hastha nakshatra in malayalam

3. You may hear a bad news. Displaying enormous skill and craftsmanship, careers related to technical lines and art are also suitable for him. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. female stars represented by horse are not compatible to it. A nakshatra is one of 28 (sometimes also 27) sectors along the ecliptic. The Surya Siddhantha concisely specifies the coordinates of the twenty seven Nakshatras.[5]:211. Savitar is the deity that also directs and inspires the practice of Yoga and the path to enlightenment. This concept is also described by Dr. Jessie Mercay in her research on Surya Siddhanta. Hasta “The Golden Handed Star” Symbol: Hand or Fist, or open Hand in Blessing Deity: Savitur (One of the 12 Aditya and the name Translates as the “Golden Handed” Everything he Touches Turns to Light.He is the Giver of Life and Assists with Child Birth. There will be no complaint from your boss or customers. Vedic legend behind the Nakshatra. Your email address will not be published. Nakshatra (Sanskrit: नक्षत्र, IAST: Nakṣatra) is the term for lunar mansion in Hindu astrology and Indian Astronomy. At times, in order to punish evil doers, they resort to treacherously scheming ways. In their personal life, it can mean strife, a troubled marriage leading to separation and ultimately divorce. Traveling towards east direction.

A nakshatra is one of 28 (sometimes also 27) sectors along the ecliptic. Fear of weapons and fire. Tall, I am just stunned after reading this article all the above details are happen in my life. You may work in partnership or independently.

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); For marriage, love and relationship, you will be highly compatible with male, female born in birth star Mrigasira 3rd and 4th quarters and Uttarashada 1st quarter.

Hectic traveling makes you discomfort. You will wear white and neat clothes. Your confidence in handling different issues will amaze them.

Nakshatra (Sanskrit: नक्षत्र, IAST: Nakṣatra) is the term for lunar mansion in Hindu astrology and Indian Astronomy.

Financial gains are on cards for you this month. Your mind power and wisdom may take you a better way. It is noted above that with the older tradition of 28 Nakshatras each equal segment would subtend 12.85 degrees or 12° 51′. He also is the Source fo the Procreative Energy of All Beings and is Worshipped in the Greatest Vedic Mantra the ‘Gayathri”. You will visit your elders and have blessings of them. Hobbies include Sports, Medicine, Book reading and helping others.

In the Atharvaveda (Shaunakiya recension, hymn 19.7) a list of 28 stars or asterisms is given, many of them corresponding to the later nakshatras:[3], This 27-day time cycle has been taken to mean a particular group of stars.

Irrespective of the reason why ancient early Indian astronomers followed a Vedic calendar of exactly 12 months of 30 days it was this calendar and not a modern calendar of 365 days that they used for the astronomical calculations for the number of days taken for the Moon to complete one sidereal cycle of 360°. Worship Lord Shiva. In your report you will also learn what you can do to improve your health and well-being, and overcome stress for good. Their mischievous smiles are complemented by the lack of ability to sit still and hence the natives are somewhat fidgety.

You will get warnings from your immediate bosses or other higher officials. Therefore the different kinds of influences from Savitar, Moon and Mercury make Hasta a nakshatra which can exhibit various kinds of characteristics depending upon its negativity or positivity in a horoscope. Shani Thailabhishekam on Saturday is another remedy to get rid of negative thinking. Visit any Navagraha Temple and perform Ketu Puja. The lack of a settled, happy emotional state is somewhat in the way of functioning effectively in your professional life. A social news and entertainment portal that brings to you insightful and newer perspective to events and happenings in Kerala’s 14 districts. People under the strong influence of this nakshatra are good at many kinds of physical sports as well as mental sports and games. Your mind behaves like a monkey this month. handsome and strongly built in their appearance, they exude strength, calmness and poise in their personality traits. For the star, see.

In India and China the original 28 lunar mansions were not equal.

1. lord, Hasta nakshatra embodies the general characteristics of luster, luminosity, brilliance, strength, beauty and knowledge. You will enjoy family life this month. Fear of snakes and other reptiles. Perform Rudrabhishekam at least once in this month.

Ashwini – the first Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology, Bharani – the second Nakshatra of Vedic Astrology, Rohini – the fourth Nakshatra of Vedic Astrology, Krittika – the third Nakshatra of Vedic Astrology, Mrigshira – the fifth Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology, Ardra – the sixth Nakshatra of Vedic Astrology, Punarvasu – the seventh Nakshatra of Vedic Astrology, Pushya – the eight Nakshatra of Vedic Astrology, Ashlesha – the ninth Nakshatra of Vedic Astrology, Magha – the tenth nakshatra in Vedic Astrology, Poorva Phalguni – the eleventh Nakshatra of Vedic Astrology, Uttara Phalguni – the twelfth Nakshatra of Vedic Astrology, Hasta – the thirteenth Nakshatra of Vedic Astrology, Swati – the fifteenth Nakshatra of Vedic Astrology, Vishakha – the sixteenth Nakshatra of Vedic Astrology, Anuradha – the seventeenth Nakshatra of Vedic Astrology, Jyeshtha – the eighteenth Nakshatra of Vedic Astrology, Moola – the nineteenth Nakshatra of Vedic Astrology, Poorva Ashada – the twentieth Nakshatra of Vedic Astrology, Uttara Ashada – the twenty first Nakshatra of Vedic Astrology, Shravana – the twenty second Nakshatra of Vedic Astrology, Dhanishtha – the twenty third Nakshatra of Vedic Astrology, Shatabhisha – the twenty fourth Nakshatra of Vedic Astrology, Poorva Bhadrapada – the twenty fifth nakshatra of Vedic Astrology. Chitra – the fourteenth Nakshatra of Vedic Astrology. In society, your honor and social status will improve. You are incompatible with Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika, Punarvasu 4th quarter, Magha, Uttara Phalguni 1st quarter, Vishakha 4th quarter, Jyeshta, Moola, Dhanishta 1st and 2nd quarter, Satabhisha and Poorva Bhadrapada. Hasta Nakshatra Personality Traits. Intrinsically kind and helpful, orientation towards craftsmanship and action are the other important attributes of their ranks and designation. People born with this nakshatra usually have sharp brains, are very fast in deciphering situations and responding accordingly.

