clytius greek mythology

One of the HELIADES 2, sons of Helius and Rhode 2. Chalciope 4.


One of the many daughters of Thespius and Megamede.

Chromia. He was killed by Jason [Val.6.550]. Chrysorthe was daughter of Orthopolis, son of Plemnaeus, son of King Peratus of Sicyon, son of Poseidon and Calchinia, daughter of Leucippus 5, son of Thurimachus, son of Aegyrus, son of Thelxion, son of Apis 2, son of Phoroneus, the first man [Pau.2.5.8].

A companion of Aeneas. Others have said, without mentioning her mother, that her father was Colontas [Apd.2.1.1; Pau.2.21.1, 2.35.4; Hyg.Fab.145]. Son of Dorus 3 and descendant of Agamemnon. Father of Dolops 1 [see ACHAEANS] [Hom.Il.11.302].

She also had another son Nesson [Hom.Il.2.670ff.

Clite 2.

Althepus to Antilochus

In The House of Hades, he was capable of holding his own against multiple opponents simultaneously, but was finally overwhelmed by most of the Seven battling him together, and killed by Hecate once agai… Son of Dionysus 2 and Ariadne after whom was named the district of Cerameicus in Athens [Pau.1.3.1]. Chromius 3.

Charopeia 2. Chthonius 5. Chloris 3 is the Mother of the flowers (Flora). He was son of Poseidon and Chrysogenia, daughter of Almus, and father of Minyas [Pau.9.36.4]. Male

Clytius: - Nov 03, 2020, Greek Mythology iOS Volume Purchase Program VPP for Education App. Chryses 4. Cleostratus had to be offered to a dragon (Dragon 4) which devastated Thespiae, a Boeotian city west of Thebes, but was saved by his lover Menestratus, who gave himself up to the dragon wearing a bronze corselet with the point of a fish-hook turned outwards on each of its plates. He was killed, along with most of his brothers, by the sons of Electryon 1 [see Mycenae, Alcmena and Amphitryon] [Apd.2.4.5-6].

He was killed by Messapus, an ally of Turnus, who opposed Aeneas [Vir.Aen.10.749]. This done, they died.

She was the daughter of Sicyon and Zeuxippe 3, daughter of Lamedon, son of Coronus 2, son of Apollo [Pau.2.6.6]. Cheirobie.

Helenus 1 succeeded Neoptolemus as king in Epirus, and on his own death Helenus 1 passed on the kingdom to his son Molossus. This page was last edited on 26 June 2020, at 12:26.

An ally of Aeneas in Italy and leader of the Ligurians [Vir.Aen.10.185].

He can only be killed with fire. Cinaethus.

Son of King Electryon 1 of Mycenae and Anaxo 1. Cerberus 3 is one of four brothers (the others being Laius 2, Celeus 2 and Aegolius) who entered the cave of Zeus in Crete in order to gather the honey of the sacred bees that had nourished the child Zeus after his birth. When he had done this Dionysus 2, out of gratitude to Charops 4, passed on the kingdom of the Thracians to him and instructed him in the secret rites connected with the initiations.

Defender of Thebes against the SEVEN. Ceto 1.

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; Hyg.Fab.121]. Pheraemon. Due to his black shadow robe, usually only his bright eyes are visible. Cleochus 2. King of the Minyan Orchomenians after Orchomenus 5.

Height Father of Peiraeus 1, friend of Telemachus [Hom.Od.15.540. Chryseis 3 is mother, either by Agamemnon or by Apollo, of Chryses 4 [see also Trojan War, Agamemnon, Achilles, Briseis and Orestes 2] [Aes.Aga.1439; CYP.1; Hom.Il.1. Brother of Clytius 10 who was in the court of Cepheus 1 at the moment of the fight between Phineus 1 and Perseus 1. Clytius, as the bane and opposite of Hecate, has a number of powerful and unique abilities though the extent of his power is still unknown : 1.

