halacha wedding night

Rashba (Torat Habayit Hakatzar 5a), Rosh (Niddah 10:2), Rambam (Isurei Biyah 11:8), Tur and Shulchan Aruch 193:1. If this is a technical problem (e.g., she is getting married in a city far from a mikveh), then it is permissible to immerse earlier but consideration must be given to the issue of dam chimud. The practice of taking a honeymoon immediately after the wedding isn't a proper practice because immediately after the wedding the woman is a niddah and it'll be hard to keep all of the laws of niddah. Badei Hashulchan sides with the Minchat Yitzchak. According to other opinions, she may immerse up to four days before the wedding and need not do any more bedikot before the wedding.

After the first biyah if a woman sees blood, even if it is hymenal blood, the halacha considers her to be tameh like every other niddah as a concern for regular niddah niddah. Further, if the couple continues to delay intercourse, there is a higher likelihood of the kallah’s becoming niddah before they have had relations. These bedikot should be done carefully and need not penetrate as deeply as those after marriage. Nitei Gavriel 48:37, HaNisuin Kihlichatam 5:17. A rabbi should be consulted. Lastly, the entire tumah of dam betulim is rabbinic and in a case of doubt we can apply the rule of safek derabbanan lkula.

However, I have a friend's wedding the same night, and I don't think it will be possible to go to the mikveh. The hymen is also somewhat stretchable. As the wedding approaches, the bride puts these laws into practice. Shulchan Aruch YD 179:2 and Rama EH 64:3 mention that the practice was to get married during the first half of the month. Therefore, doing a careful, gentle bedikah generally will NOT break the hymen. See the Rosh (Niddah 10:1) who writes that the reason for the stringency isn’t because of a concern of dam niddah because we could have attributed it to a wound. Incidentally, Rav Schachter himself got married in the second half of the month of Cheshvan. There is, however, an additional principle that affects the timing of her immersion. If there was blood after the first biyah, even if it was incomplete, and she was tameh, then after the second biyah if there's no blood she's tahora. Also, a woman whose hymen tore before her wedding would still be considered a betulah (virgin), as this term refers to never having had sexual intercourse and not to the status of the hymen. This is the approved revision of this page, as well as being the most recent. Additionally it may cause one to write. Physical intimacy can be understood as a new language through […]

Sdei Chemed Maarechet Chatan Vikallah Siman 23 writes that he got married during Elul and many of the gedolim were present. The Rosh Niddah 10:1, Rashba (Torat Habayit 5a), Ran (Shevuot 4b s.v. Advice for actual medical practice should be obtained from a licensed health care professional.

Because of the concern about dam chimud, a bride should count her seven blood-free days and immerse as close to the wedding as possible.

A man shouldn't intentionally try to only accomplish a partial biyah so that she doesn't become forbidden to him.

If the woman reached the age when it is normal for her to have a period she is only tahor for four nights. This is the approved revision of this page, as well as being the most recent. Moed Kattan 8b says אין מערבין שמחה בשמחה. If they are both unsure if they had a complete biyah and they didn't find blood if she didn't feel pain she is tahora. Yalkut Yosef (Sova Semachot 1:2:5). A page that appears 100% complete might actually be missing critical Jewish-law or medical information. He writes that common practice was to allow weddings during this time, and that he himself got married on the 6th of Tishrei.

However, in the Biurim s.v. Beitza 36b, S”A OC 339:4 and 524:1, and EH 64:5, Yalkut Yosef (Sova Semachot 1:2:8) write that one cannot get married on Shabbat or Yom Tov since a wedding involves a legal transaction that cannot be contracted on those days. To ensure that you view the pages accurately, ask the filtering service to whitelist all pages under yoatzot.org. Yalkut Yosef (Sova Semachot 1:2:6) writes that even though we hold like the second opinion in Shulchan Aruch that it is technically permitted, one should try to avoid getting married on a Motzaei Shabbat. However, Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (Halichot Shlomo 2: pg. As the wedding approaches, the bride puts these laws into practice. Dvar Halacha 3:17 agrees. It is permissible to get married on Purim. When I graduated high school, I went to seminary just like everyone else.

Igrot Moshe YD 1:87 is lenient. Shulchan Aruch 193:1 accepts the Rashba.

Thus, according to some halachic opinions, a bride who immerses earlier than the night before the wedding needs to do a bedikah on each intervening day to assure that bleeding has not occurred. While the Biur Halacha 560:2 s.v. It is merely meant as a siman beracha. In fact, Rav Hershel Schachter (Mipninei Harav pg. umistabra) agree. Taharat Habayit v. 1 p. 498 explains that the Rosh really to some degree accept the reason of dam niddah getting mixed into the dam betulim. Therefore, every bride, even if she is already past menopause, must count seven blood-free days and immerse in the mikveh prior to her wedding. Rambam Hilchot Ishut 10:14 based on Ketubot 5a forbids weddings on Friday or Sunday because this may lead to chilul shabbat.

