 veterans, with 50 episodes of infection. The number of“classical” symptoms was dichotomized at three symptoms,“atypical” symptoms were dichotomized at one symptom. © 2021 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. Cite this article. N Engl J Med. Kaplan-Meier survival estimates for one-year survivalin days, by a) age group, b) number of organ failures;3 = failure of three or more organs, and c) microbialagent. 2009, 57 (7): 1184-1190. Whenever possible, criteria weredefined according to the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score system(cut point 2 or 3) [20]. As we wanted to study community-acquired infections, weincluded only patients who had blood cultures drawn on the day of or day afterhospital admission. Table 2 describes severity of infection by age group. We studied patients withbacteremia, in order to assess possible age-related effects on the clinicalpresentation and course of severe infections. Advanced age and comorbidity are risk factors forboth early organ failure and in-hospital mortality. As can be seen, age over 65 years, number of comorbid illnesses, more thanthree “classical” symptoms present, decline in general health, tachypneaand/or hyperventilation, and leukopenia remained as independent and statisticallysignificant predictors in the multivariate model. A urinary tract infection is a more general type of infection. CAS  Older patients die earlier during hospitalizationthan younger patients [3], and are more rarely transferred to an intensive care unit (ICU) [13], both also found in our study. The spectrum of patient presentation varies from classic signs and symptoms in the independent elderly population to atypical presentations, including increased lethargy, delirium, blunted fever response, and anorexia. coli or S. pneumoniae, several resultsindicate that age affects the clinical presentation, diagnostic markers, and outcomeof severe infection. Dyspnea Incontinence Symptoms of pneumonia in older adults can present differently or take longer to appear. Myocardial Infarction: Most myocardial infarctions in older adults do NOT present with clinical symptoms such as chest pain. The study was performed without specific funding. Article  1996, 49 (7): 743-747. Poses RM, McClish DK, Smith WR, Bekes C, Scott WE: Prediction of survival of critically ill patients by admissioncomorbidity. 2004, 8 (4): R180-R184. During the study period, the hospital had 350 beds and served apopulation of 500,000 people for urology and abdominal vascular surgery, and180,000 people for internal medicine, general surgery and psychiatry. 1998, 26 (11): 1767-1768. The incidence of sepsis in humans has been shown to increase with age [1–3]. Table 4 shows risk factors for in-hospital death within 14days after admission. The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here: Terms and Conditions, 10.1086/595683. 10.1097/01.CCM.0000119424.31648.1E. of death in elderly patients. More typically the onset is insidious and presents as a change in function, decreased food or fluid intake, or confusion. Depression: Although most depression in older adults is associated with a sad mood, it often presents as a preoccupation with somatic symptoms related to appetite changes, vague GI symptoms, constipation, and sleep disturbances. A host of illnesses in older adults may go unrecognized for many years and significantly impact quality of life and are summarized in Table 3. Girard TD, Opal SM, Ely EW: Insights into severe sepsis in older patients: from epidemiology toevidence-based management. Prior to the data extraction process survivalafter discharge from hospital had been confirmed through the National PopulationRegister by the medical record staff. We describe here a fairly complicated atypical signs and symptoms of SARS in an elderly patient. Amella, E. (2004). 216-28. J Infect Dis. volume 13, Article number: 346 (2013) Crit Care Med. The SIRS criteria wereconsidered not met if data were not recorded. Interpretation of radiographic changes was confounded by cardiac failure, with resolution of fever causing delayed diagnosis and a cluster of cases. Altered Presentation of Illness: Some of the more common altered presentations in older adults are listed in Table 2 below. 2001, 345 (19): 1368-1377. Pneumonia in the Elderly. Anorexia Retrieved from Alcoholism was registered whenaccompanied by organ involvement or social decompensation. If death had occurred after the indexstay, they had put the date onto the records. In the multivariate analyses, however,age was dichotomized (< 65 and ≥ 65) based on preliminaryanalyses. atypical signs and symptoms. Nursing Standard of Practice Protocol: Atypical Presentation, Ellen Flaherty, PhD, APRN, BC Adjunct Professor, Deanne Zwicker, MS, APRN, BC. In this material, comprising nearly 700 patients with bacteraemia caused byE. Our study indicates that such clinical presentations may be associatedwith severity of infection, though not statistically significant in the multivariatefull model. Dispensation of professionalconfidentiality was given by the Norwegian Directorate of Health. 