Hasta Nakshatra 2020-2021 Predictions, Hastham Nakshatram 2020-2021 predictions, how will be 2020-2021 for Hasta Nakshatra natives? So order your individualised horoscope analysis. Find out more about your Moon sign, and your natal chart to understand what drives you, what stops you from achieving goals, and how you can overcome the hurdles in life.

Up to 50 years they will lead live very comfortably, but after that they have to face many difficulties. Those who born between August 24 and September 23 are the natives of Virgo Zodiac sign as per the date of birth. To better your position and performance this month, visit Sri Lakshmi Temple and worship the Goddess. Better to change your approach, make yourself more social and lovable. [4], In Hindu astronomy, there was an older tradition of 28 Nakshatras which were used as celestial markers in the heavens. But the 28 Nakshatra were chosen at a time when the Vedic month was recognised as having exactly 30 days. Whereas, a closed fist could indicate the negative side of this nakshatra which could mean someone who deploys their abilities to take advantage of people around them. Hasta is the 13 th nakshatra, in the zodiac consisting of 27 birth stars.

You will do some generous deeds. 1. Fortunately your birth star is ruled by a planet who is king of planetary cabinet. You may want to get into illegal business and bad habits may occupy your brain. Savitar’s productions are most wonderful. Financially, its a sound month. You will buy some new clothes and ornaments for your family members. Negative influence of this nakshatra can make a person a good gambler who is very skilled at playing cards or dice as both these games directly have something to do with the skillfulness of hands. The 28 mansions of the 360° lunar zodiac total 831 Muhurtas or 27.7 days. Will lead life very joyfully. Possessing leadership qualities, natives of Hasta nakshatra shine exceptionally in careers related to entrepreneurship and business. With their tendency towards reconciliation even opportunities based on mediating and settlement of disputes are good enough for him. Their names are related to a prominent star or asterisms in or near the respective sectors. Their names are related to a prominent star or asterisms in or near the respective sectors. personality. Exceptional sharpness, self control, faithfulness and strength of intellect are their other positive Savitar’s productions are most wonderful. Relation with friends, relatives and well-wishers may go wrong.

You will wear good clothes and ornaments. Nakshatra (Sanskrit: नक्षत्र, IAST: Nakṣatra) is the term for lunar mansion in Hindu astrology and Indian Astronomy. Malayalam Nakshatra Finder. [7], The following list of nakshatras gives the corresponding regions of sky, per Basham (1954).[8]. He has the Ability to Manifest what we are seeking and Place it our Hands. Your fairness and charm enthralls many people around you. To strengthen Hasta, worship of lord Surya is recommended. Deriving its power from the glitteringly powerful arena of 'Surya Deva' - the governing deity, Hasta nakshatra is ruled by the planetary power of moon. The presence of emotions make people with this nakshatra worthy of being trusted by family or close relations.

Hasta Nakshatra Monthly Predictions February 2021, Hasta Nakshatra Monthly Predictions March 2021, Hasta Nakshatra Monthly Predictions April 2021, Hasta Nakshatra 2020-2021 Predictions | Hastham Nakshatra Phalam, Auspicious days for Hasta Nakshatra natives in 2020 | Atham Nakshatra, हस्ता नक्षत्र फलम 2020-21 | हस्ता नक्षत्र भविष्य 2020-2021, Child Birth in Hasta Nakshatra (Hastham, Atham), Hindus push for public holiday on Diwali in Ontario, TTD's Sundarakanda Akhanda Parayanam from 3 November 2020, University of Sydney to “seriously” look into article in its paper ridiculing Hinduism, Hindus urge Malta Government to subsidize cremation abroad till crematorium is ready, Hindus ask for public holiday on Diwali in Réunion.

Journey towards west is on cards. Liquor sale from grocery shops proposed in Jharkhand, Liquor shops go on strike in Jharkhand, demand withdrawal of hiked excise duty. behavior and dealing. Family business problems can harm your fortune. Their names are related to a prominent star or asterisms in or near the respective sectors. Throughout the month, its happiness which occupies your heart and mind. You have a strong impact on people surrounding you but sometimes are abrupt in your communications with them. Fear of thieves will make you afraid of silly things. You prefer to be your own boss.

Besides being compatible to Revati and Bharani nakshatras, it is also compatible to Uttara Phalguni and Uttarabhadrapada nakshatras. Savitar, the ruling deity of Hasta, supports and promotes the creation of life and arts on various levels and passes these on to Hasta. 2. Depressions rules this month for you. They will face some irritations from brother or sister’s family. They are usually very calculative and disciplined in their approach and they do not like anything being done without paying attention to the details. Such people can find it extremely difficult to relate to people in all aspects of life. Each person has key elements in their horoscope that changes the nature of the nakshatra and hence it’s results for the person. The starting point for the nakshatras according to Vedas is "Kritika" (it has been argued because the Pleiades may have started the year at the time the Vedas were compiled, presumably at the vernal equinox), but, in more recent compilations, the start of the nakshatras list is the point on the ecliptic directly opposite to the star Spica called Chitrā in Sanskrit, which would be Ashvinī, an asterism that is part of the modern constellation Aries, and these compilations therefore may have been compiled during the centuries when the sun was passing through the area of the constellation Aries at the time of the vernal equinox.

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