cher and josh fanfiction

If I ever catch the two of you doing either of those or you disrepect my daughter in anyway, you'll wish you were in Logan's shoes tomorrow. We'll take it. Hey! A surge of arousal flew throughout Maya and she had resist moaning by biting her lip.

Josh knew he shouldn't be thinking about her like this. Then again, the white t-shirt she’s wearing is Calvin Klein, and Tai didn’t even know who Calvin Klein was when she came to Beverly Hills.

Claire hands her a pair of jeans that are at least a size too big and are made by some brand called Wrangler. Hope you enjoy! Mel listened to them giggle.

Josh/Cher ship was until a couple of years ago when I really thought about the fact that she was only 16 and he was in college (though a freshman), and that some people might have an issue with the whole ex step-sibling thing. It's a good thing she didn't bring her dates home that often.

“I talked to Tai about it, actually.

I just… came back.

What 50s movie was this dude pulled out from? "Dad, I can't answer the door!

I will have a talk with him tomorrow. (collapse), tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. "Then he can wait outside," Mel said bluntly. ", "Since Tai wanted me to fix the two of them up. She’s still sixteen a few months later when he’s her date to a wedding—and this feels so adult that she squirms a little in her chair when she thinks about it in the driver’s ed course Daddy forces her to sit through that summer.

“Besides, we’re getting married.

“Do that again,” she murmurs, and she hears Josh chuckle as he smoothes her hair between his fingers. That’s hardly fair.” Josh smirks.

", "Any way, I told her she wasn't a dumb kid.

She wouldn't get that he needs someone to laugh at his jokes, help him dress like a lawyer, and listen when his mother and step-father bug him.

Josh wanted to cheer for Mel at that moment.

She tentatively opens the other eye and tries to lift herself up on one elbow, but her arms are shaky and she falls back to her pillow with an oomph. she asked sweetly. “Why aren’t you in DC?”. They have to use Instant Messenger to keep in touch while they study. Josh reaches up to rub the back of his neck self-consciously.

Logan said that if I hadn't been flirting with the dumb kid then she wouldn't have been bothering him. Cher stares at him for a full minute, in which it feels like a slow motion replay of the words “in London” echoes over and over in her brain. ", "You have to quit looking so adorable besides you were really cool about the whole thing.

His daughter had always said she didn't want to care and maintain a high school boy. Cher's dad mentions that he hasn't seen him since Easter. !~~ **also the talking lines are the exact words they said that I just copied and pasted from the script online**

That I’d want to move to, anyway?”, “Josh!” Cher stamps her foot, hard, and the impact of her heel against the concrete of the floor makes her wince.

Josh smiled and continued to play with her hair. "Go and put something over it.". "Maybe Cher and Dionne go into business together," she reveals. Must be in the blood, he thought with a chuckle. The fact that she’s been planning their wedding since she was sixteen is something she’ll tell him later.

“Are you okay?” Josh grabs her arm and pulls her away. It appeared to be a biography on the Supreme Court justices. Weren’t you going to ask me something?”, Josh laughs. This didn't seem to face this guy. Cher scowls.

You're the son I never had. She leans up and kisses him.

She can’t say it.

She was as beautiful as everyone thought, especially in that little white dress. “I came back early. “Mnpnmh,” she says, turning her face into the pillow. Cher pushes him off her and jumps up, shouting, “This is Dolce & Gabbana, you jerk! Nice going, he thought to himself as Cher walked out with Christian.

She’s still sixteen a few months later when he’s her date to a wedding—and this feels so adult that she squirms a little in her chair when she thinks about it in the driver’s ed course Daddy forces her to sit through that summer.. She’s seventeen when he takes her to a party in Westwood with his UCLA friends. “You’re amazing, Cher. She had even TiVo’d Josh’s one interview, with a bubbly female correspondent who didn’t know how to pronounce “environment”.

In sickness and in health, right?”. (But it’s okay, because Cher is hopeless with a computer and although Josh forced her to learn to type sixty words per minute, she’d rather turn in handwritten assignments. The guy, Christian, tried to follow her, but Mel pointed at him. "We were talking afterwards, and I don't know I kissed him. “Are you going to take it?”, Josh sighs, and it sounds like he’s been holding it in for days. The two tenth graders had decided to meet their friends over at Topanga's before heading out to go play in the snow, like their inner children wanted.

Your review has been posted. Movie: Clueless Couple: Cher Horowitz and Josh Lucas Songs: Christina Perri - Thousand years part 2 ; Aerosmith - Crazy

Cher is trying to keep from coughing in Josh’s face and he’s trying to move blankets and sheets when she suddenly stills. What’s yours is mine, and what’s mine is yours, right? I’m miserable. “How long have you been sick?” He puts his paperwork on the nightstand and slides down a bit into the pillows. You two will be staying out of each other's bedrooms, as well. This will be my first Clueless story. seagrey, bookishwitchling, sittinginthepark, Spidey_Baby, SAUniraptor, clear_has_an_account_now, Multifan_123, gael_itarille, coffeetryvedi, Scribblings, cessy, ZyrahUniqueLikeABlackRose, loubuttons, yoonggggi, cupstealer, bytter, Sheepdog20, Delago1965, ChocolateMonkies, Boomer1125, CazIsDead, Readingftw, whatwasright, thatspacegay, NikaDeer, Harmony4ever, kensington_queen, heartsinhay, halfblindpilots, Chelnah_the_Egghead, Fiftyscenes, christah88, allstar_pie0, vundervooman, hamistasty, TXVII, Mae2d2, alesana45, AcidWashed77, leafykeen, Reading_hands, hobama4life, bazwal, wheelocks_latin, HiddnDagger, Abbcnn, StarbucksMartha, LalaRose27, starshollowct, the_stars_fight_against_us, Kaylah_hart, dinonuggetz, cornflakegirl, FrostedGemstones22, truckloadoffrogs, NaomiGnome, Lune_qui_vit_dans_ses_Reves, alittlehurricane, rarawhit, kamauno, Split_Syllables, literati_lover, acidicgreylady, windfola, tash_xo, Mnemeosyne, 22Nelle22, SadieFlood, Rebeca, 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