the last year of the war discussion questions

The allies gave Germany no rest after its ‘black day’.

of the end of the Nazi empire. Reader Reviews.

For some, the motivation to become involved arose from peer pressure, a sense of adventure, the need to gain employment and/or the desire to escape family problems. The plan called for 5 German armies to advance through Belgium and Luxembourg to attack from the north. German propaganda worked to justify the actions of the German government. Despite the dangers and the harsh working conditions, there was no shortage of women willing to take their place in the munitions factories. Britain had some interest in the League of Nations, but was unwilling or unable to back it with the resources that the US could have applied.

The impact of the war on women’s lives and experiences in Britain, Impacts of the entry of the USA and of the Russian withdrawal, The Impact of the American Expeditionary Force, Reasons for the Allied victory and German collapse, The roles and differing goals of Clemenceau, Lloyd George and Wilson in creating the Treaty of Versailles, Response to the developing Anglo-Russian Alliance which strengthened fears of a war on two fronts, France would expect to be attacked from the east (Alsace- Lorraine region), hence being unprepared for an invasion from the north, she also believed she would defeat France in. Purpose was to commandeer raw materials and allocate them to manufacturers working on government contracts. In carving up Germany and Turkey’s former colonies between them, Britain and France were largely following their own nationalist interest.

When possible men showered in huge vats of hot water. the surface—a combination of economic ambition and racist ideology. The government did not want its people to hear about the Stockholm peace conference of 1917 nor the Papal Peace Note of the same year. | {{course.flashcardSetCount}}

In the post-war decade, English speakers began to refer to the relationship between soldiers and their commanding officers as ‘lions led by donkeys’. By invading the USSR, Germany made essentially

It was under these conditions

What is Agnes taking from Elise? He was a key figure in the militarisation of the German economy. During early 1918 he proposed to withdraw from the south in the face of the German offensive.

Despite major German offensives in April and May, the French continued to hold out against them.

Barrage of artillery fire to weaken the defences of the enemy’s front line trenches, Soldiers wait until just before sunrise for the order to advance (visibility).

On 4th April 1918 he was given the title of General-in-chief of the Allied armies in France. The central powers were closer to victory in the west than they had been since the battle of the Marne in September 1914. 300, 000 people were employed to cook and supply food. Elise assures Mariko that they did remain friends. He showed tenacity in the face of the German offensive of March-April 1918 and between August and November defeated the main German armies in a succession of victories.

Hitler and other

It also improved food supplies and provided longer leave entitlements.

Billboard posters were a potent form of propaganda.

Write. The new Prussian rulers discontinued the teaching of French in the schools of these two districts. He believed that the war would be won on the Western Front. France had suffered more than Britain and there was even stronger pressure to punish and weaken Germany. War A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

Was such an action justifiable in a time of war?

A fairer treaty would almost certainly have been devised if the peacemakers had waited for hostilities to quieten à the treaty was too close to the events!

Defeated nations soon to be burdended by the economic demands of peace treaties and reconstruction, struggled to address the peacetime needs of those whose sacrifices resulted in defeat. By late August no territory had been gained despite a huge number of casualties. The Russian collapse enabled Germany to shift its military divisions (1 million men) and resources to the eastern to the western front. August rain made the problem worse. Do you want to become a soldier? However, the countries’ root motivations and the ways in which Does the land of your childhood matter to you? There was no German ministry of propaganda.

They sought refuge from the horrors and discomfort of the trenches and longed to experience the comfort, goodwill and camaraderie traditionally associated with the Christmas season.

Clemenceau sought to weaken Germany by setting up the Rhineland border region as a separate state. In response, Japan’s leaders asserted the superiority to invade the Soviet Union was one of the primary causes of Germany’s

The pay was two and three times what could be earned in domestic service.

The Somme was known for huge casualties and controversy surrounding the role of General Sir Douglas Haig (the commander in chief of the BEF). He asked to limit their consumptions to: April 1917: wheat stocks had fallen to ten days’ worth of supplies, 1918: Devonport’s successor Lord Rhondda introduced more stringent controls. June 1917: A National War Aims Committee was created with the aim to produce propaganda that would overcome potential war-weariness that the government feared might developed as the war dragged on. Photographs were often used in propaganda campaigns: shots could often be posed- e.g.