He is the father of Caletor 2 [see TROJANS] and Proclia [Apd.3.12.3; Hom.Il.3.147, 15.419; Pau.10.14.2]. Daughter of Atlas and Pleione or of Atlas and Aethra 1, one of the OCEANIDS; but she could also be the daughter of Hyas and Boeotia [Hes.Ast.2; Hyg.Ast.2.21; Hyg.Fab.192]. Her children by him should have been: Apis 2, Niobe 1, Car, Chthonia 2, Clymenus 7, Sparton 2, Europs 2, and Lyrcus 2 [Apd.2.1.1; Hyg.Fab.145; Parth.1.1; Pau.1.39.5, 2.16.4, 2.34.4, 2.35.4]. Son of Heracles 1 and a female slave (Woman 13 Slave) [Dio.4.31.8]. Cletor.

Daughter of Boreas 1 [see WINDS] and Orithyia 2, daughter of King Erechtheus of Athens. Yet some have said that he insulted the NYMPHS and was changed by them into a beetle. Cleopus gathered men from all the cities of Ionia and let them settle among the Erythraeans [see also Cnopus] [Pau.7.3.7].

Cleson. Chaetus. Clite 4. Cleophyle. According to the people of Megara the corpse of Athamas 1's wife Ino was cast up on their coast.

Charillus was son of Polydectes 2, son of Eunomus 2, son of Prytanis 2, son of Eurypon, son of Sous, son of Procles 2, son of Aristodemus, son of Aristomachus 2, son of Cleodaeus 2, son of Hyllus 1, son of Heracles 1 [Pau.3.7.3]. Cinyras 2. Choose the design that fits your site.

He is also remembered for having given a bowl with engraved figures to Anchises 1 [Apd.3.12.5; Hom.Il.6.300; Vir.Aen.5.537]. For whole days she tasted neither food nos drink and stood on the same spot on the groud, turning her face towards the sun.

See if you can get into the grid Hall of Fame ! Clonus, son of Eurytus 11, is he who made the belt of Pallas 6 which was taken by Turnus, the man who opposed Aeneas in Italy, for spoils [Vir.Aen.10.499]. Daughter of King Laomedon 1 of Troy; her mother was either Strymo, Leucippe 2, or Placia [Apd.3.12.3]. A Cretan who won a prize singing a hymn to Apollo. Father of Aria, one of the girls who consorted with Apollo [Apd.3.1.2]. Daughter of King Erechtheus of Athens and Praxithea 4. Clytius (Template:Lang-el) is the name of many people in Greek mythology: A son of Laomedon, brother of Priam, and an elder of Troy.

She was especially associated with witchcraft, magic, the Moon, doorways, and creatures of the night such as hell-hounds and ghosts. Charillus. Son of Aeolus 1 and father of Ormenus 3, father of Amyntor 1, father of Phoenix 2, the man who followed Achilles to Troy [Strab.9.5.18]. Blue (cold as diamonds)

One of the sons of Aegyptus 1 [see DANAIDS] [Apd.2.1.5]. When he returned home he attempted to introduce this custom, but Apollo, who was only pleased by the sacrifice of asses in the land of the Hyperboreans and nowhere else, threatened him and asked him to desist, which he did. A distinguished Spartan who was sent to Crete by Alcamenes, king of the Lacedaemonians, in order to put down the civil strife among the Cretans. CERASTAE. And she is mother, by Iasus 1, of Atalanta [Apd.3.9.2; Arg.1.45, 1.234; Hes.CWE.84; Pau.10.29.6].

Son of Heracles 1 and Argele, one of the many daughters of Thespius [Apd.2.7.8]. The first lot fell on Periboea 6 and Cleopatra 6, and after their deaths others were sent [Apd.Ep.6.20-21]. Detail of Hecate battling the giant Clytius from a painting of the Gigantomachia (War of the Giants).

[1] By Laothoe, [2] he was the father of Caletor, [3] Procleia [4] and Pronoe or Pronome, of whom the latter was the mother of Polydamas by Panthous. A Coan who wounded Heracles 1 in battle [Apd.2.7.1]. Charopus is, by the Nymph Aglaia 4, the father of Nireus 2, who led the people of Syme (a small island between Caria and Rhodes) against Troy. Defender of Thebes against the SEVEN. Chrysothemis 2 is the mother of Parthenos, either by Apollo or by Staphylus 1, son of Ariadne. Clarus.