Yalkut Yosef (Sova Semachot 1:2:8).

Chacham Ovadia Yabea Omer EH 6:7 writes that you can technically get married even during the day of a fast, but ideally should do it either the night before or the night after. Rav Betzalel Stern (Shu”t Bitzel Hachochma 2:60) writes that the name for the month has nothing to do with the word for bitter and, therefore, agrees that we need not be concerned. Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik felt that weddings should not be held on fast days (Nefesh HaRav, p. 196). It is forbidden to get married on Chol Hamoed because one may not intermingle two sources of rejoicing. If a couple had pre-marital sex (which is completely forbidden) there's no dam betulim. However, the Lechem Vsimla 193:1 points out that none of the poskim say that there’s a concern of dam betulim for a woman who was already married. Igrot Moshe YD 1:85, Badei Hashulchan 193:21. [1]. She performs a hefsek taharah, counts seven blood-free days, and immerses in […] Taharat Habayit v. 1 p. 510 writes that finding a ketem on a sheet immediately after tashmish if she had biya sheniya.

Shach 192:11. Additionally, the Rav Hai Goan (Shaarei Teshuva 168) writes that the dam betulim causes dam niddah to come out as well. It isn’t clear why the adult women have a stringency themselves and the blood isn’t attributed to blood from a wound. Even though the Hagahot Maimoniyot 11:1 quotes the Raavad as being lenient if she doesn’t find any blood, he also cites Rashi, Roke’ach, and Ramban as being strict.

One is immersion to exit the niddah status. Rama is lenient if there’s no blood and they only did haarah, which certainly includes the insertion of the crown. Badei Hashulchan 190:104 is concerned for the Sidrei Tahara that a ketem found immediately after tashmish or the bathroom is potentially deoritta and no kula’s of ketamim apply.

A woman who accepts a proposal of marriage is considered susceptible to bleeding from anticipation of the upcoming wedding (dam chimud). After the first biyah she is tameh as a regular niddah with all of the regular restrictions and need for a hefsek tahara, bedikot, and tevilah.

Furthermore, we're concerned that possibly the first time he didn't do a regular biyah and didn’t break the hymen, so if she sees blood she is tameh. Since you don’t believe that the time of the month you get married actually indicates anything for the future, you are not in violation of nichush. Shulchan Aruch OC 546:1, Mishna Brura 546:2, Yalkut Yosef (Sova Semachot 1:2:4).

I learned a … However, the Bet Yosef 193:1 explains that the Rambam and Rif understood Rav and Shmuel as only referring to a woman who already saw her period, whether she was a naarah or a bogeret.

Mazal tov on your upcoming wedding! Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz (. tinoket explains that we assume that the blood was hymenal blood (dam betulim) she is tahora. The bride must do a hefsek taharah, count seven blood-free days and immerse, as she is a niddah from previous menstruations even if years have passed since her last menses. The Night of the Wedding.

Women who have used tampons in the past often find it easier to do bedikot as the procedure is very similar. Users of Internet filtering services: This site discusses sensitive subjects that some services filter without visual indication.

If the couple didn’t complete the biyah and she didn’t find any blood, they must consult a rabbi. Yalkut Yosef (Sova Semachot 1:2:3) writes that although some acharonim (see Shu”t Lev Chaim 2:26) mention that you shouldn’t get married during this month as the name Marcheshvan comes from the word Mar, or bitter, one need not worry about that. One, if she doesn’t see her regular period afterwards she can begin her shiva nekiyim 4 days after the biyah and not 5 according to Ashkenazim who usually wait 5. Two, one of the regular harchakot is that the man may not sit on the woman’s bed even when she is not around. ↑ Sefer Hamiknah 64:3 says that although we hold that the concern of chilul Shabbat doesn’t apply to Sunday, it does on Motzaei Shabbat. Yalkut Yosef concludes that you can get married either on a Friday or a Sunday. Although this isn’t mentioned in the gemara, it is discussed in earlier rishonim (see Shu”t Ramban 283). Although Mateh Ephraim 602:5 and Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 130:4 write that since they are days of judgment one should avoid getting married then, Rav Dovid Tzvi Hoffman (Melamed Lehoil EH Siman 1) argues that the merit of getting married could help gain a favorable judgment. Badei Hashulchan 193:1 explains the Rosh as saying that since the hymen of an adult woman might have dried up if she still sees blood it might not be dam betulim. If at the second, third, or later time she sees blood she is tameh as a niddah, even if it is hymenal blood. For Advanced Torah Study Many kallot have concerns like yours. 36).

My tevilah night falls out this Thursday. Additionally, during the niddah days it is forbidden to take a romantic trip with your wife.

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