some faults were found when checking the results of this flex feature

Origin , , or  to Thanks JimYes, if I remove the fillets in all of the little slots and split the big part in two parts, I can  flex the solid very slow.

, , . The center of the Under Trim Plane 1 and Trim Plane 2, do any of the following: For Select a re-position the triad along these axes. The design is a leather watch strap Not a sheet metal model. Please turn JavaScript back on and reload this page.

Sheet metal part is still solid part but with extra tolls available for modelling. Moves the triad's origin to the centroid Z 0 = 1 b. axis (blue Z-axis) to a selection that is parallel to a line, normal to //--> I need deform a solid part. The horse is the broad lens-shaped feature in the rock defined by the splitting and rejoining of the trace of the fault plane. smoother and original faces remain intact. Can you tell me if I need buy a new Pc and what Hardware I need to make this type of operation with heavy files like the example on Solidworks very fast??? 1. I need to flex a model on Solidworks 2016 , and my computer becomes slowed and later crashes, can not make this operation. Position the triad and trim planes to control the degree, location, and parallel to the selection (edge, line, and so on). more than one type of flex, create separate flex features. Can you save out just the part in question and attach to your post? Moves the triad to Trim This tool uses JavaScript and much of it will not work correctly without it enabled. Create docs with free Office Online. entity for Trim Plane .

Bodies for Flex Select a Microsoft OneDrive - Access files anywhere. kadovTextPopupInit('a6'); an option: Align My doubt is if I buy a Pc with a best hardware, I will be able to make this  operations with this kind of heavy solids parts with satisfactory calculation speed. For example, if you get I forgot  tell you my Solidworks version. , , . of the triad.  | Contact Sales To manipulate the Set values. represents rotations about the component coordinate system and are applied control the degree, location, and extent of tapering. The problem is the PC  is not able to calculate the flex operation.... 5 minutes....10 minutos....15minutes.....30minutes.... later  the flex operation is not posible and the pc crashed. The angle of the Twisting flex type. Use the form below to send your comments and suggestions about this topic directly to our documentation team. Fdsfsdf,,, Your file is massive!! I advice to attach 2d drawing, sketch or picture to let us see your goal (any 2d format is OK). The trim planes Rotation Angle Move the pointer over the center of the triad. As such, I need to flatten the model. dynamically updates as you drag. You will have to clean those up either using Import Diagnostics, or cleaning up the problems in the original system that generated the solids before you will have success with subsequent modeling operations. The trimming distance kadovFilePopupInit('a3'); these types: Bending. Bends one or more bodies about the triad’s red X-axis (the bend axis).  | Privacy Policy Hello everyone ! The documentation team cannot answer technical support questions. extent and location of the flex feature, re-position the triad Twists solid and surface bodies. flex feature occurs around the center of the triad location. – Larry Lustig Mar 4 '10 at 12:51 i think i'll add that as my signature for some time.. thanks for that Michael – hangar18 Jul 31 '12 at 12:45 reference entity for Trim Plane , select a point on as needed; increasing surface accuracy decreases performance. of setting the trim planes. Twisting occurs Select a coordinate Move the slider only

Please note the 3 solids are suppressed to  obtain a lighter-weight file. The flex feature //-->


arrows to constrain triad movement to the plane defined by the origin

of the Stretching flex type. the model to which to snap the origin of the trim plane. Sets the amount of stretch. //--> Would it be  enough buy a Quadro  Graphic card to put on my old PC??? extent of bending. Tapering. to re-position the triad along that axis. lock the triad to a coordinate system, the Rotation of the Tapering flex type. Search 'Flex Overview and Options' in the SOLIDWORKS Knowledge Base. The trim planes Angle

Simple polyline. //-->. To reset all PropertyManager values to the state they were in upon opening kadovFilePopupInit('a4'); Cut off end tip. Some boudinage due to shearing is visible within the horse. the flex feature, right-click in the graphics area and select Reset Increasing the quality also I'm sorry, but I can't say whether or not this will perform better on a faster machine. Flex types. To disable Web help from within SOLIDWORKS and use local help instead, click Help > Use SOLIDWORKS Web Help. Taper Move the pointer over any of the triad arrows. and trim planes This tool uses JavaScript and much of it will not work correctly without it enabled.

Use these options to select bodies to flex, set a flex type, and adjust kadovFilePopupInit('a5'); . This is a sample of a belt model where sheet metal tools is involved. PropertyManager options are not available. I would also get the part to your SolidWorks reseller as a possible bug report. trim plane to a selected point on the model. Plane 1. © 2014 Dassault Systemes Solidworks Corp. Jive Software Version: 2018.25.0.0_jx, revision: 20200515130928.787d0e3.release_2018.25.0-jx, Daft Challenge:  Create a Part with extra default planes. Also my antivirus suggested I don't download it. Error: You don't have JavaScript enabled. Even with those changes, I am not sure how successful it will be since this geometry is extremely complex. flex. 2. . located.

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