the druze faith

There are also some Druze in the West Indies and Philippines.

THE Druze faith, came into being at the beginning of the eleventh century A.D. In 1018, ad-Darazi was assassinated for his teachings; some sources claim that he was executed by Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah. Nonetheless, despite their rivalry, the two families have at times put their differences aside and formed alliances to protect their common interests. Unlike the Mamluks, the Ottomans who succeeded them as the rulers of Syria in 1516 were not prepared to allow the Shuf Druze

The sacred places of prayer in Druze are known as the Khalwat, with the main khalwat being the Khalwat al-Bayada. It is by means of these pillars that man moves

Adherents to the movement believed that a third and 4- Dissociation from of the fourth cosmic principle, and so on, all of the way back to the first cosmic principle, the res divina , the divine will, the ‘aql, the finite projection

Over the years, the Druze have experienced hostile and sometimes cruel treatment by the devout Muslims. Virtue, on the other hand, lies in living in this plural world, but without taking

in the Gharb region of the Shuf mountains. If it is a mausoleum the Druze call it mazār and if it is a shrine they call it maqām.

[69] Epistle thirteen of the Epistles of Wisdom called it "A spiritual doctrine without any ritualistic imposition". [99] To this end, al-Shishakli encouraged the stigmatization of minorities. This led to the suspension of the movement for one year and the expulsion of ad-Darazi and his supporters.

must strive to attain the purpose of their being, which is self-realization in the One and living accordingly, in real love. What Is The Yoruba Religion? “Hafed Al-Khawan” – the duty to participate in social life: weddings, funerals, visiting the sick and being together while defending religion, family honor, land, community and state. Lebanon and Syria are home to an estimated 90% of all Druze people in the world. [citation needed], The call summoned people to a true unitarian belief that removed all attributes (wise, just, outside, inside, etc.) [80][page needed], During the 18th century, there were two branches of Druze living in Lebanon: the Yemeni Druze, headed by the "Harmouche" and "Alamuddine" families; and the Kaysi Druze, headed by the Jumblatt and Arslan families.

This article is part of a series of round-table discussions covering the principles of the Druze faith. The Druz religion is a secret and is known only to a small group of members of the community called “the Okal”, while the other Druze are called “Johal”. known also as Dar al-Ilm {The House of Knowledge}.  This Dar al-Hikma was established by the Fatimid Caliph feeling in union with God to ‘focusing upon’ and ‘enjoying’ its self made the aql feel that it was separate from God.

[99][page needed], In 1967, a community of Druze in the Golan Heights came under Israeli control, today numbering 23,000 (in 2019).

In 1017, Hamza officially revealed the Druze faith and began to preach the Unitarian doctrine. Al-Darazi's army was around 200,000 men while the Unitarian movement that started in the Choufe Mountains of Lebanon and the Houran Mountains of Syria had less than 10,000 men. However, Druze discredits their association with the preacher because he is recognized as a heretic by the religion. At independence the Druze, made confident by their successes, expected that Damascus would reward them for their many sacrifices on the battlefield. But instead of dispersing throughout the world after their separation, the full range of lineages can still be found within the Druze population. Those few initiated in the Druze holy books are called ʿuqqāl,[141] while the "ignorant", regular members of the group are called juhhāl. The Druze faith does not follow the Five Pillars of Islam, such as fasting during the month of Ramadan, and making a pilgrimage to Mecca. the Sunnis, ahl al-bātin i.e.


Traditional snacks eaten with mate include raisins, nuts, dried figs, biscuits, and chips.

Persian thought, Indian mysticism, and Jewish and Christian theology, they began to interpret the literal message of the Qur’an in order to gain insight into As heads of a Shi’a state,

The Foundation has thus far published over 25 titles in the last [26][27], The Epistles of Wisdom is the foundational text of the Druze faith. Hamza ibn ‘Ali refers to God’s amr as ‘aql, an Arabic verbal noun that originally meant ‘to bind’. of other Syrian regions. These wars in which they showed distinguished military ability, together with their previous wars against In 2011, however, he backed the pro-Syrian Hezbollah in Lebanon’s political crisis. Besides founding al-Azhar, which became the main university of the Islamic world, the Fatimids also established Dar al-Hikma {The House of Wisdom}, Bashar Tarabieh "Education, Control and Resistance in the Golan Heights". The Druze faith extended to many areas in the Middle East, but most of the modern Druze can trace their origin to the Wadi al-Taym in Southern Lebanon, which is named after an Arab tribe Taymour-Allah (formerly Taymour-Allat) which, according to Islamic historian al-Tabari, first came from the Arabian Peninsula into the valley of the Euphrates where they had been Christianized prior to their migration into the Lebanon. Moreover, unlike the Jumblatts, the Arslans have enjoyed strong relations with Syria. Druze survivors "were found principally in southern Lebanon and Syria". to the intellectual development of Islamic civilization. [113][114] [88] Ahmad continued as local ruler through his death from natural causes, without heir, in 1697. This time the prince decided to remain in Lebanon and resist the offensive, but the death of his son Ali in Wadi al-Taym was the beginning of his defeat. They are Arabs who speak the Arabic language and follow a social pattern very similar to those of the other peoples of the Levant (eastern Mediterranean). In return for the valuable services rendered by the Druze of the Gharb and other parts of the Shuf mountains,

Disillusioned with the Isma'ilis in 1009–1010, the Druze turned to caliph al-Hakim, of the Fatamid dynasty based in Cairo, Egypt, as their deliverer. Attachment to community and territory, however, Druze reject polygamy, believe in reincarnation, and are not obliged to observe most of the religious rituals. He later took refuge in Jezzine's grotto, closely followed by Küçük Ahmet Pasha who eventually caught up with him and his family. foreign to traditional Islam. For the Druze, it is the second cosmic principle. Each ḥadd is color-coded in the following manner: The mind generates qualia and gives consciousness. [65] It is believed that al-Darazi allowed wine, forbidden marriages and taught metempsychosis[67] although it has argued that his actions might have been exaggerated by contemporary and later historians and polemicists. The research and investigations into each possible reincarnation case are thorough and objective, yet retain a no nonsense common sense approach. The following papers were presented at the conference: DHF has participated regularly in the Beirut International Arab Book Fair which is held annually. [43] The Druze's social customs differ markedly from those of Muslims or Christians, and they are known to form close-knit, cohesive communities which do not fully allow non-Druze in, though they themselves integrate fully in their adopted homelands. The holy places become more important to the community in times of adversity and calamity. While the manner in which the Druze fell upon their terrified Christian neighbours in 1860 in the Shuf, A detailed study of the subject of metempsychosis, or the transmigration of souls, and the memories some souls return with to the

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