Imrė Trenčeni-Valdapfelis (1972).

Cerambus is one of those who escaped Deucalion 1's Flood undrowned, since he was borne up into the air on wings by the NYMPHS. She was the Cretan goddess whom Greek mythology adapted as the goddess of childbirth and midwiving. The youngest daughter of Amphion 1 and Niobe 2.

Chrysogenia. Hermes touched her face with his sleep-compelling wand and then made love to her. Clytaemnestra's Minstrel. Clytius 5. Brother of Clanis 2 who was in the court of Cepheus 1 at the moment of the fight between Phineus 1 and Perseus 1. Clanis 2 was killed by Perseus 1 [Ov.Met.5.139].

His mother was Arsinoe 1, daughter of Phegeus 1, son of Alpheus, one of the RIVER GODS [Pau.6.17.6). See BESTIARY, Underworld, Hades, Heracles 1 and HERACLES 1'S LABOURS. Clisidice. 2) A young soldier in the army of Turnus who was loved by Cydon in Virgil's Aeneid, and was killed by Aeneas.

An Atlantian, daughter of Evenor 4 and Leucippe 6. Clite 2 hung herself when she learned of her husband's death [AO.600; Arg.1.975, 1.1063; Parth.28.1-2; Val.3.314]. Chryseis 2. Polytechnos who, having lost, felt disappointed, came to Pandareus saying that Aedon had sent him to bring her sister Chelidon to Colophon. ○   Anagrams But Archelaus 5, who is counted among the HERACLIDES, killed Cisseus 4 instead [Hyg.Fab.219]. But others say that Chrysippus 2 was in fact murdered by Atreus and Thyestes 1, at the instigation of their mother; and still others say that Pelops 1 recovered him through war [Apd.3.5.5; Hyg.Fab.85; Plu.PS.33].

A different character of the same name was an Argonaut, who took part in the Argonautic Expedition in the effort to retrieve the mythical Golden Fleece; he was killed by King Aeetes.

Clytius (Greek: Κλυτίος, also spelled Klythios, Klytios, Clytios, and Klytius) is the name of multiple people in Greek mythology: To these can be added several figures not mentioned in extant literary sources and only known from various vase paintings:[26][27], This entry is from Wikipedia, the leading user-contributed encyclopedia.

He was slain by Amphiaraus [Stat.Theb.7.714]. She was married to Butes 2, brother of Erechtheus [Apd.3.15.1; Hyg.Fab.46, 238; Plu.PS.20]. The ferryman in the Underworld [see Underworld and Map of the Underworld] [Eur.Her.432; Pau.10.28.2; Vir.Aen.6.299]. However, Nauplius 1 wedded her and she gave birth to Palamedes, Oeax, Nausimedon, and Proetus 4 [Apd.2.1.5, 3.2.2; Apd.Ep.6.8; Arg.1.136]. He was defeated and killed in battle by Amphitryon. Their daughter Polydora 3 is also remembered for having died after her husband Protesilaus' death; he is one of the ACHAEAN LEADERS. Chalciope 2 (Iophossa).

Later Charops 4's son Oeagrus took over both the kingdom and the initiatory rites. Son of Aeolus 2 and Cyane 2 (daughter of Liparus, son of Auson, king in Italy) and lord of Sicily [Dio.5.8.1]. Behind the scenes Cerambus to Clytodora. Father of Callithea, mother of King Lydus [see also Croesus] [DH.1.27.2]. Chromis 5 is one of the Thebans who, at the time of the war of the SEVEN AGAINST THEBES, laid an ambush for Tydeus 2 when he returned from Thebes, but was killed by him. Chalciope 3 consorted with Heracles 1 and had a son Thettalus [Apd.2.7.8; Plu.GQ.58].

He was killed in battle against the Curetes [see also Meleager] [Apd.1.8.1; Hes.CWE.98; Lib.Met.2.

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