hawk vs turkey

I've decided this year I am gonna set up for some gobblers.

Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. He's definitely pecking at bread. Ben Franklin wanted to have the Turkey as a national Bird, not the Eagle. Turkeys do rely on ground cover for protection while hawks just fly away from any predators (most of the time). He's quite high. That might seem more attractive. Tailed by one Red-tail.

Though one would have thought from all the screaming that there might have been contact but so far none. I've decided this year I am gonna set up for some gobblers. I fill up my last load and head again to the back yard. Okay, okay, I know this sounds a little (okay, a lot) stupid, but I can't tell the difference between a hawk and a turkey vulture if they reasonably far in the sky. Reactions: Mimi13.

I was foraging twigs for "my nest" when I started hearing a Red-tail screaming--repeatedly. V reinforcements? Nope just old hard dry bread. Thanks! Why do beluga whales have such large brains? Still there, I continue putting twigs into the wheelbarrow. Ben Franklin wanted to have the Turkey as a national Bird, not the Eagle. Can I ask a serious question as to why elephants don't have wings? While I was doing some scouting this summer I found multiple feathers that were black and white striped, and some brown squared off feathers. I made him wait long enough.

Everybody has disappeared. We all know that Robins keep themselves pretty busy this time of year, and don't normally just stare at you. Unfortunately I can't see what he's doing from any of the windows and I don't want to disturb him. If the Hawk had a chance, and was hungry, they would kill and eat the turkey. Hawks as you know can fly, soar, and dive for food. I looked and looked and all I could see was a Turkey Vulture making lazy circles above a tall tree. Well actually being different sizes, I admit, for the most part he and I are usually interested in different sized twigs. Wild hen turkey defending her little ones! How do you think about the answers? They eat worms, bugs, cherries, and apples. I can cart my twigs around in a truck and a wheelbarrow and what does he have? You have got to be kidding. Tis a mystery. DOJ alums: Trump reelection could be 'point of no return', 4 different ways votes are being cast and counted, Iconic restaurant chain files for bankruptcy, For a closing argument, Trump attacks LeBron, Fox ratchets up parenting spat with estranged husband, Don't know how you caught COVID-19? Okay, that isn't any proof. Birds Amazing Female Sparrowhawk bird of prey kills & eats Blackbird 30june13 618pm Cambridge uk - Duration: 20:47. Red-tailed Hawks vs Turkey Vultures and Mr. Robin ... My Nest and Mrs Robin Wants the Right Twig Part 1. Red-tailed Hawk in winter plumage - Immature Red-shouldered Hawk - Northern Harrier - Dark Morph Rough-legged Hawk, which is most like a vulture in appearance - VS. Turkey Vulture - ~Alex . Okay... one is actually a predator or 'raptor (Hawk) and the other is a scavenger... like a buzzard or vulture (Turkey). http://www.lab.fws.gov/featheratlas/browse.php, http://www.lab.fws.gov/featheratlas/browse-species.php?CommonName=Wild_Turkey.

Steam seems to have gone for reinforcements as Mrs. Steam is now also on the job, (That white patch is interesting as Black Vultures have a pale patch at the tip of each wing. One vulture heads further east. Didn't believe me did you? Could that be the left over piece of buttered toast? Then it comes to me. If the Hawk had a chance, and was hungry, they would kill and eat the turkey.

There! Bread? Like where did the second vulture come from. Maybe Steam saw the other vulture coming and that is why he headed off for the Mrs abruptly? When breeding, it would be rare to see a tom helping build a nest and foraging for food for the young but you will see that with hawks. Does beating your dog make you feel better about being a poor trainer? And it's weird because in all this time I've never had a Robin on the concrete like this. They were found underneath some pines that run up against a large duck swamp. Birds with humans in their evolutionary history. I'm trying to decide whether these feathers are hawk or turkey. Previously Steam had been keeping a tight visual bead on the vulture, but it appears that he is looking at the ground as well. I looked and looked and all I could see was a Turkey Vulture making lazy circles above a tall tree. official was 'distracted' during fatal crash, Betting markets see Trump losing as battlegrounds shift, Terry Bradshaw helps stranger in viral video, Poll: Biden holds strong lead, voters fear chaotic Election Day. I'm trying to decide if they are roosting here. They have been known to look up at a raining sky and drown by having their mouths open. Asked by Wiki User. Keeping any eye on me as well. Maybe Robins often do this but not in regions where I see them? The hawk is a predator. He's window shopping--looking at my twig inventory. However, Turkeys are not too bright. 13 Years. Most people dont eat hawk for thanksgiving, and most turkey dont circle the skies looking for food.

Alike: both avian, both very wary most of the time, and both do fly. I love this moment. Aviation Videos & … Robins don't eat bread.

I've seen groups of turkey on the property, but never scouted for them. Red tail hawk feathers vs turkey feathers? Bread is for sparrows and pigeons. Top Answer. Let me say, I did my best but I just couldn't keep total track of what all four birds were doing at any given time. I've decided I don't trust him. I own some property in Greene county, and never really turkey hunted before. You can sign in to vote the answer. Well, wings for one thing but... it's okay, I'll share. Hawk isn't amused at all by these guys and wants them GONE! For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. 21 22 23. You're not alone, Report: Soccer legend Diego Maradona hospitalized, Top S.D. Different: food sources, time in the air, group protection during night and day. but it's the wrong shape so perhaps glare?). It is illegal to posses ANY part of any bird of prey, unless you can prove that you're 1/4 American Indian. You must log in or register to reply here. And THERE is suddenly another vulture. Hawks are more carnivorous, and do eat road kill and other dead animals (how often have you seen a dead turkey on the road next to a carcass of something a car has hit?). (Yes, this Robin looks like a male Robin in the photo and he looked like a male Robin when I looked at him, having them match that way is rather reassuring after the Robin with the Twig issue.). Seriously, I do go out later and check to make sure that there isn't some kind of tasty insect that has infested the bread and I've been mislead. Morningside Park Hawks (Cathedral of St John the Divine).

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