10.1097/00003246-199811000-00001. Dental Problems Acute symptom assessment. Caterino JM, Kulchycki LK, Fischer CM, Wolfe RE, Shapiro NI: Risk factors for death in elderly emergency department patients withsuspected infection. CAS  Crit Care. 590. A majorweakness is that data were retrospectively collected. For example, hyperthyroidism may present as "apathetic thyrotoxicosis" whereby a patient presents with fatigue and a slowing down as opposed to the classic thin, hyperactive hyperthyroid patient. Marra AR, Bar K, Bearman GM, Wenzel RP, Edmond MB: Systemic inflammatory response syndrome in nosocomial bloodstream infectionswith Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterococcus Species: comparison of elderlyand nonelderly patients. For example, subtle changes like a decrease in function or a diminished appetite very often are the first signs of illness in an older adult. In up to 65% of Pneumonia cases, presents with no fever, cough, Shortness of Breath or Chest Pain; Intra-Abdominal Infection in Older Patients. Atypical nursing assessment would also include vital signs, recording a patient's intake and output and possibly their abdominal girth. Atypical Presentation of Common Geriatric Emergencies. myocardial infarction, acute abdominal pain, acute asthma), andmissing/others. Paradoxically, it is equally important to recognize medical illnesses that may present as depression. Timely identification of acute illnesses with vague presentation enables early treatment of illness resulting in reduced morbidity and mortality and an enhanced quality of life in older adults. Le Gall JR, Loirat P, Alperovitch A, et al: A simplified acute physiology score for ICU patients. Wester, A.L., Dunlop, O., Melby, K.K. However, in older adults an acute abdomen may present silently with mild discomfort and constipation with some tachypnea, and possibly some vague respiratory symptoms. For example, breast masses in older women may be very slow growing and exist for some time before they are discovered during a work up for back pain secondary to bone metastases. Wilson, JF. Figure 2 displays Kaplan Meier plots of one-year survivalcurves by age group, number of failing organs and microbial agent. Hearing loss Common classical signs and symptoms include altered mental level, failure to eat and drink e.g., anorexia, failure to develop temperature or fever or lack of pain in a disease known to cause those conditions, functional decline, reduced mobility, falling, fatigue and urinary incontinence (Emmett, 1998, Gray-Miceli, 2007, Salvi et al., 2007, Samaras et al., 2010). Kalin M, Ortqvist A, Almela M, et al: Prospective study of prognostic factors in community-acquired bacteremicpneumococcal disease in 5 countries. Atypical signs and symptoms of influenza virus infection can occur, including in frail, institutionalized elderly long-term care facility residents. Torres JM, Cardenas O, Vasquez A, Schlossberg D: Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteremia in a community hospital. For the two oldest age groups, the site ofinfection was more difficult to determine than the youngest group. These include frequent visual hallucinations; more concrete or perseverative thought processes, rather than loose associations and idiosyncratic language; cognitive impairment; and presence of medical and neurologic signs and symptoms. 2011, 39 (5): 854-861. Acute Abdomen: Most patients suspected of having an "acute abdomen" present with a series of complaints and or signs such as pain, diminished or absent bowel sounds, and fever. Type of tentative diagnosesbefore admission was not associated with mortality, whereas having “atypicalsymptoms” was significant only in bivariate analysis. Classical symptomswere protective for early organ failure (OR 0.67, 95% CI 0.45-0.99), andrisk factors included; age ≥ 65 years (OR 1.65, 95% CI1.09-2.49), comorbid illnesses (OR 1.19, 95% CI 1.02-1.40 per diagnosis),decline in general health (OR 2.28, 95% CI 1.58-3.27), tachycardia (OR 1.50,95% CI 1.02-2.20), tachypnea (OR 3.86, 95% CI 2.64-5.66), and leukopenia (OR4.16, 95% CI 1.59-10.91). Elderly patients with bacteremia more often present with atypical symptoms andreduced general condition. Symptoms indicative of infection preceding admission were dichotomized into“classical symptoms” and “atypical symptoms”.“Classical symptoms” included fever/chills, localized pain,nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, cough, dyspnea, expectoration, urinary urgency,painful voiding, hematuria, skin rash, coma, and seizures, whereas“atypical symptoms” included malaise, falls, dizziness, syncope,unsteadiness, immobility, acute urinary or fecal incontinence, paresis, speakingdifficulties, and confusion. It is important to identify elderly patients with bacterial infections early and initiate treatment in the ED for a better outcome. J Infect. Conversely,organ failure may also have been underestimated because data on liver function andhematological markers as well as markers of peripheral perfusion wereunsystematically registered and therefore excluded. J Intensive Care Med. CI = confidence interval. Osteomyelitis in elderly patients. (2003). 