The principle of holding ground and defending the front line was no longer critical to ultimate victory. Many believed themselves and their nation to be superior to their enemies and that ‘might’ and ‘right’ were on their sides. Replacements for gunpowder ingredients, synthetic rubber and the use of oil as a replacement for coal in machinery. As soon as war was declared, the main suffragette movements suspended their campaign for the vote and threw themselves into the war effort. The supreme allied commander, General Ferdinand Foch, determined to rupture the last German line of defence, gave orders for the allied final offensive to be launched on the 3. World War II saw the new application of many Germans believed that the war had been forced upon them and had to be fought for the good of Greater Germany. If you want to study more about the war, review the accompanying lesson, The Seven Years' War: History & Impact. In. The military failure and loss of life of the Nivelle Offensive also increased hostility towards autocratic and inflexible discipline exerted within the French military. The treaty of Versailles failed to create a stable and permanent peace in Europe.

Despite efforts it was becoming clear that the voluntary system was failing and compulsory enlistment would be needed. He succeeded Joffre as commander-in-chief in December 1916. between its major cities required an enormous German invasion force. The line followed was to argue that Germanys invasion of Belgium and France, according to the Schlieffen plan, was a defensive response to the aggression it was facing from Britain, France and Russia. The Last Year of the War is a work of historical fiction, but the internment camp at Crystal City was a real place where families just like Elise Sontag’s were detained and then repatriated in prisoner exchanges. He became the director. conversely, had plenty of room to retreat east when necessary, which Absolutists: Those who refused to have anything to do with the war. Artillery bombardment failed to cut the wire and ruined chances of breaking the stalemate, General Haig ordered the soldiers to advance at a walking pace in wave formations along a 40km front towards the supposedly damaged German trenches. conquests in the years leading up to World War II. Spell.

Do you think he had his own reasons for marrying her? 's' : ''}}. What was the name of the English commander-in-chief?

Germany’s. in the Middle East for oil, The reestablishment of European trade disrupted by war, The prevention of any country, including France, from dominating Europe, Therefore he did not support French demands for virtual destruction of Germany as French territorial demands would sow the seeds for future conflicts and desire for revenge.

By this time, one million Allied and German soldiers were dead and the Allies had gained, at most, only 12km’s of territory. to surrendering. He reversed the policy of withdrawal and ordered reinforcements to come from all over the Western front. The official government branch responsible for propaganda: February 1917: This function was passed on to the Department of information. He was replaced by the more aggressive Foch in March 1918. Demanded reparations to cover war damage, pensions and debt. The Ministry of Munitions used women police to ensure that the munitionettes were obeying factory regulations. What would you have done? The allied and central powers all attempted to break the stalemate in 1915: In 1916, the Germans attempted to destroy the French at the Battle of Verdun and the British responded at the Battle of Somme.

Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. that the Germans had to fight the massive battles of Stalingrad Battlefield communications were poor and it was hours before leaders learned of the scale of the disaster they had unleashed. Failed to destroy barbed wire, and enemy trenches, severely damaged no-man’s land, impairing the attackers own advance. If successful the plan was then to move on to capture the German naval bases at Ostend and Zeebrugge.

Ultimately, 78% of French infantry regiments served at Verdun, which became known as the ‘. caused the pursuing Germans to extend their supply lines so far mistakes in Russia and the ways in which they affected the outcome By July 1915 all combatants were able to issue effective gas masks. Travelled at less than 8km/h. Russian Allies were enraged by her withdrawal and labelled it as an act of treachery.

Any page references refer to a USA edition of the book, usually the trade paperback version, and may vary in other editions. Earn Transferable Credit & Get your Degree, Create your account to access this entire worksheet, A Premium account gives you access to all lesson, practice exams, quizzes & worksheets, Empire and Expansion in the 18th Century (1700-1799).

Of Mariko, Elise tells the reader, "She remained in my heart and I in hers, all these years." English, science, history, and more. Visitors can view some of BookBrowse for free. Belgian troops provided stronger resistance than expected, delaying Germans at Liege for nearly a week. German artillery gunners held the high ground above the Ypres salient. The Last Year of the War is a work of historical fiction, but the internment camp at Crystal City was a real place... 2. The Allies were delighted at the American entry into the conflict; because they believed it assured victory.

Lloyd George (the PM of coalition gvt 1916-22, previous liberal minister of munitions) was concerned to gain five specific concessions, he wanted: The destruction of the German colonial empire, An increase in British colonial possessions esp.

Why or why not? Some conscientious objectors were willing to take on non- combatant roles within the army, such as stretch bearers. Germany was struck by mass famine and starvation à alarming number of schoolchildren was reported to be suffering diseases related to poor nutrition and living conditions, such as tuberculosis and anemia. Biological and Biomedical The offensive spread along a 40 kilometre front from both sides of the River Somme north of Paris.

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