2000, 182 (3): 840-847. The types of bacteria that cause it tend to create less severe symptoms than those in typical pneumonia. PubMed Central  Signs and symptoms helpful to identify early OM include tenderness over an infected bone, redness and warmth of the skin, drainage of pus from an open wound near a bone or prosthesis, decreased ability to move and pain in an extremity, and persistent unhealed ulcers or wounds. Cancer, diabetes or cardiovascular disease are the most importantfactors for health-related quality of life after critical illness [35]. Pain management. Heart failure andcardiomyopathy were both registered as heart failure. Although many elderly individuals demonstrate clinical manifestations consistent with infection (e.g., fever, chills, and leukocytosis), a significant number of geriatric patients will present with atypical features that may be nonspecific, blunted, or absent (e.g., Bacterial UTIs affect about 1/5 of hospitalized geriatric patients. The associations between organ failure anddifferent cut-points of CRP and different number of SIRS criteria were exploredusing Chi-squared tests. Self-neglect Survival plots. In multivariate analyses age wasdichotomized (< 65, ≥ 65 years). Table 1 presents basic characteristics, comorbid illnessesand clinical presentation by age group. Bernard GR: Quantification of organ dysfunction: seeking standardization. However, the patient may not subjectively experience or recognize the classic symptoms such as paroxsymal nocturnal dyspnea, or coughing. American Journal of Nursing. She had a past history of vascular dementia with dysphagia and behavioral abnormalities, ischemic heart disease with atri-al fibrillation, and congestive cardiac failure. Aging changes: Effects on presentation of illness. 1998, 26 (1): 1793-1800. 10.1111/j.1399-6576.2007.01299.x. It might constitute a problem that such “softvariables” are not included in mortality-prediction rules for elderly EDpatients with infection [32]. Atypicalpresentation may complicate the diagnosis. Topics in Advanced Practice Nursing, 4(2), 1–3. Thus, systematic informationon adequacy of antimicrobial treatment was missing and was therefore omitted fromthe analyses. In elderly patients, diagnosis of UTIs should always be based on a full clinical assessment, including observation of vital signs. Considering the frequency of infections in older adults, more often affecting the urinary tract, the respiratory tract, the skin or the GI tract, an infection should be suspected with any change in condition, including falls, a decrease in food or fluid intake, confusion, and/or a change in functional status (See protocol Function). Evidence-Based Geriatric Nursing Protocols for Best Practice (6th ed.). Altered Presentation of Illness in Elderly Persons, Medical illness that presents as depression. We identified leukopenia as a risk factor for poor prognosis in themultivariate models, which corresponds well with neutropenia being one of theclinical risk factors for mortality in sepsis found in several trials [38]. The signs and symptoms of influenza infection in older adults are similar to those occurring in younger patients although, again, a febrile response may be absent. Article  Indicators for organ dysfunction, defined in the diagnostic criteriafor sepsis in 2001 [21] and for severe sepsis and septic shock in 1992 [15], were also used. The clinical picture of these infections very often is atypical and it indicates a need for diagnostic vigilance. Assessment of the older patient should note any changes from baseline (including those that are subtle and nonspecific) in functioning, mental status and behavior (e.g., increased/new onset confusion), appetite, or exacerbation of chronic illness (High, 2009; Watters, 2002). We used two alternative cut pointsfor SIRS, ≥ 2 criteria met (SIRS-2) and ≥ 3 criteria met (SIRS-3).Cut points from the Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS) [16] were used to define hypothermia (body temperature less than36.0°C), fever (body temperature ≥ 38.5°C), leukocytosis(leukocyte counts above 15,000/mm3), and leukopenia (leukocyte countsbelow 3,000/mm3). The mean number offailing organs within one day after admission was significantly higher in the middlegroup than in the youngest age group. Elderly patients’ subtle presentation of infection makes thesensitivity of SIRS a matter of concern. Thereby, increases the … Ambulatory management of common infections in elderly patients. In addition, it is not knownwhether atypical presentation is predictive of severe sepsis or death whenestablished criteria for sepsis and organ failure are used. When patients do present with a more classic picture of an acute event, a more common complaint than chest pain is shortness of breath. Best Practice ( 6th ED. ) weincluded only patients who had blood cultures drawn on day..., hypothyroidism, classically seen presents as fatigue and weight gain and instead may present depression! Observation of vital signs, recording a patient has any symptoms or unusual signs and symptoms are often atypical elderly. 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